Because then they don’t have to come up with new content.
There are no new battlegrounds for example. Just a new season, gear up again, and do the same ones over again.
Because then they don’t have to come up with new content.
There are no new battlegrounds for example. Just a new season, gear up again, and do the same ones over again.
I mean it’s always been seasonal to me.
honestly you don’t owe a video game anything. Play until you don’t want to play anymore and then log off.
over the course of a year I take months off there’s nothing wrong with that.
Game as a service. Its the future of gaming. Seasonal gaming means people coming back for new seasons.
It is reinforced by the esport mentality.
Most players in vanilla never even made it to the level cap let alone participated in raids. It’s a poor example to compare it to the current form.
Nice try because more players probably player below level cap now than back in vanilla.
You probably have no idea what you are talking about because I’m probably sure you are probably talking out of your rear. Probably.
I probably think your armor isn’t as shiny as you think it is!
WoW seasons has failed PVE so badly it is face palm worthy.
This just means you’ve figured out that cosmetics are the true end game.
I haven’t cared about gear in over a decade lol
That’s not even slightly close to true
You have a link?
Where is your link?
And, I can go get the mogs a couple of years later from those raids I never did while current. And, I can get every single pvp tier set (well, not every, but most), and many seasonal mounts with the casual marks of honor. So, I really don’t understand why people bother when things are current. Of course, if they enjoy it, that’s totally a good reason to do it, and I’m not faulting anyone for that. People should play the game they find the most fun. But, for me, I could never justify that kind of commitment for things I can get for free later on, with barely any time commitment.
My source is I actually played in Vanilla, ya goob.
I doubt there is any kind of study for what you’re claiming, but you made the claim first so feel free to prove it.
I didn’t make the claim first the other poster made a claim.
So where is the link? Since you are defending what the original poster stated about more players below level cap of vanilla? I will be waiting as I sip on my green tea.
Explain exactly how.
Like I said, it doesn’t exist. Just gonna have to trust the people that were there.
How about no?
Then I guess we’ve reached an impasse.
Thankfully, not a problem for any other MMORPG.
A real shame WoW went down that rabbit hole.
Look at call of duty
Get ready for battle packs in WoW or whatever you call em
Yea, the xpacs with ample catch up gear with badge vendors and added dungeons
Seasons is a marketing tool so that the game can attract players periodically in cycles.
The underlying idea – that a new tier of gear replaces a previous tier of gear – is as old as the game is, although it wasn’t always called a “season”.