If melee classes bring your health down with their insta cast spells. Have you considered… you know, rooting and blinking away?
Or just delete the class.
Remove being able to cast and shimmer, revert invisibility back to the old days… where mages couldnt see people while invisible. Mission accomplish.
Oh wow! Us casters never thought of that one! Boy, it’s like melee DON’T have ridiculous up time through gap closers, snare/root removals and their partners helping them!!!
Only reason I don’t have that issue is because I play Arcane, the only caster that Blizzard got right with gap wideners.
(forgot to change over to my Mage to post this response with)
Why are people complaining lol, you got your nerfs on dec 11th patch day.
Can’t wait till everyone starts crying about the new unholy TWD and moves on to bigger things
Fire Mage currently is the most broken thing in the history of WoW there is literally nothing bigger to complain about ever. Nothing is even close. Everything about the spec is disgusting and it’s ruined most people from playing the game.
Fire is super broken to be sure. But to say the most broken thing in all of wow? Are you high? There’s been a lot of worse stuff lol. But that’s not what this thread is about so what does it matter. Just having some perspective always helps.
I disagree. Fire is broken and many who don’t want to play something brainless have just uninstalled because of rage and disgust that something like this hasn’t been fixed. Getting killed by something OP is one thing. Getting killed by something that is a cheesy gimmick just makes people quit. Just fix it then nerf it into the ground so people come back to the game.
Sure fire is gross right now but its certainly no more cheesy then double melee spamming PVE DPS and purge and training someone to the ground.
Your deluding yourself if you think they aren’t on the same level of stupid. If I can win a match by instantly 100-0’ing you sure its dumb. If you can win a match by tunneling someone to the ground and doing nothing but that and throwing out random stormbolts on healer then its equally dumb. If you can sit there in the same breath and cry about mages but defend something like that then your bias is showing really hard m8.
Sure lets nerf mages but with those lets get melee ranged kicks/stuns/damage/gap closers and uptime tuned down so mechanics like 100-0 from a cloth in 2 gcds and shimmer isn’t needed because we can’t ever cast a 2 second spell for 10k dmg when melee have 100% uptime and lob high instant damage every GCD and mongo kicks/psuedos/stuns the entire time.
Instant damage from casters should be toned down, I agree on this but casted damage should go way up. The damage YOU do in 2 GCD’s should be matched by my 2 second cast and be higher.
As long as melee damage + uptime is high, while sporting ranged kicks/stuns and a dozen pseudos its never healthy for the game. If you wanna see why mages are so digusting look no further then the class you play. Spammable execute charges, 3 second blank spell reflect, ranged stun, if warriors werent in line casters would be awful. Rogues? 3 second garrote into 6 second kidney = 9 seconds of FREE dps on a clothie who can do nothing during this. Unholy dk (the new fotm soon) 70% ranged slow spammable (higher then a frost mages btw), deaths advance, ranged kick, pet stun/kick, ranged stun, 5 or 10 second ams (talented).
How about feral? Permashifting slows, near infinite uptime and damage. What about WW? Same thing.
If I was bias, I would say melee mobility RETS should be the standard. Since as a cloth they are the one class you actually feel you can get breathing room against.
Mages would be one of worst casters in game without double shimmer if you were to remove it tomorrow. No self heals and no hardcore defensives without block, no sustain. They would become the new warlock overnight.
Bottom line is, if I cannot blink and get time to do damage in that window (if I had one) and melee are still upon me tearing me to shreds then melee are the problem and nothing else. If melee uptime is 100% then mage class struggles.
Another part of this issue and dynamic is melee have the same slows as ranged. Lets give an older expansion dynamic. Mage vs Warrior 1v1. I frost nova your first charge and get away so I can dps , I have blink for the intercept now. I now blink intercept and frostbolt you and have time to DPS. Had I blinked off the bat, i would have been screwed.
In this expansion assume I have 1 blink. You have charge, heroic leap, bladestorm to break nova, avatar, stormbolt- oh noes. Warriors have gained multiple mobility tools and mages lost them (deep freeze stun). So tomorrow if our blink was gone we would be destroyed every single game by even the most basic warrior who has a healer to dispell first nova. If you were fury with double time, we would literally never escape. Try playing a mage vs fury and get back to me.
Hopefully this is a concise explanation to why everything you demand and screech to be nerfed would only cripple a class in favor of melee mongo
No there is no comparison lol. Fire is the most brainless spec in the game. Playing a Fire comp is way less skilled than Turbo. Then there are assassin rogues that just have to get poisons up so hard lol.
Fire is the bottom barrel in skill and is surround by people trying to gimmick and abuse the fact there aren’t any more Hotfixes to fix completely broken traits/specs. I honestly didn’t read past this because it’s just another delusional mage defending something instead of trying to help fix what is broken.
Nothing is more broken than Fire. Every spec has more skill. Mages should be upset because they used to be a skill class. They used to have an IQ and now they don’t. Fire is the ultimate Mongoloid spec. Just roll face over keyboard. Warrior, DH or any other spec require 10 times the amount of skill to play. Think about that.
