You underestimate Blizzard’s fetish for unnecessarily blowing up cities for shock value.
It’s just smoke and mirrors anyway. If you ever got the chance to blow it up, the bombs would just fall through the map.
Silvermoon is technically half ruins, it would be pointless to blow it up, even from a narrative point.
Lordaeron got hit with canon fire, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be in ruins forever. The Blight will linger yeah, but after Shadowlands, we may see that Blight gone, Lordaeron might be all good by then, and we might see the world face some repair.
I don’t so much advocate for avoiding high elves as I do focusing on velves, they are a new chapter in thalassian history on their own.
Having some common customization options like blue eyes and blonde hair is ok, not really a big deal, it’s the thinking high elves should have a slot in character select that concerns me.
Maghar players get along fine pretending to be from outland, Tauren can pretend to be Grimtotems, Dwarves can pretend to be Wildhammers.
It’s an incredibly niche thing, and the pain points should be solved with customization, but there’s still that crowd that it’s not enough for.
I admire your faith in such a thing. It’s been 15 years and the only way they have updated anything is…just to destroy it again.
Thank about it. The ruined half of Silvermoon might be repaired, we might see something like a bridge to unify the Barrens, giving a point of contact between the Northern and Southern barrens, with neutral guards to occupy it. We might see a bridge of brambles or something to allow ground-passage between the Northern and Southern barrens.
Places ruined by the Cataclysm might be repaired.
Gnomeregan though would stay irradiated! After Thermaplugg’s radiation leak, it’ll be long past our deaths before that city gets clean enough to retake again!
Oh boy, it’s another “I’m already a high elf and you’re not” dissertation.
Unifying the barrens could be an issue, Alliance still maintain Northwatch and reclaimed a lot of their territory there after Garrosh sacked it all on his way to Theramore.
And given Anduin is MIA and replaced by Turalyon until further notice as leader of The Alliance in SL, I doubt he’s giving it back.
Everything you said here makes perfect sense to me.
I think everyone saying we only wanted High Elves for their appearance–and how our excitement for the new Void Elf customization is proof of that–should realize that this is just our best means of recreating Helves, just like Wildhammer fans have to accept BB Dwarf customization as their means of recreating the respective clans/races.
I’m sure though, at the end of the day, Wildhammer, Sandfury fans and High Elf fans would all rather their own Allied Race over this.
This post was funny af and won the thread
Your entire post is just sour grapes to rationalize this as some sort of “win” on your side and a “loss” on ours. Kind of like Fyrebusche’s meltdown thread where she tried to drum up support to change all High Elf NPC eyes to gold. Or the current post that’s trying to get all High Elves turned into Void Elves. But you know… only the pro-helfers spam thread after thread about High Elves…
Let me clue you in Lydon, this was an actual compromise, whereas the original implementation of Void Elves was not. And it’s a compromise many of us can accept. So both sides “win” and “lose” with this result (like any good compromise). I get to play my High Elves, and you get to see the topic of a High Elf allied race lose the bulk of its steam on the forums (barring a few inevitable hold outs obviously).
Blizzard said they are adding more customization so we can make our characters the way we want them to be, such that we can make a Wildhammer Dwarf out of a Dwarf. If that same intent also applies to Void Elves (and I think it’s fair to assume it does), then would that not mean that Blizzard wants us to be able to make our Alliance High Elf characters out of Void Elves? They certainly seem to be giving us the tools to do so and we haven’t even seen everything yet.
The entire Shadowlands customization overhaul runs contrary to the notion of a single identity for each race and I personally don’t think it’s fair for any race to get pigeonholed into a single identity when everyone else is being given relative carte blanche to be what they want to be.
Oh and just in case you didn’t realize it… Void Elves have had blue eyes since day one and a recent alpha build made the new blue eye options Void Elves and Blood Elves are getting identical. You’re crowing about High Elves not working, when I see this as an admission they very well would have had Blizzard not become so enamored by Alleria’s arc on Argus that they shifted gears and went with Void Elves instead, believing that the Blood Elf model + “rule of cool” void themes would appease those asking for Alliance High Elves. It didn’t and Blizzard saw that for two years.
