Why hate neutrality?

Neutrality sucks, take a side and fight the other. It made WPVP fun up until WM butchered it. Imagine WPVP without factions… or make a third neutral faction, where everyone sings songs and holds hands.

We already know the next three expansions are not faction war centric, don’t hold your breath for a 5th war just yet.

Or worse than illogical or one-sided, some quests outright lied to the players.

I did the Darkshore stuff on both factions. On the horde side, the blood elves you’re with are very clear–no civilian deaths, this is a military operation and we act with honor.
On the Alliance side, all the civilians are dead and Forsaken rogues killed them.

Which one actually happened? I never found out.

I’ll never stop saying that thinking the faction war was responsible for BfA’s failure is a complete misdiagnosis. If anything Shadowlands and DF proved that crap writing is crap writing regardless of the faction conflict’s presence.
I would even argue the BfA wasn’t a faction war expansion anyway. They only ever seemed to begrudgingly acknowledge it. If they had actually committed to the premise then it would have been received a lot better.

Every time I see this incredibly common take I start wondering if I’m in some kind of Twilight Zone episode where everyone thinks correlation and causation are the same thing. How can your thinking be this inside the box. Do you think that since they copypasted MoP once that it’s the only way to write a faction war story?


Crap writing? More like sweaty men and neck beards angry that they have been sidelined for more women and dramatic moments and more dialogues instead of ridiculous action set pieces like the last couple of expansions that came before dragonflight.

Wow. You really take strawmanning to a whole new level, don’t you?


Why do you Americans always shame Disney? It’s one of the most pioneering works in our history.

I am an American and I don’t hate Disney.

This is such a bold-faced lie. Everyone at the time cited the Azerite and poorly implemented forms of progression as their reasons for leaving. This narrative that the faction war is what made people leave didn’t show up until mid-shadowlands.


I’m not going to repeat the same discussion with you again, where you agreed with me after I gave you a direct link and conformation through the game director in an interview - and then started to harass me because you had nothing else to offer.

Onotay, you have to do better than this.

Oh you’re the same person that proved that the writers took away the wrong lesson that they probably wanted to take away in the first place. I remember you now. I’m honored that I left enough of an impression in your mind that you’d actually remember me first lol.

I did not agree with you though. I distinctly remember saying then what I just said now.

omg what are you even talking about?


World of Neutralcraft, hmmm wait that doesn’t sound right


In the real world it is perfectly normal for some people to let go of old hatred just as it is just as normal to see former enemies become friends after the conflict. This is why I want the PvP crowd to have their battlegrounds based on sub factions that refuse to end their wars. Meanwhile, others can embrace peace.

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I reject your ambition for Warcraft. It was a game founded on conflict and that brought an absurd amount of people to play - many (myself included) reveled in faction conflict so much that BlizzCon has, had, and still does attempt to evoke cheers of faction pride out of their attendees.

Warcraft isn’t the real world, it shouldn’t be the real world. It should be about war, and crafting of war, quite obviously. The fringe sub-factions that should exist are the ones that vie for peace, like you. Note: I am not saying you shouldn’t have a space, but what you ask for goes against the inherent premise, lore, and allure of a game that used to be so monumentally fun when it didn’t cater to those wanting as you do.




That saying “hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times” rings oh so true


Obviously you are unwilling to read more than just this sentence from the post you quoted. That just shows how human it is to resist reasonable objections when you don’t feel like it.

The co-operation worked the last time at the dark portal. It failed at the Wrathgate. It failed at the Broken Shore. If you try to work together again and think this time is different, you can in fact call that some kind of “learning disability”.

Just as boring as the 5th worldender.
Less boring than tea parties with the magical power of friendship with rainbows.

Because, in the real world, everyone lives in peace and harmony?
In the real world you will never be friends with the guys who killed your daughter. Even if you are forced to defend your country against some invader together it won’t change anything.

No. Alliance/Horde exist for this. There are neutral factions for everything else. If you don’t like it, go find another game instead of screwing it up for everyone else.


Anytime people say this they are exposing their inability to think on a basic level and the fact they have zero knowledge whatsoever of this franchise.

Yes it’s called WARcraft… Guess what every expansion HAS a WAR

Warcraft III was not about a WAR between the Alliance and Horde it was about fighting the Undead Scourge and Burning Legion.

Vanilla alone had MULTIPLE WARS most of them not being between the Alliance and Horde.

TBC is a WAR not against the Alliance and Horde

Wrath is not a WAR between the Alliance and Horde

This same logic goes for WoD, Legion, Shadowlands and Dragonflight as well… I actually can feel my neurons frying that people seemingly cannot understand that the WAR in Warcraft never left.


Yeah and that was back in the late 90’s even by 2003 the Original Developers of that franchise realized the maybe the war between The Alliance and Horde was getting boring and overdone because it’s the exact same every time. The fact we got not one, not two, but three expansions where it was a major theme or the centerpiece is baffling to me and it’s never been executed well.


Oh. You think so?

We’re friends with…

  • the blackrock since they joined the horde.
  • the dark irons since they joined the alliance.
  • the illidari
  • the scourge (since bolvar)
  • the black dragons.
  • the elemental lords
  • the druids of the flame
  • the zandalari
  • the iron horde (mag’har)
  • the remnants of the legion (man’ari)

All that’s left is the void. And since it’s hinted that it’s not as evil as everyone thought, it becomes our next friend through Alleria and the void elves.

Horde/Alliance is just the tip of the iceberg.

Like everything else in warcraft since wod. This is no argument.


Who are mostly dead thanks to us also wiping them out multiple times a lot of them and also ended up joining Garrosh’s True Horde so ripperoni to them,


Effectively dead and acting like they aren’t is severely overestimating the amount of them left compared to when we deleted them in TBC.

And no the Demon Hunter Order Hall is not the Illidari.

The Scourge is not an ally and are an active threat of warbands scattered across Azeroth atm, you’d know that if you bothered paying attention to anything in the setting even before the Helm of Domination was destroyed, the Scourge was not an ‘ally’ they were kept reigned in that’s all.

Of who are mostly wiped out and the ones remaining are ones we’ve worked with in the past already.

We are not friends with these we literally killed one in the lastest raid lmao.

A whole ‘two’ of them.


Are explicitly not the Iron Horde, did you do the Mag’har quest unlock? The Iron Horde was not only decimated but the entire Orc Population of AU Draenor was basically genocided.

Are not the only remnants of the Legion.


Neutrality would be fine if they could write it interestingly. the problem being they can barely get a brewing cold war story right.

Not all conflict needs to be an all-out war, the old ashenvale story was a skirmish over land and resources. We should move back to an uneasy truce, since IG the horde has constantly gone rouge the alliance could move for a cease fire and build up to some peace, instead of going all in one the peace.