Why Hasn't Lower Kara Been Nerfed?

People are honest though? Why do you think people are complaining about it being overtuned? Because it’s too hard.

They already have it set where you cant upgrade your mythic dungeon gear past a certain point unless you have a higher rating so if anyone wanted higher gear then they would have to do harder stuff. So it’s not like everything needs to be super hard it’s already like LFR, Normal, Heroic, Mythic. I think LFR ilvl is currently higher than Mythic 2 to 6 ilvl atm actually. So that should be a good indicator.

Don’t know why you’re face palming. +2 to 5 is not in the same stress as a 10 or a 15. I have done enough to know that I could stand in eat a lot of stuff on the former that would one shot me on the latter. And the amount of health of adds are lower with less affixs to deal with.

Though this isn’t for Season 4 as this is week one. But from season 3 which I did a lot of.

This is GD. It’s always too hard.

I’m facing palming because rather than getting better you rather drag the game to your level. That’s why this game is at the state it’s in. Because of stupid players like you

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If I could give a rough estimate on where all dungeons currently stand with Gambit or Streets (either one) being the 100% reference:

Iron Docks 101%
Grimrail Depot (biased because quaking week, but…) 115%
Mechagon Junkyard 70%
Mechagon Workshop 122%
Upper Karazhan 130%
Lower Karazhan 150%

Higher is worse. I think Junkyard could maybe be buffed tbh to offset the Zap bots just a little bit, maybe bosses have around 12-18% higher hp.

Karazhan… haha lol, yea just reduce the difficulty by 33% overall and it may come in line with the likes of Grimrail Depot. I don’t mind a challenge, I welcome challenge, it means top 0.1% is harder to achieve, but if it’s too hard, less people will compete for it, and you just end up killing off the higher key community and that’s no fun.

? It’s not a case of getting better. I do not know if it still shows It but I have done keys higher than the current one. I just don’t like doing them from a simple matter of I do keys while I am watching something on the other monitor.

I do not want the game on my level. I want what Season 3 was which is that not every single key is as challenging regardless of level.

I do not want to go into 4+ and have to treat it like a 15+. If I wanted that level of difficulty I would be doing 15+. This is the same for a lot of people either, they just aren’t as good but still want to do Mythic+ or they just want to turn their brain off and valor farm to upgrade their BiS.

I think on higher keys especially the Iron Docks should be higher up than Upper. 18 Upper was much easier than 18 Docks.

Are you sure about that?

I think a bigger issue with this season is visual feedback.

Carrion Swarm is very hard to see in big packs, the sleep clouds spawn circles are tiny, and get covered up by everyone’s meaningful choice on the floor.

Don’t even get me started on Grimrail, because all of the above issues are amplified because my camera is planted firmly up my character’s backside.

I’m glad a bunch of people that don’t play M+ voted for the worst dungeon WoD had to offer.


Don’t know what you linking about?

Challenge mode = really really hard


Your account wide achievements and you saying “it’s not about getting better”.

It just was

havent really gotten into high keys yet. My team is kinda on the reroll stage (should have pushed the during end of season 3) But yea you’re probably right. But same time we are fairly undergear atm.

My point is that I am more skilled than the Keys I am doing but I am doing them because I don’t like a challenge. I don’t know why you linked my achievements?

Lol and how would you know that if you don’t do it?

Thanks for admitting that you just want things to be face rolled. M+ is not LFR.

ugh the amount of times I fell asleep coz of this. Can’t wait for necro week where I kite way only to hit a sleep cloud and dies :rofl:

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This may come off as elitist, but it’s necessary.

If you haven’t ever timed a 15, let alone a 20 or even completed a 20, I don’t really think you should have a say in tuning/balancing of dungeons in a Mythic+ setting at all.

It IS an elitist community, people like to progress, people push keys to get better and upgrade gear etc, people WANT to time keys. If you’re doing 5’s and complaining about how hard they are, stick to mythic zero or put in the time and effort to improve.

My personal feedback and opinions here is based off my own experience from running 20’s last season and this season. I’ve timed all dungeons at 15 or above EXCEPT upper this season, with most of them being timed at a 17-18 so far. I know exactly how things are and what areas need improving, and honestly, it’s not a lot.
There are some mobs I’ll be keeping an eye on after reset, I have a feeling regular trash mobs in Karazhan both upper and lower and going to potentially make it physically impossible to time a 15, even if you’re the best player in the world (Naowh). But we’ll see, I could be wrong and I love being wrong because it means I have room to improve.


Sanguine and grievous this week more puddles yay

If you have raider IO and look at my SL 3 and post 9.2.5 you will see I have done multiple 15s,14s and runs over 10+ and 1 to 2 chested all of them. I only did it enough to upgrade my gear to a certain point then I only did 2s to 5 to farm valor.