Why has wrath become so toxic?

Ever since TBC Classic rolled around, and people had issues with SSC/TK and there were raids that couldn’t kill Lady Vashj and Kael’Thas… the community became very min max oriented. If you don’t parse well and your gear is bad, you don’t get invited. People in Wrath Classic have very little patience nowadays and want to just kill the bosses, they’re not willing to bring in anything less than what they perceive to be geared enough and meta. I would just keep doing what you can to get geared and find raids. People are dying for prot paladins to tank 10mans and even 25mans at least on benediction.

Oh i have finally got into an icc and cleared 8/11 including LDW heroic and gunship and unlike the naysayers above my gear was not an issue the issue became dps on sindy and blood council inability to do mechanics even tho most were 5.8k gs or higher i was only one around 5.2.

So at the end of the day i was proven right they were proven wrong and the fact is gear is not an issue it was mechanics and people who cant pay attention like then who were the issue

Retail players. They’ve infested Classic.


It did and does still happen in vannila. How many fresh blue characters were you happy to take into Naxx unless they were buying items for gold from you. Right…

They are taken to a lot of raids…my shaman in all blues has the ouro healing head and has killed kt

Would you say its an extremely high percentages? Like 20, 30, 50% Guilds are seeking all blue shaman to heal these things? Turning away geared shaman instead?

It looked different. But it was there. Sure, I took losers to raids all the time too. Because it was better than 39 manning it OR they were buying things from my run.

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It got toxic when retail players with no concept of “different versions of games” started pulling 4 packs at once while being only a 4.8k GS tank.

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Bad analogy. More accurate one is asking for BWL gear for an MC cleanup.

Are there people trying to skip ahead in progression? Sure. But theyre easy to spot (Looking at you, Secondhand Tanks trying to run ToGC+). The more common iteration of this issue is people demanding better gear than the content drops in order to even run it. Funny part is, at least 60% of the time when you inspect them their gear is unenchanted ungemmed dogwater. Theyre looking to get a piggyback ride to free gear.


I was using the one that was presented? Blame the other guy.

Also the always asking for better thing is as old as this game is that released in 2004. Does it mean I agree with it? Like it? No. But its just the reality of the situation is all I am saying.

The easiest path, if availiable, will be taken by almost anyone. I never form say a VOA and see 2 shaman join, both ele, and see one is like in full ICC gear and the other just dinged 80 and pick the guy that just hit 80. Unless I know the guy, he is up front with me about the situation, or I am feeling generous. Not that VOA even takes talent of gear to do, but its the easier road.

I am just saying what a vast majority of people do and why it happens. Nothing is going to stop it. Just how it be.

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Tbh, I don’t blame Blizzard in the slightest. They had to adapt to the times by going casual. To me, it’s a player created problem. All you really need to do is look at the Classic Vanilla player base up until now. Classic Vanilla was still casual friendly, but compared to Wrath it’s still night and day. Wrath is much much closer to casual retail. Qol, player mentality, everything.

The classic community is terrible imo. Old wow was very different mostly because of the attitude towards gaming and the age range of players. “You think you do, but you dont” quote appears to be more for what people felt about wow compared to wow today. Honestly retail has less cares than people on classic. this is all imo before the more rage lol.


Great - now you can stop complaining on the threads and everyone will be glad for it.

There’s no way to avoid toxicity when you’re playing WoW in general - any version.

This is OG ICC it wasn’t cleared with 232 ilvl.

You should be around 5.2k GS with a mix of 232/245 and a couple of 264 items from frost badges.

Put in the work, Gammas are terrible, its not a great catchup mechanic they are far to toxic and unenjoyable. This is why we can only pray LFR is put in for Cata so people can stay caught up.

From what I remember of OG Cata, it was pretty easy to stay caught up even pre-LFR just from doing heroics .

this is only true for launch. Heroics don’t catch you up to future raid tiers. LFR is a better system then H+ gamma/beta nonsense. As OP mentioned it is toxic.

The troll and end time dungeons were for catch up.

Also toxicity begets toxicity.

I lashed out at someone undeservingly a few days ago because of what I thought was a perceived attack on my gameplay when it wasn’t at all.

I went ballistic because I’ve been on edge over other nerd attacks I’ve recently dealt with that turned me into a ticking time bomb at the first person to offer me any kind of advice.

There are individuals out there that go out of their way to belittle others and I became one and the same as them; that someone that didn’t deserve it got caught in my verbal crossfire.

Going to reflect on the situation and improve.

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