Why healers are rare

Healers rare because healers dont make big noticable plays to the naked eye. People like to make big obvious impact. Healer doesn’t do that.

I’ve mained DPS since I started WoW back in the day. It was only recently, with everything going on and the extra time I had back when everything closed down, that I rolled a healer.

It’s the most fun I’ve had, idk why I didn’t do it earlier!

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A lot of it has to do with groups being really picky. I’ve been cutting edge on a lot of content, did full clear heroics pre-mythic mode being a thing since Wrath. I leave and come back to WoW and I’m still capable of clearing mythic raids, but it’s almost impossible to get an invite because I have been gone and lack “XP”. I don’t really care though, it’s rough trusting people with a lockout.

I’m totally in the “you spank it you tank it” club, but in leveling dungeons I usually just pick up whatever they pull to push myself if I’m learning new talents or whatever the borrowed power is.

I’m encouraging the problem! :cry:

I’d make an exception in leveling dungeons, because a lot of people pass up quest mobs and bonus bosses either because they don’t know or just don’t care.

That’s definitely the thing with being a healer, it’s definitely a thankless job. People don’t even notice you until you mess up, or more accurately until you run out of mana while fixing their screw-ups and they die as a result, and Thrall help you at that point. Cause they’ll rip you a new one completely oblivious to the fact that they just took 8x their max HP in damage attacking the wrong boss in Temple of Sethraliss.

I mained Resto up until this patch where I switched to Guardian due to an influx of healers in my guild. Now if something goes wrong in a dungeon and I pull a bit more than I can handle or we body pull something I wasn’t counting on I make sure to either commend the healer for getting us through it or apologize to them if we didn’t make it through. I find that it goes a long way toward making my healers hate me just that little bit less, cause I mean healers naturally hate everyone anyway :stuck_out_tongue:


What I noticed more than anything in pugs was passive-aggressive stuff. They didn’t want me to quit, so they’d make little comments they thought were clever instead of being outright hostile.

But the thing is: I know whose fault the wipe is. Every time. Healers see every tick of damage you take, and I’d rather wipe wall with the newbies in my guild who are learning how to play than endure passive aggression from randos who don’t care about me or my enjoyment of the game.

When a death is my fault, I own it. When the death is someone else’s fault, I will not accept blame for it. SO MANY players in the game have no idea what the mobs do or why the chosen path is important or how to dodge anything, and they don’t care to learn. They get a certain ilvl and hit a certain DPS threshold and decide that their job is done. Everything else is the healer’s problem.

That’s not how this works. It’s the reason I won’t pug.

We do tend to get irritable when we’re rocking out and doing an amazing job, but the group wipes and someone says, “wtf…heals?” I look at my meter where I was healing 75k in 5-man content, knowing I busted out all my cooldowns the way they were meant to be used…and then my right eyebrow lifts in disdain.

I have never once felt a negative emotion toward a tank or DPS player who made a mistake. I only feel bad things when said tank or DPS tries to blame their mistake on me. :slight_smile:


Healing sucks now…


But you don’t understand! I was top on the damage meter so I was clearly doing my job right and it couldn’t possibly be my fault that we missed every. single. kick. Had to have been your fault.

And yes I recognize the irony in quoting this to the only healer in the game with a kick :stuck_out_tongue:


I heal on my druid now, and I cannot tell you how much I miss wind shear. Being able to just do it myself was such a relief. Ha ha

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I prefer to heal rather than tank. I always feel bad when someone dies on my watch though.

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For the life of me, I can’t figure out why all of the inconveniences are based around people taking damage for both M+ affixes AND corruption… It just makes the job of the healer harder while being a minor inconvenience for the DPS in pug groups. Imagine if corruption worked like this: “When you stand in the Eye, your haste is reduced by 50%” or “Being hit by a Grand Delusion will disorient your character for 3 seconds”. You’d see how quickly DPS would actually avoid crap when their precious numbers would start getting affected.


I actually really like this.


Because Blizzard is obsessed with making healers do non-group content where healing is useless.

Islands, visions, and dailies we’re all required for healer progression but healers were useless for them.

You spend the majority of your time not healing, and even when you can heal Blizzard can’t balance 5 specs to be close to each other in usefulness.


In mythic+ healers need to do damage and utility too. So many healers want to just sit there, not even pre-healing. I think that’s why not many of them get respect. Being essential doesn’t entitle them to respect.

It’s much more fun when they participate in the whole pull, instead of just clicking health bars. Until they fully participate, they aren’t a full member. The tank feels a connection with the dps, because they are sharing kicks and working to burn them down. The healer is left out if they aren’t involved in all aspects, and they do it to themselves. Being a healbot is self-isolating

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I chalk it up to not missing globals by tunneling damage only. He probably had no interrupts either.

Avoiding avoidable damage will cost you dps and for some they’d rather blame the healer than risk their epeen look smaller.


I will add my 2 copper to this thread. I mained resto shaman in Legion and dealt with a lot of toxicity and anxiety with PUGs. People tend to use (abuse) good healers as a crutch to avoid mechanics. In BFA I went to enhance because I feared the same type of behavior/result just in new content. Just recently I have had the desire to go back to restoration and just try to surround myself with people that not only are a pleasure to enjoy the game with, but that know what the heck they are doing. A team should work as such. I would never put a healer in a a tough spot knowingly. Why? Because I know how it feels. I feel most players need to gain an understanding of what it’s like in the other roles and how their game play and negligence can spoil the enjoyment, and success, of others. I suppose it’s one of those “if the shoe was on the other foot” arguments.

Long story short, I always enjoyed a support role and there will be another healer back in the fold come Shadowlands. I just don’t want to grind essences, gear, and the ideal azerite traits at this juncture in the expansion. There’s only a few months left.


To be frank, I get annoyed when meters of any form are spammed without solicitation. It’s annoying (auto or not) and comes across as extremely egotistical from the person who linked the meters. If you can’t disable it from auto reporting, perhaps you should find one that can.

You honestly click baited or got completely off topic. Seems more like you were wanting to whine about this situation then find out why few players seem to play healers.

Though I agree damage meters mean jack if things aren’t being avoided or interrupted appropriately Or if DPS can’t stop for five friggen seconds to let the tank establish solid agro on a LoS pull.

I don’t pug because people get toxic when crap hits the fan. They toss blame around left and right (usually my way or the tank). I don’t like rushing through non timed mythics as if they were timed and our friggen lives depended on finishing within five minutes.

So yeah. That’s why I’m not in the LFG pool very often. People are, for the most part, jerks these days. I have very little tolerance left for jerks and stupidity.

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Wanna see why many do not play Healers? Start a thread and ask if Healers should DPS in a group. You’ll quickly see why few want to subject themselves to the playerbase.


I’ve healed on every class. I healed holy priest and resto shammy this xpac.
I can tell you, there aren’t any bad pugs, just some with more healing practice.