BFA when the Devs mage Fire Mages the most skilless spec. Mages should be upset.
TLDR- Fire Mage = Licking Windows. If you play Fire Mage you enjoy licking windows. No one wants to be the best window licker in the world and that is hardly anything to brag about.
With responses like these, I can never tell if you are a really bad 1400 braindead player or just a really good troll.
Either way it matters little, good luck on combatant bro. I’m sure its those darn mages you holding you back.
Classic deflection. You can’t look at a problem but resort to personal comments. Rating has nothing to do with the topic.
I added this above since Mages need TLDR now since they are losing braincells from playing fire.
We need to make things really simple so mages can understand now.
Can we just agree to fix what is incredibly broken so PvP can be somewhat enjoyable to play for everyone.
Abom - you can’t fault the play style for a class on the players. Same reason people gravitate to FOTM classes. Probably the same reason you stick to playing Tank spec in arenas.
Sure we can spend all day and go down the list of broken classes be it Op or Not. Eventually every class see their day in the Sun. Yes, even Tanks. I would make it where casting spells actually hit hard and not like a wet noodle and remove instant high burst damage across the board.
While I don’t agree to playing a FOTM and rerolling constantly is a good thing. Playing Fire isn’t FOTM its abusing the fact we don’t have PvP Devs to fix something incredibly broken. Fire isn’t FOTM it’s broken and all Titles should be removed from players abusing using the spec.
salt intensifies
I’m getting the vibe that this is a troll post - you want to remove everything that makes fire viable right now just like blizz did to arcane? Stop nerfing classes and buff other classes that have needed it since bfa release
LOL wut…
Sure fire is broken AF right now, no one is disagreeing on that fact… but most broken thing ever in the history of WoW!? That is just an absurd exaggeration.
Launch of Mop BM is the most broken thing that comes to mind immediately. I mained hunter at the time, I remember testing the burst of BM with my resto drood buddy. We went in front of org and dueled, I pressed my stampede>bestial wrath>trinket>racial macro then literally took my hands off the keyboard and mouse and he died in seconds. While freecasting heals mind you. BM was utterly broken at launch, and ended up being nerfed half a dozen times and still be super strong throughout the expansion. BM at Mop launch was far more OP than fire atm, also easier to use, sure fire is super straight forward but with BM you could literally press one button then afk while your pet wrecked players.
Also arms warriors in MoP… second wind anyone? Straight up unkillable once they dropped below 20% hp.
What about leggo dagger rogues in Cata? 100-0 inside the initial cheap shot.
Those are just the ones that I can think of off the top of my head. There is most certainly similar, or worse, examples of OP stuff that I forgot or happened before I started playing. Trying to claim that current fire is the most broken thing ever in the history of the game is just so hilariously out of touch with reality that it threatens to discredit every point you make, of which there are many valid ones, so be careful with that.
Sounds like he tried mage and couldn’t break 1400 to me
I tried with him for hours on a thread, the dude has his viewpoint and everyone else is wrong according to him
Meanwhile, warrior one of the easiest classes in the game to play
This has nothing to do with balance but fixing broken traits/specs. When something is broken it should be fixed ASAP so it can’t be abused to cheese rating. Then after what is broken is fixed we can then and only then do balance tuning.
Fire needs to be fixed then nerfed. It is broken with traits then after that is overtuned.
Your proposal of having everyone be broken and cheesy with gimmicks would be terrible for PvP. Imagine everyone having a 1 shot lol. Why even bring a healer then just run Triple Dps and gimmick. Please think about what you just said.
There is a clear difference between overtuned and broken. Fire is busted and broken. Fix that part first then tone them down 10%. Not asking for much just fixes first then focus on tuning.
No one takes you seriously Fire mage is in fact the easiest to play in the game. I enjoy the jokes.
Rating has everything to do with the topic. Well when you indirectly make personal attacks I’m happy to ratings bash your spec thats so brainless, simple my 8 year old could get higher rated then you with it.
Maybe instead of shrieking and crying on the forums about mages everyday. You should learn how to l2p and git gud you 1500 rat. You have this idea of the perfect game being a bunch of melees whacking each other in middle of map until a healer is oom and casters being useless.
Perhaps its a good thing you uninstalled and deleted that gear, this isn’t the game for you.
Crying to blizzard to make the game easier for you day in and day out won’t help you get any better or get 1500
No rating has nothing to do with game design and items/specs being broken. It has to do with game testing and Development. This is 100% a broken game design issue. Anyone who has never played this game and decided to Beta test it would see that. So no rating doesn’t matter on a game design issue with items/talents.
Rating again is irrelevant. We want to fix game design and more importantly class design. That is what this thread is about. There is nothing to learn but just many things from a Dev standpoint that needs to be fixed. It’s like you don’t actually want class design or PvP to be good.