Why hasn't BM been nerfed yet?

You and I differ in this. BM/melee I’m fine with, when you start throwing casters at me I start messing up. Lol

I dunno, UH/Heals, Warrior/Rdruid, Afflock/Heals?

You should take it vs this, if you’re not playing Survival Tactics vs wars you’re messing up

No reason not to take it here, still useful defensively esp if they have an rsham or hpal

Pretty much same as above but you’d also definitely want it if they have an rsham anyways

Plus those last two comps are so terrible anyways it’s not like you’d fight them consistently in 2s, you used an example of two really god awful 2s comps from specs with almost no representation

Everyone takes it though. It’s not like people are taking different talents. It synergizes way too well.

You just asked when anyone would not take those. Also, clearly, you aren’t playing in the 1600-1900 range. All kinds of weird stuff down here, sir.

I usually go RoS, Kindred, Tranq Darts against Rdruid teams. I’ll use double feign if mobility isn’t as important and burst is plausible. I don’t consider UH/afflock bursty enough for that to be an issue. I mean, I could also be doing this completely wrong - I’m not going to pretend I know everything. I just think there are not-uncommon situations where you would not take both. Do you pick it into something like Shadowplay?

Tranq darts only works properly in close range, you should only take it as SV into caster rdruids. Super bad talent choice into arms war rdruid, especially over survival tactics

It’s still useful into things like shadowplay for fding when you’re in death range/fding shadow crash etc.

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I am clearly not understanding that functionality. Does it not reduce the duration of druid hots on the target when you tranq something off?

It does reduce the duration but the darts shoot out close range from your character

Only worth taking as SV and only when you can sit there and kick off CD in melee range+purge

I only take it into destro rdruid x which is almost nonexistent anyways and I’d never take it as BM

Huh. Well there you go.

I find these posts so hilarious. My guy, BM hunters aren’t what’s keeping you at low ratings. :slightly_smiling_face: If you want to get above average ratings, you’re going to just have to improve you’re game. :slight_smile:

You find


Imo it’s just about as concise and straightforward as it gets. Just about the opposite of humor.

Grats on challenger. Wear that title proudly.
