Why greater drums? just add tinnitus

This is what peak TBC looks like. If you disagree then you are just too casual.


It’s a total of 25% haste at any given time, because it goes on 5 people.

5% haste is already higher than any other profession’s personal benefit, having it apply to 5 people? more so.

Drums were mandatory because of the fact they are by far the best profession perk around. All blizzard’s “fix” here does it punt the problem down the line a few phases. (and then makes it more painful to craft them)

We understand people don’t want to feel as though they need to pick up Leatherworking, 4-5 LW per group isn’t fun, we will make changes.

Just kidding, we’re going to make you have 5 LW in the group (4 haste, 1 back up or AP/SP/Mp5), and just add a nuisance so it’s annoying, but not annoying enough to shift the meta.


“1 mage casting arcane intellect on the raid is giving the entire raid +1000 intellect!”

You’re not wrong, you’re just wording it in a very, very misleading way.

YOU are the one trolling.

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Stop…lol You are making seem that drums is so OP with a 25% haste buff. Now you are saying, “hey 5 drums is like one person having 25% haste”, not even a practical argument. You are the troll.


Its the same concept as gear score and raider io. It makes you a “better” player because you do the thing the best players do. So if you dont follow that or have good gear in the right amount of time or run the right M+ you are clearly not a good player. Or so meta chasers would have you believe.

I’m confused now.

So the change is actually no change at all?


With all due respect, it seems like somebody doesn’t understand what the actual issue is? The whole problem is:

A) Serious guilds will have LW be mandatory for the buff
B) Having multiple people with drums (I forget if you can hot swap people into groups like you can with Shaman) to keep the buff on almost constantly throughout the fight.

This “fix” doesn’t seem to actually address the issue and just adds an extra layer on top for no reason at all.

Am I missing something here? How does this address guilds stacking Drums and using them one after the other via different people?


For the sake of not arguing with you over a video game, the biggest point I am trying to make is that the benefit from drums is “way too good” for people NOT to take. Yes, player choice exists. I agree 100%. However, when playing a video game that encourages competition and rewards you for it, it’s unlikely that the opportunity cost of NOT choosing LW will be greater than taking it.

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That’s not how math works.


Yeah, literally all this “fix” does is make it more painful to do what we didn’t want happening in Sunwell. It doesn’t actually change anything about it.

Now we just need to get leatherworking, and a recipe from zul aman, and farm more

Its worse than no changes because now you have to coordinate stacking with your group

But do you realize this literally does nothing to the problem that drums created? You told us things were going to be changed, for the better, we were expecting(and wanting) drums to have a debuff associated with it so that it didn’t feel mandatory, all this does is still make it mandatory just slightly delayed mandatory. Honestly we want things fixed in BC like drums, swapping shamans around to the same party for lust mid combat(this is huge and really deters from actual gameplay for one player for a portion of every encounter), ect.

Please stick to the philosophy of “some changes” and not do this nonsense you do on retail where you “bandaid” something giving the illusion that you’re listening to the playerbase and it doesn’t actually change anything.

5x 100 = 500
5x 105 = 525

525 - 500 = 25

Simple enough for you?

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I like how we moved from trying to make drums less important to making them the focus of groups for people who are going to want to parse. Somehow blizzard made drums worse for people until phase 5.

Ok. Here’s the math for you so you understand what he’s trying to say. Five people in a group are do 100 damage over 30 seconds (the length of a single drum). A single drum is invoked to buff all 5 group members who then do 100 X 1.05 = 105 damage or 525 damage over 30 seconds. Now lets look at a single person getting a 25% buff. 100 X 4 + 100 X 1.25 = 525 total damage over 30 seconds. If you notice, 525 = 525 for both scenarios. This is why 5 people getting a 5% buff is the same thing as a single person getting a 25% buff.

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It’s disappointing & demoralizing how terribly disconnected this reply is from reality. Nothing you said makes us believe that you understand the problem, let alone have an effective solution to it.


The drums were originally in TBC and buffed in patch 2.4. Coordination of the drums still existed back then. Not sure why no changes is worse.

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“since they would make Leatherworking feel mandatory.”

I dont understand how the change to Drums at all effect this. The changes decrease their range, until ZA when they have the original range but cost more. That means they are just as effective as they were but require positioning to use. With these changes they will continue to be just as powerful as they were when used correctly, meaning they will still be “mandatory”. I dont get it.

This is the most misguided implementation you could possibly have gone with. It is so tone deaf to the communities concerns that it borders on toxic.