Why greater drums? just add tinnitus

There’s no reason to be pedantic about this. The nerf to drums was intended to be Tinnitus.

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The drums do not stack…rofl 25%? It is 5% per drum and does not stack.


Your plan to make leatherworking not feel mandatory is to make it so it’s only mandatory after Zul’Aman?

That makes… No sense at all.


These are the “fond” memories people are hoping to avoid by not being forced to be a Leatherworker. At best this delays the requirement to be a LW until ZA, but at worst it makes everyone become a LW day 1 and stack to use the old unfun drums and eventually makes them more expensive.

This change doesn’t solve any of the complaints people have had about drums, no one wants to be forced to be a LW (same as engineering in Classic) for the betterment of the raid.

Applying the buff to the entire raid, allowing them to be used by anyone or a Tinnitus debuff is a meaningful change, this current idea on beta is not.


What happened to changing drums so that they didn’t feel mandatory for the entire raid if they want to optimize their output?


Can you explain to me why a Warlock, Mage, Priest, Healer, etc. should require LW to get the HUGE benefit from Drums? None of us are asking for a complete OVERHAUL of how drums work. We just want a decent change that makes it feel less “required” and gives people a chance to still get the most performance without needing LW as one of their professions (no matter what).


April 1st is next Thursday.


What exactly is wrong with this?


5 people getting 5% haste is the equivalent of one person getting 25% haste.

If a profession gave 25% haste you can bet it would be mandatory for anyone raiding. 40spell power isnt even 4% increase over my CURRENT healing power on my paladin.

Why is it OK for Leatherworking to not be mandatory but Engineering is?

No profession should be mandatory.

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Assuming this is the extent of the changes to Drums, this is quite possibly the most brain-dead “solution” to the problem imaginable. Not only does it not do anything to fix the issue at all as was promised at BlizzCon, but it actively makes it worse.

Serious guilds will still require ~20 Leatherworkers per raid. All that this changes is makes it more of a PITA to acquire Drums due to the higher LW requirements as well as the increased mats needed. Pre-Sunwell raiding is going to be one of the most annoying things imaginable. Do you know what this is going to do? One player per party in a raid will be marked with a symbol. Every ~25 seconds, the “go to your markers” call will happen on Discord, people will collapse (as fight mechanics allow), the drummer will use drums, and people will spread again.

Just add 2 minute Tinnitus or make drums’ buff raid-wide. I’m astonished that the one change made to drums so far makes them more cancerous than they were in current TBC.


I’m sorry, I don’t understand this at all.

The problem that the community has with drums is that it will create a meta where most everyone “has” to get Leatherworking just for drums. We don’t think that’s fun. We think it would be a lot more fun not to have one of your profession slots pigeon holed into Leatherworking, and could instead choose any other profession. Metas are metas, and they define the modern classic player. Just like world buffs weren’t fun for most in Classic, but the majority of raiders subjected themselves to it nonetheless.

The community offered several simple, elegant solutions to the drums problem. For example, you could add a debuff after Drums are used so they can’t be chained. That way Leatherworking is still viable, but only 1 person in each group would have to get it. You could also make it so that drums don’t require Leatherworking to be used anymore. That way we’re still chaining them, but you can choose whatever profession you want. I’d personally be happy with either of these. There were other solutions offered as well.

This however does nothing to solve the problem. It seems like the purpose is to artificially recreate the way drums were from patch 2.0 through 2.2. But I don’t understand why you would want to do that. We’re already doing stuff that came out in 2.0 with 2.4.3 talents, just like we did MC with 1.12 talents. I don’t at all understand what this change is for, who asked for it, or what it accomplishes.


I stuck up for Blizz, assuming the datamined info was just a mistake. I was wrong. This in no way fixes the requirement for every single raid member to have LW for the drums.


Thank you!

Please explain to me, who will force you to go LW? Your account, you have a choice. If you are a min-maxer, then get ready to roll enchanting and JC as well. Where is your outrage regarding those professions? I want to be able to enchant my rings and make BIS trinkets. OMG, Blizzard it is so unfair. Ultimately, the choice is yours.


Drums are not stackable, stop with the 25% haste. It is 5% haste at any give time.

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You realize this will continue to make leatherworking mandatory (to get in any 1/2 way decent guild) but make it even a worse mechanic and even more annoying right ?

Now (until the ZA patch) your group members are going to be forced to stack on each other to maintain drum uptime. And even if you only hit a couple members of your group drums are to good to pass up even with an 8 yard range.

Literally the worst thing they could have done. I would rather have the OG drums than this stupid implementation if it’s going to be a requirement either way.

Good job, Blizzard. One step forward, fifty steps back.


5 people getting 5% haste is the equivalent of one person getting 25% haste for raid output.

I have to assume you are intentionally trolling at this point. They are stackable because 4 people with drums circumvent the 2 minute cooldown.

You are comparing a group buff that, even if not groupwide is better than any other profession, to enchantment on a single person.

I don’t understand this “meta” mentality. It’s not like an fps game where if you don’t use xyz weapons, you’ll die in a fight. This seems like something people chase top speed runs and parse would be concerned about. Nothing to do with the spirit of the game - which is, for pve, group up with some people and defeat bosses.

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