Even playing classic (which I greatly enjoyed) it was pretty painful getting anyone to do binding runs in MC while we were in AQ40. Absolutely tired of doing the same raid forever.
In fairness, I’m okay with attunements now. With the grouping tools available now, as well as you not being locked to a single server for people, I’m all for bringing them back.
I am most definitely not okay with going with you to do them(…yanno, unless I’m bored). And if you can’t be bothered to find your own groups to get attuned these days I think that tells me everything I’d need to know about you to know I wouldn’t want you on my team.
You do know that Raiding… specifically raiding past LFR… is a minority activity and always has been right? Even MC only had 40% of the population kill a single boss and the % just went downhill after that.
Legion had this distinct problem where you actively had to run everything on every difficulty if you wanted reasonable AP gains, or a reasonable rate of Legendary acquisition. BFA had a similar problem with trinkets not being outgrown; Ashvane’s Razor Coral and especially Azshara’s Font of Power were outright class-defining trinkets that came from hard bosses in a previous raid tier.