Why High Elves Didn't Work - A Restrospective

We in fact dealt with one of our own last night.

However, in context, they (that small vocal group) lined up to call this person spiteful just for his opinion. An opinion which was appropriately shared, only wasn’t one that they liked. And proceeded to attack the person I was talking with.

We could also treat it like a covenant. The high elfs went to the void elfs and joined the cause with them under the void elf banner like a covenant. As you said until stated otherwise all skins for dwarfs are bronze beard dwarfs and all skins for trolls are darkspear regardless if they are sand troll skin. Because theyve not come out and said otherwise.

Or if you look at lines from the Vold Elf unlock quest after you defeat the Nexus Price, Umbric says this:

Magister Umbric says: Silvermoon turned its back on us long ago. Today we are reborn… and it is fitting that we walk a new path. From this day forth, the Alliance has our loyalty.

“Today we are reborn”
“We walk a new path”

If you ask me, this is very similar to the language referred to by Kaelthas when he renamed his people to the blood elves. A rebirth, a new path, a new calling.

So if the words of Umbric have merit, those convicted to the rendorei see themselves as rendorei and not of their previous paths. If you disagree with that Zerde, doesnt this also mean that blood elves could still view themselves as high elves?

Overall to me, they are rendorei. Sin’dorei are sin’dorei.

And? I saw a Tuskar in Boralus, does that mean they are part of the Alliance and dealing with the politics of the Alliance?

All we know about the high elf wayfarers and the Silvermoon scholars are the quotes:

“We need no longer fear exile for the pursuit of knowledge. A path long denied to us is open at last.”

Which seems more like knowledge seekers than joining the ren’dorei (at this point in time). The issue is that since the ren’dorei came from a unique incident…there is no way to replicate the process at the moment.

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Nope, saying someone is behaving like a brat is not spiteful, especially when they’re clearly behaving like one.

If you agree with prancing around calling out people who want to RP as a high elf, whether they’re void elves or blood elves, you are behaving like a petty spoiled brat for no reason. And that, bro, is spite.

Great, they’re still not called high elves though. Lor’Themar does not walk around silvermoon greeting his people as high elves.

The only high elves that are actually called the literal term “high elf” are alliance or inhabitants of Dalaran.

You’re more okay with something.
I am more okay with eating tomatoes than eating crackers. I don’t like either foods but if I had to choose it would be tomatoes.

Class dismissed.

And the pros prolly do the same. Not everyone can be moderated nor should they. All opinions on both sides hold merit to some. As to others they don’t.

Okay, but they don’t usually and the one’s in here definitely aren’t. Just look up one post from your post. Some of them even came in here to complain about the spam, while they had 4 active threads. You going to say anything to them?

Enjoy claiming that “rational middle ground”.


Oh yes I absolutely agree, it is trolling yet people are arguing against me for pointing it out.
It’s the same 1-2 people who see my name, then proceed to argue with me over things completely off topic, just because our opinions on high elves aren’t the same.

So far Alleria has not acted monsterous nor is she destined to end up one. Horde player like to think Alliance will go off the deepened so far most have escaped the villain bat and I think so will Alleria.

I’m glad you can look up my threads I dont hide any thing. I’m polite most of the time.

Notice how I’m being straightforward in this post but you want to bring up another post.

You don’t know what they usually do.

Yoi can see how your side reacts and how they react.
Both sides react in the same way bring petty and mad at each other.
Kind of how you are to me when I’m trying to be reasonable.

I’m not here to monitor anyone.
I dont care what people say. I’m just pointing out the fallacy in the argument you see making.

found the problem…

But to be a bit more serious, give alliance high elves…say they are traitors/rebelscum to Qual’thalas, Silvermoon, Lorethemar’s regency, etc…and be done with the whining.

(one other thing give Horde Man’ari… in exchange)

I didn’t.

Your post was about posts generally and I referred to one such posts, the post just before yours. Not your post history.

You’re pretty reactive yourself.

Then why are you?


You after all you addressed me and complained about me being one sided. If you aren’t here to monitor people, then don’t. But since you are, practice what you preach.

Because I felt like calling out the fallacy of your argument.

It’s the type of argument that suits your cause only with only giving half truths.

Which is a bad argument.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Only 2 of the npc bosses in those visions have been void touched in the current timeline. She’s being set up to take the throne and be the big baddie.

Which is what you are doing yourself.

At any time in which you wish to compare an individual’s behavior to that of a child because you disagree with them is an act of contempt and spite. You don’t suddenly not become spiteful.

Great, and that doesn’t matter. If we are discussing purely what they are, then they are indeed the high elf people. Only they choose to use an honorific title, rather than the original one.

That means its still okay.
If you’re trying to educate someone on being wrong, make sure you’re not demonstrating a lesson on why you are wrong.


I think Alleria will end up resisting and proving the void is not in fact pure evil.

All opinions are valid yes, however,

One is on making high elves playable for people who want to play high elves, the ones that we’ve been exposed to in the alliance for the last 5 expansions.

The other is on based on hindering or preventing these high elves from being playable, due to some twisted sense of entitlement over high elves through blood elves.

They do not hold the same merit, one is positive, the other is inherently spiteful and negative.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but to say that an opinion cannot be bad just because it’s an opinion is a fallacy.

That is not to say that I believe every nay-sayer is a vile spiteful monster like some claim I think. Many people who don’t want playable high elves are just tired of seeing elves, which is relatable to some extent since we have 4 playable elf races.
I believe these people are completely separate from “antis” though, since antis make it some kind of crusade to prevent playable high elves from happening. When they could be doing something else like perhaps asking for new customizations they’d like and stuff instead of being spiteful.

No, because I’m speaking about your argument only. Not some one else’s. That’s pretty simple.

People are typing.

It depends on how you define High Elf:

If by that term you mean Thalassian Elves as a whole (the descendants of the Exiled Highborne led by Dath’Remar Sunstrider), then Blood Elves and Void Elves have worked very well. Some might say too well.

If by that term you mean the Quel’dorei that refused to drain life and stayed with the Alliance (those in the Kirin Tor, Silver Covenant, High Elf Fartstrider lodges, Allerian Stronghold, etc.), it has worked great as NPCs and ‘didn’t’ work as player characters because Blizzard never tried that.

How can you state that something didn’t work when it was never attempted?

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