Why haven't you quit yet?

they took all the data they had and had their professional analysts analyze it as they are paid to

that’s exactly what people did

You never go full retard…


i’m quite happy with the game, but it would be perfect without layers. blizzard and many many players have assured me for months now that players will quit, i’m just not seeing it :confused:

Big data isn’t some magical land of prophecy. Pretty clearly demonstrated by how this launch is going. Sorry if you can’t see it.

If the weatherman said it’s gonna be sunny this afternoon, people will notice when there’s a thunderstorm.

And the forum thread spam about the queue continues :rofl:
Enjoy not playing I guess. See you on Ashkandi in 2 years when it’s still up

No way I’m going to quit when I’ve made it to a slow and painful level 10! I paid good silver for those rank 2 spells and by Elune I’m going to use them!

Anyway, I’m hanging around just to defy all the “waaaaa! go back to retail” people lol.

Server issues will work themselves out…eventually :smiley:

it’s all over the layer discussions, probably in that video in the thread i linked earlier. layers were necessary to prepare for the huge dropoff of players in the first weeks

The game has been out for less than a week. Some people haven’t even started playing it yet. Of course you won’t see people quit.

That’s a fair point, Nue.

Classic will probably be more popular than it originally was. I see no signs of it dying down soon. Better adapt

i’d imagine more quits would happen fast initially and slow down, especailly through the huge queues, rather than slowly build up to some kind of mass extinction event of quitting

so it’s very odd that after 4-5 days, they’re still adding more servers, that should be unncessary if they just wait a week or 2

why haven’t you :o

Cause I wanna play dammit :wink:

I dont want they remove the LAYERIN for the "sake of remove that to keep a promise"

  • Keep on mind this. WoW-Vanilla was a game designed to have 2500 - 3000 players online. WoW-Classic have servers 10k to 15k people. They even increased the capacity a few days ago to reduce the queue times

Now imagine have 12 500 people with a single channel on a game was DESIGNED for 2500 people

  • Analogy "You have a house for 4 people then suddenly you make live there 20 people" is exactly what will happen with LAYERING is removed. They should keep at least 5 layering channels as “MININUM”

I dont get the big deal about layers in the first place. I have played at 6pm and i have played at 4am and in between EST on an EST server, and i have never been alone, not once, always many people around. Maybe my experience has been different that others, i dunno.

Why haven’t you quit yet?

I mean they know they lose around 30% after the first month of almost each Xpac release but never said that will happen in less than 1 week.

I kind of felt the whole launch was an open beta really.

But I don’t know what I’m going to do. Rerolling to a server with a queue. Probably not going to happen, unless queue is 30 minutes or so.

And I’d love to hear if Blizzard will ever release fresh servers that are phase 1 even if rest of servers are phase 2 or higher. And, if improvements to how phase 1 should play can be made in regard to stuff like minor bugs and 1.12 mechanics and itemization, will Blizzard consider having two different versions of Classic running? Not just phases, but improved more authentic versions of Vanilla?

I resubbed 2months ago after quitting wotlk to warm up to Classic, in 2 months rerolled and I got 2x lvl 120 with epic sets . and got bored again. im staying in classic. retail is just too easy and its like a chore.

Why would i quit playing a game that i love? I’m enjoying everything. Unlike the original release when my friends and i all raced to max level i am taking my time. I’m leveling my professions and taking the time to do it. I’m making sure all quests get done and actually running dungeons instead of GRIND GRIND GRIND. I’ve already made a few new friends, and even through the general and trade chat spammers i can see a good communitu forming. Why would i ever leave that?

Frankly a small rp pvp community sounds awesome to me. One persons dead is another persons quaint.
BWR was like this, we had two guilds that did most of the raiding, big fishes in a little pond. You may not have been friends with everyone but you knew their name on sight.