The cycle that each player who does not play casually during a new patch is normal raid > heroic raid > mythic raid, and maybe some mythic+. Besides that there is really not much to do in new patches for goal driven players and then they take a break until next patch to do the same cycle again. Sure there’s content for casual players like mount farming, quests, etc but these players do not make up the majority of the playerbase and it feels like a seasonal pass is missing due to how much blizzard has ingrained the seasonal style of playing. The first step to fixing this is to stop invalidating previous raid tiers, and stop the hyperinflation of itemlevel.
Got it, force people to clear every single raid every week since later tiers basically give the same gear
Not a stupid idea at all
No. Making raid tiers valid throughout an expansion is for lack of better term, stupid.
Guilds have enough on their plate without having to start worrying about clearing old raids as well to get x trinket that sims higher than y trinket.
The concept of seasons has failed for PVE so badly.
It has flopped so badly.
Vanilla-wotlk would like to have a word.
Seeing as thats the way its been since vanilla I guess it hasn’t really flopped at all.
Always has been? You beat the raid, and starting in Wrath you beat the raid on the next difficulty, then when the next raid comes out with better loot you rinse and repeat.
Press X to doubt.
Casual players have always made up the majority of the playerbase.
Raid engagement was stupidly low before LFR was added.
No have appropriate scaling options for content so you can choose to run a raid at appropriate power to receive rewards.
I don’t want to raid the Molten Core for my BiS.
PVE didn’t have seasons in vanilla but nice try.
Right and people werent changing to tier 2/3 when that gear was released.
BiS would only ever come from current content though BiS should only be slightly better than the baseline. At least you could choose to play what you wanted to.
I promise you people weren’t going into Naxx with Molten Core gear, leaving aside the occasional quirky piece that Blizzard didn’t know how to balance.
I don’t choose what I want to play if my BiS comes from 2008.
Great post and thank your for being a valued member of the WoW community.
You have a source for that?
PVE players would QQ if they put in templates in PVE.
I am willing to bet casuals make up the majority judging by raid clears. What would be more interesting would be the amount of profiles that never even make it to max level.
I know I’m a bit thick sometimes, but I honestly never even knew WoW was a seasonal game until I started lurking and posting on the forums. It’s probably because I’m a casual, so I’m never really concerned about clearing anything during a season. But, when I finally realized this was the case, and how gear became obsolete during every season, I began to wonder why people bothered with it. I mean, I knew expansions made things obsolete, but not each patch cycle. It just doesn’t seem worth it to me to play a game like that. I want my achievements to mean something going forward. Clearing a Mythic raid means nothing to me if it’s obsolete 6 months later. But, the mounts, mogs and other rewards are things I will want and use and have fun with forever. So, I think that’s why my brain never realized WoW was seasonal. Now that I know, it makes me glad I never cared.