Why High Elf Options for Void Elves isn't bad at all or atleast another route to end the debate

Ok seeing as how High Elf Threads don’t last this long for a number of the reasons. I have to decided to do two things now to end the Debate of High Elves.

Keep in mind this is just atleast my idea and I’m not a Super Hater of Alliance High Elves. Of course I would love to have a Different Color Original Skin Elven Race that is different in theme than having the same Dark Elf Theme that has been done to death two times on the Alliance Faction. But seeing as how little options I and others have. I decided to do atleast two things to bring the Actually High Elf Fantasy into the Alliance without being forced to play Blood Elves. Believe me forcing people to play races that they didn’t request for isn’t really good gameplay nor good customer/fan support.

So let’s get to it.

The Half Elf Race Idea: Now this has been very controversial because of few things. One would be the Pros really hating the idea of Black/Brown Skin Options for Elves of any kind but then again I did meet some Antis who also hated the idea of Black Elves in General too in WoW. Second would be having the same problem like Void Elves. Random pulled race out of nowhere that the Playerbase didn’t asked for. I’m sure you seen this argument before. Now I don’t blame them but with fewer options I see no reason why the Half Elf Race in WoW Shouldn’t be made playable.

Now one can say that if they didn’t want them completely playable as a single race because too many Elves argument. Then why not you just put Half Elves as a Feature for Humans. I mean people on the Alliance side play Humans a lot and some of them that I meet atleast were rping as Half Elves on my server.

In terms of Customizaton Options. Probably be Small Pointly Ears, Maybe something like Quel’dorei Elven Hairstyles to Jewelry, Beards, and Tattoos maybe. But for the most part I do see Half Elves as being a Half Elf and Half Human but with Pointly Ears. I wouldn’t mind seeing them atleast playable ether as a Race or Customization Options. Again We’ll see what happens through.

Second Part would be this:

High Elf Options for Void Elves: This one atleast was bit controversial at the time but after the Wildhammer Dwarves were a Customization Option to the Regular Dwarves along with Sand Trolls to the Regulars and etc. I thought Why not High Elf Customization Options to have that ability to be like Alleria as much as the same as being Regular Human but with Gilnean Voice but in combat you turn into a Worgen as a Gilnean Human same should atleast be apply to Void Elves you know turning into Void Combat and back to regular elf.

Some or half of people within the WoW Community say a lot of things to reject the idea of having a some what of a original color skin elven race that is ether fully pure playable race or just simple customization options for Void Elves like saying: “Oh they can’t be like Alleria because Alleria is special kind of elf and making Void Elves like that takes away the specialness of her.” You can argue the same thing with People who wanted to be Jaina Proudmoore, Garrosh Hellscream, Varian Wrynns, Anduins, Tyrandes, Malfurians, Illidans, Sylvanas Windrunners and etc.

Plus on the Horde side atleast for Blood Elves. You already are Sylvanas Windrunner in terms of being like her such as her Hair, Face, and etc. So why shouldn’t the Alliance be like Vereesa Windrunner but in Void Form or Alleria Windrunner with Tattoos, Feather Jewelry, Braided Hairstyles, and etc?

Since Half Elves isn’t the idea that people wanted because of many things such as Black Skin Elves and etc. Might as well put High Elf Customization Options in for Void Elves such as Different Color Tattoos, Braided Hairstyles, more Skin Options, Hair Colors, and etc, etc.

Atleast with that way the Void Elves can finally be more freshed out like they should have been atleast in the beginning in terms of being Void Infused High Elf Rangers in Outlands or something. Then only then the High Elf Fantasy or Theme, or atleast the Quel’dorei in General will finally be atleast be playable on the Alliance Side.

I used to support the idea of fully pure playable High Elves but since there are so little options left like what blizzard did with the Wildhammer Dwarves and etc. I would atleast be happy to see them playable one way or another as the form of Half Elves or Customization Options for Void Elves. One may argument that Allied Races shouldn’t be having more Customization Options but in reality when you look like Nightborne, Lightforged, Highmountain, Kul’tirans, and etc. I think atleast all of the Allied Races really needs customization options just as more.

But anyways. I hope this thread brings in the good folks who doesn’t have a Megathread up for High Elves or atleast those like me who are neutral to topic and just wants the debate to end in one single stone of putting High Elf Options to Void Elves and call it a day or something. This thread is also open too for that.

Anyways I hope Half Elves or High Elf Customization Options in the Future atleast and you guys have a nice day.


