Why hasn't Blizzard balance AV map yet?

I know changing the AV map isn’t going to fix alliance’s win/lose ratio, but balancing out the map will at least acknowledge that blizzard is aware of this problem. There shouldn’t be any reason for anyone to be opposed to this when the alliance’s lose rate is boardline 100%.

The alliance’s backdoor is the biggest issue rn. Unlike the other backdoors, this one was a result of importing classic to the legion client and is accessible to everyone. No skill requirement, just run forward and jump.

The other issue is the horde’s initial spawn. The spawn is significantly closer to mid, giving them a 30+ second advantage in both SFGY and SHGY. While it wasn’t a huge issue in vanilla, it’s an issue in classic’s mid-max era where every second counts.


We don’t need duplicate threads about same thing.


The only reason that I can see is rewards would be thrown out of balance.

Alliance win rates would rise to 50/50.

The alliance has no Q time and horde have an hour +.

Rep would be faster On alliance and honor.
Mostly rep is I could say. Other than that nothing.

The AV map is fair. Alliance is losing AV because they’re bad at AV.


In rep you are fighting the other faction, with honor you are fighting against your faction. Horde just like to fight against their own faction more, even if they don’t already realize it yet

Yes, one side reaching objectives 20 seconds sooner is fair. They should do that in all bgs so they’ll all be fair.


Have you seen BG chat after someone suggests where to push and said push fails or when someone tells everyone in chat to stop turtling? Ever been stalked down by 1-3 low levels trying to snipe your target’s corpse because they’re in av solely to rep farm? The horde doesn’t even come close to us when it comes to fighting our own faction.


Those are for turn ins which are global for the faction. Why are you even in av if not to rep farm. The other bgs are clearly better/ more balanced

Alliance whining about AV being unfair to them is just the best thing, isn’t it?


The map is slightly unbalanced, but that’s hardly the reason Alliance loses.



Do you even understand why it’s imbalanced??

I’m guessing no, you just follow suit with the few horde who still can’t admit it, atleast most horde can, well the horde that actually understand why the cave Rez point is game changing.

Yea it’s up there with the horde crying about premades.

I just can’t wait for BC them all these horde “pros” can show me how amazing at PvP they actually are.

Like posting on a retail toon with achievements that are public. Look I found another horde “pro”. You do know your arena achievements are public right???

Because they don’t care.

No they don’t, all they see is Alliance VS horde.

News flash to everyone, it’s ONE PLAYER BASE.

To say one faction is much worse at something is baffling. There are good and bad players on both sides, but most people are blinded by this imaginary war they could care less about fairness as long as it’s their faction with the advantage to bolster their imaginary war egos.


If Blizzard cared they’d do the bare minimum and alternate AV starts so each side gets to experience each start. That’s rule one of asymmetric maps, they are inherently difficult to balance so swapping sides at least evens things out over time.


I’ve been playing Alliance for the past month and have seen the issues first hand. Half our team is AFK the entire game. I don’t know how you expect to win 20v40 especially when the 40 have an average level of 59.9 while the 20 have an average level of 55.


I’ll be more than happy to crush you on my TBC toon at the time, if there’s still any doubt. 'Till then.

Not sure, I won’t be around 1750 with you.

Remember your achievements are public?

I don’t care, and it’s irrelevant.


Oh for sure, bit it didn’t start that way.

The people who do AV on alliance are there off there ring and rep.

The afk in AV is a result of losing 99% of games for 6 months straight.