Why has dungeon finder been broken for hours?

Dungeon finder keeps pausing randomly, and no one is able to get into groups. Also, this doesn’t appear to be getting fixed since there are so many bugs in SoD. RDF is CRUCIAL functionality for WOTLK at this point, please prioritize fixing it. Us sticking with Wrath and not SoD are still paying customers.


Be sure to post in the bug thread linked below too. It helps the QA and dev team when bug reports have more posts. Especially with SoD bug reports now flooding the Classic bug report forum.

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There’s like, a million bugs in SoD (shocking) so my guess is this won’t be fixed anytime soon.

Yeah. We’ll just need to flood the bug reports forum with requests for an RDF fix.


Still broken…

Bug reports -------->

:thread: :mute: :no_bell:

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Please fix now!

EDIT: Dungeon Finder Not Working? - #17 by Kaivax

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With the amount of bugs that exist in the game and still don’t get fixed, I’m not optimistic about them fixing this.

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Seems fixed.

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