Why healers are rare

Healers are annoying to solo visions with.

I don’t post my dps every time I top the meters. I feel posting avoidable damage is different then posting dps. Posting dps does nothing to really help the others in the group improve. Posting damage that you could have avoided should make you feel bad because it means the healer had to work extra hard to keep you up. That’s something anyone can improve on. If the healer spends less time healing they can spend more time dpsing. A dead mob doesint do damage

if a healer messes up they get a lot more colorful words than a dps is the main reason i think

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I’ve been healing for a long time, but I do it a lot less these days. I don’t mind healing avoidable damage. I do mind when people complain about dying when something took priority over healing their dumb. (Although I find that it’s pretty rare for people to complain when they die to dumb — the times they do just stick out more.)

However, I’ve transitioned mostly to dps these days, and it has nothing to do with groups. It’s about ilvl scaling in world content. It makes it so no matter how much gear you get, you never actually kill stuff faster as a healer. It’s demoralizing. So, my priest mostly collects dust (I really dislike shadow) and my other hybrids go dps. Sure, I could swap specs, but keeping track of gear sets is too much work for my casual butt. So, enjoy me taking up a spot in the dps queue because ilvl scaling is overly punishing to healers.


Can you please clarify? So there are no bad pugs, just healers that need some work?

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Healers aren’t rare chief. We fill up on healer raid trials every week really quick, faster than our DPS spots honestly.

I think your being really biased here. This statement can easily be switched to DPS. As such:

“Posting DPS that you are lacking should make you feel bad because it means every other player had to work harder to account for the elongated fight and to make dps checks”.

Either way both methods are REALLY pointless. If they cared how much damage they were doing they have theyre own meters which means they already know. In the same way that someone who cares and just got blasted to oblivion and almost died already knows that got decimated by something. All your doing really is watching someone trip and grab their knee then you come along and say “Wow look at you fall, bet it hurts”.

The best is people who take your ideal a step further and have those garbage bots who spam whenever someone gets hit in chat in realtime. That’s one way to ensure more damage is taken. Tilting someone who misplayed so they misplay more.

While I can understand your point, I feel the bot that messages when someone was struck with avoidable damage is more of a learning tool than anything. Something usually pops up once, and the victim says, “Oh, that’s not good” and they work even harder to make sure they don’t pop up with the same mistake again. I hardly see those messages spammed, unless you really are running with people who just don’t care to make the run as painless as possible.

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Really cause when mine tell me I got hit by cleave or stand in fire I immediately adjust. If your taking avoidable damage your not paying all that much attention. And again on dps, if your doing around 45-55k that’s normally enough to time a 15 even if the healer is doing no damage at all. I’ll only call you out if your doing less then that and if you are it’s likely that your not running the right corruption or are very under geared. Most classes can get well above 55k optimized dps so I normally don’t say anything if your doing just enough dps to time the key. That’s the point, you don’t need crazy dps numbers to time a 15 hence why staying alive is more important

curious about that addon for my healer.

Umm healers are not rare at all, it’s super easy to get them in pugs almost as easy as finding DPS since healers are irrelevant in lots of endgame content now, tanks on the other hand may as well be as rare as most mounts that drop

It’s called elitismhelper. A poor name in my opinion cause I don’t consider myself an elite, I just want the dps to know their taking massive amounts of avoidable damage and making me work harder

We typically find good healers for our pugs without too much trouble. I guess probably harder if you start pushing higher than like +18 keys or what not, but then finding really good pugs for that stuff is just harder in general.

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I tried to play as a healer, but even using healbot, it was difficult to understand what to do and when to do it.
I couldn’t enjoy myself and felt that I was always doing something wrong or insufficient.

And healer doesn’t seem to have rotations, which leaves everything very dispersed when making a decision.

In the end, like with tanks, it wasn’t fun or pleasurable for me to do anything in this role.

The only good thing is the short waiting time for raids and BGs.

my respects to those who can play in that position.

Healer balance is kind of a pain for 5 mans. I enjoy healing a 5 man on a Druid, but it’s a pain to do so on a Priest. That’s one of the big reasons affecting my decision to heal in 5 man pugs - I just don’t enjoy healing on classes like Priest and Shaman in a 5 man scenario.

Yeah, the addon is really good, it helped me and my group a lot when learning the dungeons earlier in the expac. I think the default is that every time avoidable damage happens it will say it, that worked great for my regular group of friends but decided to turn it off for pugs because it is perceived as toxic.

I haven’t had issues with it reporting the aggregated data at the end though, and at that point I the run is over anyway so don’t really care if it hurts someone’s ego.

Wow, really? You do a performance review on your teammates at the end of a run? Like this is a job and you are a project manager?

I am copying this for the next time someone asks why I play solo.


This may only apply during patch 8.3, but Holy Paladin has a very strongly defined rotation. You might appreciate that as a DPS player. It goes:

Holy Shock
Crusader Strike
(LOD if needed)
Holy Shock
Crusader Strike
Holy Shock


Paladin is nearly GCD locked so you rarely cast other heals like Holy Light, Flash of Light, Light of the Martyr, etc.

I hate healing, but I like playing my Druid, so here I am. It’s not that bad most of the time. In keys >= 15, most mistakes aren’t healable. You cleave the lightning shield, you die. You stand in the lighting swirled, you die. You don’t run out of the ground pound, you die. Etc. I have a addon that reports spike damage (elitism helper) and it regularly reports people getting for for over 100% of their HP, which cuts down on the number of people saying I didn’t heal them, but didn’t eliminate it, funny enough.

There are very few true throughout checks at this level. Fortified trash before lightning boss in temple is a good one, I regularly maintain 150k+ hps on those packs, only to do 50k on the boss.

Healing right now is more like support. Can I get a stun off, a knock back, a slow, can I do a little dps, etc. it’s not about healing, really, unless the group is just bad. If you’re having to do heroic measures while healing, the group likely isn’t timing the key.

That said, I think this is precisely why healers are rare. We have so little control over the success of the dungeon, and such a big part of the role isn’t even healing related. People who genuinely enjoy healing are put off, and people who can’t get the priority/triage patterns into their head have a hard time doing the basics, and NO group wants to train a healer, no matter what level of play.

I don’t know how to make it better, honestly. Maybe make mana matter again somehow, so healers have to focus more on their output efficiency, but that also feels bad, to some. Idk.


I do like that addon - BUT - it is extremely unclear if it is better to be #1 or the last guy haha. Stuff like that, since it is mean to educate - should be really obvious.

Even if it said “Ranked from You Good (top) to You Bad (bottom)”