Why hasn't Blizzard balance AV map yet?

Shows your PvP experience.

It would be like me boasting how great I am at pve knowing my logs are public…

You say it’s irrelevant but it shows how good a person is and or was, and your PvP ranking leaves a lot to be desired, but I guess that’s why Alliance can’t win AV, how could we with PvP gods like yourself on the other side.

I never boasted about my PVP XP, though. I’m just laughing at the irony of Alliance complaining about AV.

Furthermore, arena rating is meaningless in BGs and world PVP. I’d offer to duel you, if you’re so certain of an easy win.

Otherwise, you’re just coming across as insecure, and without much of a point.

Blizzard knows it’s unbalanced, but I think they are happy with it because they know Horde queue times are extremely long, while Alliance can get in and get some honor/rep much faster even if they lose. In Blizzard’s eyes, that is probably enough to satisfy them and not make any changes.

This says it all, good night Cleveland!

Blizzard couldn’t balance a sheet of plywood laying flat on the ground.


Even just randomizing the starts would be good. Then if a side is unbalanced you’d have a 50% chance to get the better one and that would naturally even it out.

I mean, balancing it would be better but that’s clearly beyond Blizzard’s abilities.

They do fix AV in patch 2.3, it’s just in TBC when they make it so you can’t Rez at your cave unless you control no other graveyard.

That’s the only change they would need to do now, as to why we can’t win is because we can’t get IBGY or FWGY ever because you Rez 20 at a time at your cave and are 20 seconds from it.

When IBGY is contested from SHGY we Rez 10 at a time almost a full minute away.

Hmm who could possibly win that fight, the army that spawns 20 at a time 20 seconds away or the army that spawns 10 at a time a minute away??


Balance it. Move the cave behind FWGY. Let the zergs meet in the field of strife rather than at bal. Or swap sides. Go from 99% loss rate to 95% loss rate because bottom line your pvpers will never use AV for honor unless they can group queue. We’ll look forward to smashing all of your lvl 55’s, slow mounts, and casual players over and over again regardless of the map.

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Well it ain’t TBC yet, ya frostbitten munchkin, so guess you’ll just have to deal with it.

Till then, Your arena rating will solve the problem. Oh wait, arena isn’t a thing yet, shame.

They also need, at the very least, to delay opening the horde gate. That way both teams meet in the middle of the Field of Strife and it’s tougher to block an alliance offense. This would allow more strategies and a better overall set of games.

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I don’t really need to deal with anything I don’t do AV. I have staff of the Shadow flame. My hunter has tarnished elven rings. AV is literally obsolete now.

The cave starting area isn’t as big as you think it gets changed later on but only because it goes into reinforcements and then getting to Belinda so fast needed to be changed

It matters because of where the battle starts. When the horde can easily block access to SF and defending SHB then that’s a problem.

If the battle started at the mid then there’s a wider lane for alliance to get around and go on offense. The horde will have to pick whether to attack on one side or defend on the other. Smaller battles will form and there will be more PVP instead of the mash-up that happens in pretty much two spots.

Opening the horde gate a bit later and making reinforcements go to GY instead of the caves would go pretty far in making AV more playable.

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Eh them not rezing at cave would drastically change the game and it’s a simple fix.

The cave getting moved back is actually in patch 2.4 which is after the fix I’m suggesting is better. It happens in 2.3.

Over 50% of my AV games we crush them at SHGY and cap IBGY, issue is we can’t ever hold it because of the Rez. SFGY is mostly irrelevant as you need to cap IBGy or FWGY to push south anyway, SFGY is only used because we can’t hold IBGY, and we end up not holding SFGY either.

With my fix and the fix that happens sooner, you can leap frog from SHGY to IBGY and keep IBGY because when they throw defense at IBGY to recap it they no longer Rez 20 at a time 20 seconds away at their cave, they now Rez 10 at a time 40 seconds away.

Severely easier to hold IBGY, as they will never recap it again. Then we just leapfrog to FWGY then RHGY and kill Drek.

Doubt that but hey last week I discovered a pot of gold and got a magic lamp with three wishes so I guess the impossible can happen!

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We aren’t losing because they get somewhere 20 seconds faster. We aren’t losing 99% of games because they have a 20 second Head start.

I also stopped AV months ago when people still tried

Here’s something obvious that you don’t see: Classic is not SUPPOSED to be re-designed in order to make it better, or modern, or “better for 2020”. That was never part of Classic. Classic is a copy of the “BEFORE BLIZZARD CHANGES” game.

Sure, some players WANT a redesign (of many things in Classic), but that isn’t what Blizzard offered. And other players don’t WANT any Blizzard changes. They don’t trust Blizzard to make the changes THEY want made.

I’ve seen the Alliance win the majority of battles and have way more HKs in AV many times, but the complete inability to defend the defenseless SHGY combined with the insanely powerful IBGY choke/nearby cave respawn is just way too much map disadvantage to overcome.


Forget “caring” – this is an excellent suggestion. When you queue, you don’t know which direction you are playing. That’s fair.

Add one more element and you can eliminate BG queues – both teams can be from the same faction. Too many horde queued teams? Let 2 horde teams fight. Zip. No more queues!

And you’re an ignorant coward, did you have something relevant to contribute?