So this compromise was, in my opinion, Blizzard’s attempt to give those seeking Alliance High Elves a way to make the character they wanted, with the least amount of time and resource investment, and without tying up another race slot with yet another Thalassian elf, which they would then also have had to do a Horde counterpart.
The trend seems obvious to me. Blizzard is shifting racial identity into customization options rather than bloating the race selection interface with reskin after reskin that have only very few options. It’s the same reason Wildhammer Dwarves are going to be customization options rather than an allied race… but of course I don’t see you making a topic called “Why Wildhammer Dwarves Didn’t Work - A Retrospective”.
They seem to have agreed with players that pointed out that Lightforged Draenei and Highmountain Tauren could have been simple customization options instead of full fledged allied races, and I suspect that any future allied races will be more like Vulpera and Kul Tirans in that they will not be simple derivatives of an existing core race. Vulpera may use a modified Goblin rig, but their entire background is unrelated and they have unique animations and aesthetics.
So you can say “High Elves didn’t work” all you like… and I’ll be enjoying playing my High Elves in Shadowlands
. (in before “those are void elves fam”).
EDIT: Also… you might have wanted to wait until after we see exactly what Void Elves get in Shadowlands pre-patch before making this post. I have a feeling its going to be more than just skin tones… but hey, I could be wrong.
We however have rational thought. And if an ingame character like Alleria can consider herself however she wants, any of player made characters can do the same.
When you think about it Void Elves were always High Elves just without the classic look. They’re just an offshoot of Blood Elves which we all know are High Elves, only now the voided ones can have fair skin and blue eyes. We could consider them High Elves just as much as we still consider LF Draenei… well, Draenei.
The entire point of creating Void Elves has been backtracked hard. They’re even more of a copy/paste of Blood Elves now that they share a ton of options, they just have different hair styles and racials, which is exactly what Helfers have campaigned for.
Personally if I were Blizz I still would’ve went with Half Elves.
The majority of the postings have been helfers complaining they want to take away void elf options and make them more like high elves including taking more of our blood elf appearances.
I’d not pay much attention to the one or two salty helfers who can’t deal with our views being voiced.
Most of the helfers have been polite…it’s only 2 or 3 that can’t be nice.
You speak the truth, sister!
Well for those who still keep saying that Blood Elves aren’t high elves…it doesn’t make much sense for them to claim that Void Elves are high elves. It’s contradicting themselves.
I realize that’s not what you’re saying, but you can see other helfers are still trying to make that claim.
Unless blizz changes the lore that I’ve understood Void Elves were mutated and are technically no longer blood or high elves, but I dont’ think that matters much because the character screen says Void Elf.
If I wasn’t so lazy I’d go back and checked to see which helfers used to argue that they couldn’t accept Void Elves as a ‘compromise’ because the character selection screen states ‘Void Elf’. And High Elves would never have considered touching the Void, only Blood Elves would do such a horrible thing.
If you believe that then I’m going to guess you also believe that Void Elves are clearly not high elves since they have ‘Void Elf’ written under their name and will not have 'High Elf.
But we arent a WoW NPC.
Alleria isnt a real person, she can only consider herself how the writers consider her. If the writers wanted her to identify as a blueberry muffin, then shes a blueberry muffin.
These characters dont think. They arent cognitive beings. They are just cardboard cutouts made to add background to a video game.
Thats why your point of “the characters dont think in X” is bad, because the characters dont think at all. They are written by writers and game developers who DO think in X.
And? For RP purposes this gives us carte blanche to think of our characters the way we want without violating any lore of WoW!
We write our own story for rp. And if I want to considering my toon as a high elf who learned a trick or two from void elves but dont consider herself/himself a void elf then that as “realistic” as any other way people see their toons!
There is no lore being violated and for all intents and purposes it means it is something that could happen in Warcraft setting.
Our characters are PC however and good rp general require we work inside the parameter of a setting. And now the devs. have just said the parameters allows a void elf to still consider themself a high elf.
Pot meet kettle.