Why have courts?

Agreed and as I have stated in this thread many times you are entitled to your opinion.

I am just putting forth the notion that believe a company is guilty of a major sexual harassment scandal on the basis of currently a few former employee’s statements is a bit rushed and we should not burn them at the stake nor claim that Bliz is 100% guilty or not.

Thats my opinion.

The state of California conducted a 2-year investigation and are bringing the charges after that, what part of that confuses you? They would only bring the charges if they had evidence. Just because they didn’t walk the evidence to your door for your approval doesn’t mean the evidence doesn’t exist. They don’t have to show you anything.


Ok so you believe that until further evidence is presented by the defense in Bliz that we should not jump to conclusions they are guilty based on the words of a few former employees?

They are or at the very least comparable.

Again it could be as simple as a former employee alleging an event DID take place and that even DID actually take place but the circumstance was not so cut and dry.

Some employees may really feel that harassment did occur when in reality the situation that took place was not so clear that it was harassment.

blizzard has done some mind boggling stuff in the past. Such as blizzcon 2011s closing ceremony.

when blizzard has shown a history of allowing such behavior it’s a little hard to give them the benefit of the doubt.

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Dude the public has been this way since the Salem witch trials…

No, I believe that Blizzard hasn’t committed a crime until proven in court. Just like I believe the accusers haven’t committed the crime of perjury/defemation until proven in court. Apparently you don’t, though.

I absolutely do believe they had a toxic workplace environment.

Because their statement admitted to it: “that’s not the Blizzard of today” or whatever.

No, they’re not.

More that AGs generally do not talk with the public unless there is something there to discuss. I do not believe at all that they would spend the time/money/manpower and file charges if this were anything remotely resembling “ex employees talking crap”. Are all of the allegations true? Maybe, maybe not. Do I believe there is something there? Logically, I would have to say absolutely.

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Plus if what they said in the document doesn’t have evidence behind it, then the State of California just committed defemation, and Activisions legal team will tear them apart.

I am more referring to the fact that mass mail-in voting is not secure in the slightest compared to in person voting.

I seem to remember people saying the 2016 election was rigged by Russians. If that election could be rigged why not this one? But again as I said I dont believe either was rigged

No 1 life was lost. The life that was lost was a rioter that was shot by capital police. The other officer who died died DAYS later from things that were unrelated to the riot.

So again…1 life was lost on 1/6

Now the riots BEFORE that…many many lives were lost during those riots as well has people who lost their business and their way of making a living. But you seem to not care about that.

Everyone brings inherent risk to everyone every day.

If a person gets cancer treatment and as a by product has a compromised immune system we dont tell everyone in their neighborhood that they have to mask up and wear gloves while around this person do we? No, the cancer patient adapts to their situation, we dont force other people to conform to the cancer patient’s situation.

Also I question your use of “actual reason”. If someone who is young and healthy and thus not at risk for COVID believes that the vaccine poses more of a risk due to the recent heart issues and the actual pulling of the J&J vaccine than COVID does…does that not constitute an actual reason?

and everybody clapped

I dont believe I said they have committed a crime. I said they could possibly be lying or exaggerating.

COULD be…not ARE but COULD be.

Would you say so toxic that…it could be…criminal :slight_smile:

True but this could mean that they had issues in the past but those issues

  1. Have been resolved

  2. Were not as severe as the former employees have said

  3. Have already been settled legally

Again I am not saying one way or the other…just stating the possibilities at the current state of things.

Oh by no means did they do. In fact most of the thread is people disagreeing with me in some way.

But thats kinda the point to hash out differences and such.

There is a possible middle ground. That the lawsuit isn’t frivolous and is well-founded but does not meet the burden of proving that Blizzard is liable for the damages alleged. This doesn’t have to be an all or nothing thing.

My gut is that Blizzard holds some amount of culpability for failing to clamp down on this sort of environment. They had a responsibility to their employees that they failed to uphold. But I do want to wait to see exactly what the extent of this failure is. If they were actively fostered this environment, made an honest effort to curtail it and were unsuccessful, or were simply negligent.

There is some amount of individual responsibility on the part of the people doing the harassing. Those individuals should be thrown under the bus. The way I see it, Blizzard is only responsible for the havoc they wrought insofar as how much of an ability/duty they had to stop it and how much of a good faith effort they put forth in doing so. So are the questions I want to see answered before I pass judgement on Blizzard as a corporation.

It feels like Blizzard’s current strategy is to question the motives of the state department of employment while pretending this represents a few isolated incidents where “somebody was lying”. I’m sure at some point they’ll come to their senses and take this seriously.

For those who haven’t read the actual complaint yet: https://aboutblaw.com/YJw

Of course you are suggesting all of these as being reasonable, despite the fact that they are all false. As you would know if you read the complaint. Or perhaps you do know but have chosen to attempt to sway public opinion by spreading lies.

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There is no sentencing it is a Lawsuit . You know a financial compensation trial .


I know that some hyper-conservatives have talked about having a goal of wanting to have some kind of mass awakening of black Americans who will suddenly cast off the yoke of those mean, bad Democrats wanting to give them like, rights, and money, and jobs without discrimination, and healthcare, and equality, and how all of that is somehow like…bad…but that never actually happened. And it definitely never happened to the point that it affected the makeup of the political parties.

Meanwhile, in 2005, the RNC Chairman apologized to the NAACP on behalf of the party for exploiting racial polarization to win elections, so it sounds like generally Republicans get that the Southern Strategy was a thing too.

The good people at Wikipedia have been kind enough to compile tons of studies, sources and historical information at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy but I’m sure you’ve got some counter-links to infamously well-researched journals not at all based in opinion that write based on facts and not “things that everyone knows” so I’ll just leave you to it. I’ve said what I wanted to say on the subject.

Considering they admitted it, yes. LOL

Stop using Windows. Microsoft was accused of sexual harassment.

Stop going to Walmart. They’ve had lawsuits too.

Stop going to McDonald’s. Same there.

Stop going to the grocery store. Stop going to doctors or hospitals. Stop going to Lowe’s or Starbucks, etc.

Kinda my point.

Get a big enough company and you are bound to get accused of sexual harassment right or wrongly at some point.

It’s pretty hilarious, you’re like a Fox teleprompter.

We’re going down your Trumpian crazyhole which has no relevance in anything with the actual issue at hand. And we both know how this whole convo goes as it’s been the same record for 7 months. So to get back on topic… again, please go on about how you believe PR-speak from C-levels trying to protect their stream of millions is more relevant than first-hand accounts from past & present employees and the fact that in over 3 dozen public statements from them not a single one has called anything out as being wrong.

This is a dark reality most know, the reason for the backlash being as severe as it is a combination of how severe and widespread the harassment was and the fact of how hard in the last few years (Hindsight … kinda funny timing on that huh?) they’ve started pushing the inclusivity so hard for this to come out.

Public opinion > Courts. Due to the 1st amendment we can state our opinion on this case and there is nothing you can do about it.