Why healers Don't do Solo Q

I Queue up at 1800 rating. I get a instant Q pop -

I go 5 - 1, the only loss being because my mage forgot to use iceblock.

I get 0 rating, the Preservation Evoker that lost 5 rounds, gains 100 rating.

Because he had 0 rating to start. Why is a 1800-1900 healer getting a INSTANT Queue pop with a healer at 0 CR? and then I get 0 rating for a 5 round win, I would lose rating for a 4 round win, and I would gain like 10 pts for a 6 round win?

why waste my time? what is this?

Edit: Not sure why it posted as this dk. For reference, my shaman is Sleepysham on Kel’thuzed.

Further Edit:

It seems a lot of people are misguided and taking a lot of the things mentioned out of context.

1). As noted by someone below: I essentially had to heal another healer’s placement games, though the MMR was 1680 and CR 1800. (Some people Questioned MMR). Healing someone’s placement games and going 5-1 and gaining 0 rating FEELS terrible.

2). Why did I get paired with this individual? As mentioned below, last season’s mmr carries over to the new season, so despite the individual having 0 rating, his MMR was high enough to match him into my lobby. This creates unlimited upside for this healer.

3). No matter the opinion of 50% of this thread, it does NOT feel good for a large portion of the player base to play a 6 round arena lobby that each round goes for 3 or so minutes and win 5 of the 6 rounds and end up with 0 rating gained. That’s just poor game design, anything that feels that frustrating or bad is just designed poorly. You can explain the mmr reasoning behind it, but simply put: it feels BAD.

4). Sweeping 6 rounds of a solo shuffle is unreasonable. Yes the other healer was 0 cr, but the MMR was near mine from the previous season, so the player is at my level, essentially, so sweeping all 6 rounds seems highly unlikely.

 Potential Fixes: 

Placement games for dps/healers shouldn’t hurt players in the lobby that are NOT in their placement games. They way to go about adjusting this should be to have CR adjust up or down based off of their MMR until the individual has placed X number of placement games to have an actual CR. (I know this could’ve been phrased better, but you get the point).


Yah I tried one hpriest game earlier just to out heal the other healer (talking millions of outhealing) have monkey brained warriors make the absolute worst plays and throw, went 2-4 and lost 40 CR. Logged out.


This is cope. The other healer had to play with the same monkey brained dps, they just did a better job.


Yeah, because DPS play identically between rounds, especially erratic low IQ warriors with little to no predictable behavior. What are you even saying?

Imagine thinking you’re special for getting games where people throw one round on your team and not the next.

It happens to everyone. Difference is DPS wait 45mins for that same throw.

Theoretically games are supposed to even out with enough playtime. How can you play enough with 45min queues and an adult schedule? I don’t like the healing playstyle, but I’ve done it. And it’s benefits are infinitely clear

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imagine thinking ur special to where ppl care about ur queue time.


If I were to take a wild guess I’d say the other healer had Cocoon or 2x Pain Suppression.

One of these days, Fritz, I’ll have a stick of my own.

You don’t have great reading comprehension, huh? I’m not asking anyone to care like the OP. I’m just letting them know that their complaint is nothing new and unfounded.

Let me know if you want me to draw it in crayons for you.

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You won’t do it.


I really don’t, read those first few words and just went with it

well lets not personal because that isn’t fun for me. unless, ur interested in having fun??

The healer mmr situation is absolutely scuffed, if they wanted to help fix the healer shortage then finding a way to unscrew the mmr nonsense should be high priority.

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For healers, your MMR / CR gains are based solely on the MMR / CR of your opponent healer.

Usually, you get less rating / mmr wins for a good score if you are on a losing streak (example you went 0/6 or 1/5 or 2/4 in multiple previous games, lowering your mmr).

So essentially you aren’t being rewarded well for going 5-1 against a scrub. But your next game will have better MMR, meaning it progressively gets more important and rewarding to win. Same goes for the opposite. The more you lose, the more likely you are to be stuck at a lower place.

There is, however, no explanation why some low CR / MMR healers get placed in some games. Some guy told me it’s because of last season MMR or something, but I don’t know. It is pretty frustrating having 2 healers with 1400 CR in a game where all dps are 2100. Safe to say nothing gets pressed correctly and games are almost as braindead as the double prot paladin games.

There is, and it’s definitely tied to last season’s mmr. On both my boomies my very first games were at 2100 mmr. I gained points every single round.

Stop looking at cr. It means nothing. Would you complain if brain or absterge or something was in your lobby but had 400cr? No because they can more than deal with it. The same concept holds true for the healers at 1400cr but in a lobby with 2100 dps. They’re likely just climbing up with the same mmr. They can’t win 1000 points per lobby after all.

Now for the record, at least last season, there would be matches at like 3200 where 2500 healers would be in there. I’m guessing this is due to a healer shortage and they wanted to alleviate queue times. Both healers were in the same boat and both had to deal with the same things though.

OP was probably coming off a losing streak and the 5-1 just didn’t help cr but gave a nice bump in mmr. Now that it shows your mmr I’d love for people to actually mention what happened with that. Everyone obsesses over cr without understanding how the system works apparently.

You got mad because you lost double the amount of games that you won and rage quit? I mean I don’t get your point lol. Do you think you should have not lost points?

Law of large numbers man. Not everyone plays identical every game, that’s true. Sometimes they throw one round and it happens to be in your team. It happens and I agree it’s frustrating. But patterns exist and if this seems to be the norm, well….


Went 5-1 and gained 7, next match went 2-4 and lost 37. It’s so stupid.
At this rate I hope rss crashes and burns.


Sounds like bad luck where you had to heal someone else’s placement game

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Skill issue. Trash healers are thinking that every game should be a breeze. You are just as bad as this supposedly erratic low IQ warriors.

They don’t care, by they I mean blizzard.

They’re totally okay with just taking our money and not fixing issues that are causing total disaster in the game.

I got a hunter and a disc priest and facing the same situation. The only difference is what has been mentioned, as an adult, as a dps I get 45 mins q to lose or win no pts.

As a healer I get instant q to lose or gain no pra unless it’s a 0 cr like the dude you mentioned.

It’s awful man.

They got the money from us, they got the staff, they could fix it. But wow is dead and it won’t resurrect.

They like killing dragons too much and that’s priority for them.

Yesterday I got a 10 day ban because I said the f word for a healer throwing games and costing me points. I opened a post about it they deleted right the way. Which means they don’t care about the players. Sure say the f word is wrong I agreed with terms and services but who in shuffle ain’t saying the f word right now?

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I guarantee you made as many if not more mistakes than the healer in that lobby.