đŸš« Why High Elves are a bad idea

actually that is the darkest skin tone for high elves in game. they go paler than that.


Void elves = Blood elves = High elves = Highborne = Night elves = Dark trolls.

Alliance has trolls.

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I feel like the definition of “race” is beyond you.

based on what evidence? and how can you go any paler then that

by literally going in the wowhead model viewer and looking at their skins.

oh so its not a lore reason :wink:

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Gee I can only wonder why this is

“Why High Elves are a bad idea?”

 More like “Why this thread is a waste of time” when we have 2 megathreads going on High Elves right now.

TBH, with the state of the game, the last thing on my mind is how bad adding any Allied Race would be. We have some real fish to fry people and Allied Races aren’t it.


No, but that’s not we, pro-HEs, are asking for. You would have known that if you actually cared to read one or two posts about what we really want instead of assuming we want a carbon copy of Blood Elves on the Alliance.

Also, people please report this thread as SPAM, let’s all stick to the other thread, thank you.

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why should alliance get a core horde race? especially when you consider that 9/10 of all living high elves are now blood elves

i just dont see blizzard giving alliance playable high elves. thats why they got the blueberries instead as a compromise

Answer is here:


why would you quote a post that literally does not answer my question of why alliance should get a core horde race :smile:

Perhaps because we’re not requesting an Horde race.


pale fair skinned elves are blood elves. high elves are blood elves. alliance cant have a core horde race thats why you got the blueberries

Why was it okay for the Horde to get a core Alliance race with the Blood Elves?

Seriously, answer that question.


You had to revive this thread didn’t you? Then ironically you ask why people call you a troll.


because the elves left the alliance and joined the horde willingly? :woman_shrugging:

i mean if you wanted better race relations you shouldnt have let a racist(garithos) work with us who eventually tried to kill our prince

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Again, you’re wrong. 9/10 Survivors of the Fall of Quel’Thalas became Blood Elves. High Elves outside of Quel’Thalas, such as the evacuated Kingdom of Dalaran, have never been given a population figure.

“Led by the death knight Arthas, a Scourge army stormed into Quel’Thalas, slaughtering almost ninety percent of the kingdom’s population.”


youre right i was giving alliance elf population WAY too much credit. in actuality only a few elves chose to stay with the alliance after quelthalas chose to sever relations completely( a couple priests and maybe some mages in the kirin tor who only cared about magic anyway)

those are the 3 npcs you see in the game. hardly worthy of a race spot let alone just a copy paste of an existing core horde race

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Purple skinned Elves are Night Elves. Horde can’t have a core Alliance race, that’s why Horge got the Purple skinned Nightborne Elves

Furry humanoids are Worgen. Horde can’t have a core Alliance race, that’s why Horde are geting the furry humanoid Vulpera

Something wrong isn’t right.

Nice flaw logic, mate.

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