As long as there is lore explaining how some High Elves decided to join Alleria (learning her teachings) and were never part of the original void ritual that got interrupted halfway, then it would work.


Yea like basically if the Silver Covenant couldn’t find any kind of source of magic and was kicked out of Dalaran who would join Alleria in terms of the Shadows. That could be one of them.

Or maybe something with the High Elf Rangers in Outlands still who haven’t been seen like Talthressar for example.

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I think this would be the most logical route to take. Depends on if they bite though. :+1: has my support.

Okay, you’re half right, but I’ve heard there were already High Elves that were in the original void ritual. They need to bring most of the remaining ones into the fold, Vereesa and the Silver Covenant for example.

I don’t think they will give you what you want.

And since there are absolutely no reasons left for keeping the thing you want from you, I can only conclude that they do so because you want it.

To relent now would be to admit failure or wrongdoing or just being wrong. And that can never happen.

Its like they are too invested in denying you to go back on it now.

Its a ridiculous thing, but this company seems to be stuck together with absurdity.

You can’t have alliance high elves because you want alliance high elves.

I wish you could. Its the thing I’ve wanted since a few days after launch. But blizzard has fired, lost or broken anyone who had the vision to see a three letter solution.

And now there is only “no”.


i think blizz should allow void elves to have their high elf appearance out of combat


I think that would be cool! Something like the Gilnean Worgen have.

I’d imagine OP is wanting to keep the void transforms intact as it’s a key part of their race.

I don’t like the idea of just giving the options to appear like a high elf to void elves.

I would rather void elves stop being “void elves” and instead become “exiles”

It would take the current void elf race in game and change it to encompass all alliance aligned thalassian elves. It would require new racials and a new starting zone in addition to the new customization however the recruitment questline and heritage armor is still relevant so it does not need to be changed.

For a new starting zone it can just be the silver enclave in a new instanced version of dalaran that is just for them similar to how other allied races got their own instanced version of an area.

Honestly this seems like a very easy and simple change with the hardest parts being new voice lines and racials. All the customization options exist. They just need to be made available.

It would also open up the silver covenant to all alliance thalassian elves. It would essentially become their military force that represents them.


This is a great and thought out answer. Fully support this!

Yea or also the idea of having Tattoos stay with you as a Void Elf like Alleria basically.

I mean you don’t stay as a High Elf in combat because when you go into Combat you turn into a Void Elf. Kind of like the idea of Worgen changing from Wolf to Gilnean Human. Basically the Worgen Feature but atleast adding more to the High Elf Idea than just Skin Options and Hair Colors.

Like for example Tattoos. Alleria has Blue Tattoos but when she goes into Void Form her Tattoos Change. If Tattoos was a Option to Void Elves. It would give more of a Void/High Elf Effect to the race.

Also I would welcome to the Idea of all of the Elves on the Alliance side like Thalassian Elves come together as one and Form a Actually Race Faction than being divided. If Quel’dorei goes fully as the Ren’dorei or wise. So be it.

The high elf debate ended when void elves were added.


You cant end the debate… because there is no debate.
Blizzard said NO to blood elves on alliance side. Discussion has ended long time ago.


The Debate hasn’t ended after when Void Elves were added and plus it still continues to this very day.

That’s why adding High Elf Customization Options while having the Worgen Feature for Void Elves would be the alternate route.

But Void Elves are Blue Blood Elves on the Alliance side. So it kind of defeats the point of the argument.


No, it ended but the high elf people won’t give it up because doing so is an admission they won’t be getting what they wanted. The void elves were the compromise they were willing to give. They are not going to give options that make them look like blue eyed versions of blood elves, nor should they.


Stop asking for a Horde race.


naysayers gonna naysay.

High elves will happen. Unless blizzard kills WoW before our eyes in the next few years. Other than that they will happen. it may be 5 years. It may be 20. Hell it may be 40 but they will happen.


Giving Void Elves a Blood Elf look to the Alliance faction was a really awful mistake. It would be just doubling down on it to give Void Elves an even closer appearance to Blood Elves.

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The ultimate example of “We don’t care about the lore, this is just about gameplay”

The thing is that it’s also unfathomably silly that in a game about political affiliation, when we have literally seen groups adhere to either side because ideology/politics, saying “Stop asking a Horde race” is considered anything but an argument that goes against the lore of the game itself.

To propose your ideologies and politics HAVE to be in line your racial designation is silly; to pretend that is true in WoW even is as much.

Tis’ a gameplay issue, nothing more.


I hope they add HE customizations to void elves, like blue eyes and human skin tones.