Why hate neutrality?

We’re going to be like the Ralph and Sam here:

Perhaps the Night Elves and Gilnaen’s should secede from the Alliance all together.

Considering how much they did for the Alliance, yet Anduin couldn’t be bothered to help the Night Elves because he claims “over stretched” forces. Genn saying “Nope, we will help the Night Elves because they took us in and supported us” should have made Anduin think twice, because the Gilnean’s helping the Elves means they aren’t helping the Alliance, thinning them further. Sending the Champion in to help as if they were a one-person army was a d*ck move, also. “Here’s a token, make do”.

My point being, if they secede, there’s the start of the third faction. Then a new narritive can revolve around the Kel’dorei /Gilneas (and maybe even the Zandalari Trolls and Tauren) alliance recruiting from either of those from the Alliance/Horde who are no longer confident with each factions direction.

New alliances negotiated, and new enemies made.

Then there also be no need for Blizzard to create “cosmic all powerful world destroying entities” to have threat and conflict in Azeroth, just regular every day down to earth people trying to make others see their way is the only way.

This might be a great way to set up character creation to be allowed any race/any faction, thus resolving a new faction based game, and keeping the War in Warcraft.

My two cents, for what it’s worth. Cheers!


Tell me you don’t know what guilds are without telling me you don’t know what guilds are.


an organization of persons with related interests, goals, etc., especially one formed for mutual aid or protection.

any of various medieval associations, as of merchants or artisans, organized to maintain standards and to protect the interests of its members, and that sometimes constituted a local governing body.

You are part of an adventuring guild. The varius factions, Horde, Alliance, Cenarian Circle, Argent Dawn/Crusade/whatevertheyarecallednow, Galikis, ect. your reputation tab is filled with them, are all using your services. Did you never notice you got reputation for actions while a member of your guild, and joining a new one started you over? Did you never notice the various goblin guilds are willing to work with both Alliance and Horde?


Why would I care what poorly written characters think?

The faction conflict is an interesting dynamic but cant work because blizz cant make it happen without a good story.

No faction conflict is an uninteresting dynamic that also cant work because blizz cant write a good story.

There has to be something epic and controversial in Azeroth to make it happen which we all know blizz wont do.

“Soft can be epic” who gave that woman a microphone?


And you want members of this to be at odds with each other in the story and have conflicts and small scale war?

Make it make sense.

In a perfect world, we would have actually gotten this. But the only route they have left is to copy The Legend of Korra, where you see interracial problems on the rise, where you could fight against both sides at the same time.

bro, it’s world of WARcraft.

This is not hold your hands disney game!

PVP is the main point of the game in the first place.

There’s far more high stakes, meaningful conflict in the game that doesn’t include a petty, ridiculous Faction war that gets in the way of the high stakes meaningful conflict.

The Faction war is the equivalent of toddlers fighting over a sippy cup in comparison.

No, that’s Overwatch.

PvP has always been secondary in WoW, which is why they made BGs and Arenas, away from the main game for serious PvPers who wanted a real challenge on a mostly even playing field.

And sure, the Southshore/Tarren Mill epic WPvP brawls back in Vanilla sadly gave way to griefers who just wanted to one-shot lowbies and prevent them from playing the game which finally gave birth to Warmode.

But even giving extra exp hasn’t enticed players to enable Warmode to make it viable as it once was, because again, it hasn’t made sense in the context of the story since late Vanilla.

If you’re just in it for PvP, (real PvP, not one-shotting lowbies), Overwatch is your game, not WoW.

The bolded part is the real issue with WoW’s story telling, not the faction war. Faction war makes sense. Mortal people and mortal men / women fighting for things like resources, religious belief, territory, etc – all of that is normal and grounded story telling which had a place in WoW. The problem is Blizzard kept vomiting out cosmic level threats like they took up a line at the DMV and was waiting for their numbers to be called, constantly forcing us to begrudgingly hold hands.

Cosmic level threats are okay except when you vomit them out at such a pace and they completely lose any level of threat. At this point, we’ve murdered old gods, giant titanic constructs, massive dragons the size of cities. The players are too powerful. The only actual threat to the factions is the factions. Alliance and Horde will only ever be truly taken out by one another.

Blizzard just can’t write one worth a damn because of the corner they backed themselves into.


I’m sorry, when it came to the main villian, how often have the Horde and Alliance been at odds? When it wasn’t a faction leader of course. And before you start lighting your hair on fire and accuse me of hypocrisy, I’ve already stated:

It seems to me you’re the one not making sense.


What kind of conflict do you want exactly? How can factions be fighting in story but grouping together in gameplay? Tell me how that can make sense is what I’m saying.

You can also turn it around. How can factions have peace in the story but fight each other in bgs or the warmode?

In your example, there is still room for individuals who join together by their own decision despite the faction conflict. In the end, the pc is one of a thousand other adventurers or mecenaries. He switches his tabard more often than his underwear.

Alliance and Horde are no hiveminds. Gameplay is gameplay. There is no lore for partys.


I assume you’re just a sore loser with that comment, but every good mass conflict started from ganking. Lowbies called max lvls to help them and a battle ensued. I have many memories about this.
Based solely on your comment I reckon you just squirmed alone after getting gank’d.

We need faction conflict. Period. Holding hands in valdraken is a very boring experience.


It’s probably been said several times in the thread already, but the fact we’ve come together multiple times to face world ending threats always made it feel weirder going back to fighting each subsequent time. I think if we ever go back to a faction war, we’d need to have a newer and more compelling reason to have the factions fight.

That said though, I don’t think we’ll ever see the faction war come to prominence again. People like facing the big, world-ending threats, and it’s an easier story to tie a bow on. A faction war? Not so much.

The “war” never disappeared.

No, it’s not.


History and current events is not such a good subject for you is it? The Western Allies + Soviet Union is a perfect example of not-friends cooperating to defeat an enemy, but the outcome of that victory was decades of cold and proxy war. This is the norm of history. One country or another wants or needs one resource or another and it forces them into conflict with those that are in control of said resource. Look at Russia today and why they took Crimea and later what is going on right now. Why Poland is worried. Why China is seizing the South China sea despite having no recognized claim.

And in spite of that, Western Europe is still buying Russian fuels. Chinese businesses still operate throughout the East. That is why cold war is much more interesting than hot, narrative wise.


I don’t really consider refusing to invite people from the opposite faction into a key or raid to be roleplaying. I consider it to be stupidity.

Only if you don’t have a functioning brain stem, have zero capacity for memory, and have a serious learning disability, because we’ve learned, repeatedly that we all function better when we work together.

The faction war is petty, old, stupid, and boring.

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