Why healers Don't do Solo Q

This coming from a hunter is pretty funny.
I’ve seen more hunters and rets throw games by not ever pressing turtle or bubble.

I guess they think their CDs roll over into the next round/match

There’s only one F word that will get you actioned like that and it’s generally frowned upon to call people that these days.


I used it yeah…

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In-game chat logs go back a long time. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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SS is meh this season. I’m just waiting for D4 to drop so I can make a Thicc fem barb

Its called half @@@ job on Blizzard part.
I went 3:3 like 6 times in a row, where at least in 2 occasions dps went 0:6. I gained 1 point in the 1st game and well 0 after.
There is no incentive to que solo outside of capping conquest for healers.


good thing your que was instant, you can get back in right away after that randomness of playing vs someone in placements. It happens to us DPS after waiting in 45 min que, get 0 pts and get to wait again. The whole RSS system is trash and needs reevalutated.

Just Make a solo que for 3v3 instead of Random solo shuffle.

Sometimes the intrusive thoughts win. Back in OG Wrath I caught a 7 day suspension for calling everyone in AV a uhh… 4chan inspired combination of slurs in all caps with /RW, as I managed to zone in as raid leader. I probably would’ve gotten a perma for it these days lol.

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Just had a boomkin, while getting trained, jump into cat form and sprint as far away as possible from me and the melee making it impossible to drop a spirit link…stuff like that makes me rage.

I’ve started listening to circus music as I heal RSS (“Entry of the Gladiators,” specifically). I’m not even joking. Circus music. Prepare for the clowns and just laugh at all the stupid. :clown_face: :circus_tent:


so some mr bungle

No. Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. :fox_face:

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a very long long time and they will search back to find what they need

I was thinking more like


Yup same thing happened to me on my hunter 5-1 and 4-2 and got 0 rating on the 5 wins and negative on 4 wins

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9 out of 10 games have a fotm reroller that goes 6-0 and both healers LOSE mmr. After a couple of those games, a healer will go 6-0 and gain 0 rating because of those other 3-3 matches. Then the cycle repeats. Its taken me as a hpal 400 rounds to climb from 1400 to 1500. That’s after my placement games which i won 11 out of 12 put me at 1400 rating.

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This would also be acceptable music - especially chasing after a DPS that needs to be healed.