Why High Elf Options for Void Elves isn't bad at all or atleast another route to end the debate

The ultimate example of “We don’t care about the lore, this is just about gameplay”

The thing is that it’s also unfathomably silly that in a game about political affiliation, when we have literally seen groups adhere to either side because ideology/politics, saying “Stop asking a Horde race” is considered anything but an argument that goes against the lore of the game itself.

To propose your ideologies and politics HAVE to be in line your racial designation is silly; to pretend that is true in WoW even is as much.

Tis’ a gameplay issue, nothing more.


I hope they add HE customizations to void elves, like blue eyes and human skin tones.


If that happened, all we’d have to worry about would be the people that want to be a high elf paladin, and how much noise can they male?

There would be peace!!

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I’m not sure how long this Thread will last because other thread has just been released. So it was worth a try.

But atleast in my opinion. I wouldn’t care ether way. I just want different theme elven race on the Alliance side that is Half Void Infused Alleria High Elves or Half Elves that look like Half Blooded Humans. XD


In any case, as always, I would be on board with Half Elves if we are never gonna get High Elves.

As long as they are the continuation of the High Elf storyline, I’m game -specially if they are like the Silver Covenant made playable and it simply turns out that already a lot of them were Half Elves heheh-


There is a topic started on Half Elves.

Should they give alliance high elves? Yes
Will they? No
If they did, rip the horde population as i think like 40% or something of the horde is blood elves.

No. Void elves are meant to showcase corruption. They are not meant to be pure, nor have regular skin tones. It’s not gonna happen.


I guess we are just gonna ignore Alleria Windrunner


Alleria is a progenitor character, who follows different rules aesthetically, and mechanically. Just like Anduin who is a priest with warrior abilities, and Illidan who is in constant metamorphosis. That doesn’t work.

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Stating the obvious…but maybe some people just don’t know.

They are wise sometimes

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Yet no one is asking for permanent metamorphosis like they are high elves.

People have been asking and wanting high elves ever since classic came out. Blizzard has full ability to do this, they just refuse to, blizzard even has the ability to give void elves an option to turn into normal form outside of combat like worgen have but with purple eyes, and THAT would make i would say close to the majority of people happy who want high elves. But they are not going to.

My opinion is they dont want to give alliance a high elf option or pale skin void elf option because it would screw over the horde population so much.

Who cares!? You don’t get to change the rules just because you want something. End of discussion.

Yeah it would be a pretty big move to take the biggest appeal of one faction and give it to the other.
If it wasn’t for some near 20 year old game, the idea of that happening would be laughable.

Everyone asking for high elves, thats who cares, there is a thread that has over 2.9k replies to it, im sure the majority of them care.

Well its the most requested race for the alliance for the last 10+ years so i mean, yeah its laughable that blizzard has the ability to do it but refuses to. But hey if the rumors are true about the next exp, we wont need to worry about it for long since factions barriers are going to be dissolved. Which if thats the case thats gonna make majority of these threads moot.

Which has never mattered before, and will not matter still. People have been asking for high elves since BC. It’s not going to happen. Blizzard made the decision back then, and it retains itself now that the high elf fantasy belongs to the Horde. 20 or 30 people constantly upvoting one another isn’t gonna change that.


Blizzard also decided to kill illidan and they went back on that.

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Pre TBC I can give you, post TBC they are a Horde race and the Alliance lost all claim to them.

I dont know the rumours you’re speaking of but at Blizzcon Ion basically said factions are key to wow and they never want to blur those lines.
With Ion in charge it will never happen.

And they did that by adding blue Blood Elves on Alliance side?