Even if you are in a reasonably casual guild that doesn’t require drums, good luck running alts through PUG/GDKP raids if you’re into that without going LW on them. Any group hosting runs now that requires world buffs is going to require LW.
Stop trying this “no changes” approach, Blizzard. It’s 2021! How did that mentality work out for Classic? You are going to ruin Classic TBC by not listening to community feedback. Thank you for confirming the “datamining” by coming out with an official post. However, take the feedback people are NOW giving you and make a BETTER and SMARTER change!
See, we knew LW was mandatory b/c of drums, but we had hope you would make it NOT so…
Now we have confirmation it IS still mandatory!
Wohoooooo… requred drums, required meta… No LW, no raid invite amarite boys!!
“yea now you just have to call for a raid stack every 30 seconds
and whoever didnt get the buff will have to use their own drums
so now its actually 25/25 people with leatherworking
also that the greater drums are bop so all 25 people in ur raid will have to farm greater drum pattern from ZA”
They didn’t say the greater drums are raid wide though. Here’s to hoping…
Ok, it’s fine bringing back the two versions but make them raid wide so we don’t still need 20 LWers in a raid…
Rage some more, I don’t think Blizzard can hear you. People like you cried to Blizzard about “Seal of Blood”, that change happened. Because of all the crying from people like you, TBC is now not the original. Blizzard will never satisfy people like you, you will just complain and complain. If you don’t like it, play another game. Not difficult.
I agree. Adding Greater Drums just means people will have to farm more. Just add Tinnitus/Sated to drums and bloodlust. Problem solved.
Also… please add dual spec
So drums are even MORE mandatory now
actually gigabrains
Not me personally. I don’t meta-head wow. I’m was planning on going LW with this toon regardless of drums. I would be fine if they just left it as it was originally. I was more commenting on how this doesn’t satisfy the goal they themselves declared during the round table.
I want TBC to be as “true” to the original as possible, too. You can’t disagree that “some changes” are needed for a better gameplay/experience, though, can you?
This is a bad change. People want to avoid going drums. This does nothing to have them not go drums other than annoy them. Make drums raid-wide or add tinnitus. Please and thanks.
Speak for yourself. Having more haste is fun.
If they arent that makes me wonder about there design outlook.
Making new drums that do exactly the same thing as the original will change nothing. Making the basic drums have an 8yd range will just make the hardcore raiders stack each time they need a new drum buff, not stop using it. The only way you can remove “Leatherworking feel[ing] mandatory” issue is by doing one of three things; make them raid wide, remove the leatherworking skill requirement to use them (so actual leatherworkers can benefit/profit while letting the rest of people play which professions they want), or by nerfing the bosses so that drum buffs aren’t felt like they’re needed. Option 3 is ridiculous as they’ll still be used regardless for parse logs, and the bosses were specifically advertised to be PRE-nerf. You just prolong the issue by making “greater” drums that do the exact same thing just later in the expansion. Greater drums aren’t needed, tweaks on the original are.
Well they’re wrong.
IT’s not that hard to tell your groups to be within range of each other to get the buff off. SURE, it won’t be that great on specific fights, but in general it will still be be very good. IT will be as simple as follow star, follow square, use a WA tell you how far you are from people. Today’s gamers won’t have a problem with this at all. The 8 yard may have seemed bad back in the day, but that was because the average player was terrible. GOOD players will still utilize drums effectively.
THIS includes using it on trash.
So originally you said that this gameplay mechanic with the drums was being looked into because you wanted LW to feel good and not a forced profession.
The only thing you need to do was add sated to your group, or let it have a CD of 2 min use, and allow it to be raid wide so optimally 4 people in a raid are required to go LW for the drums at the very least.
Instead, you added more effort needed to verbally tell your group to stack, so they can do drums. STILL require everyone to have drums and thus leatherworking in your raid.
This isn’t a difficult (solution). This doesn’t require an elaborate system designer or anything like that. Increase the materials of the drums if you want, do one of the 2 options listed above that nearly everyone who agrees drums needed changing generally agrees with and call it a day.
Move on and go to the next pressing issue, like XP gain algorithm being off.
I believe you guys are overthinking a solution that has already been agreed on as a general fix and solution by a wide consensus of players.
But how do these drums function, identically to the drums of old or are there changes?
Kaivax, can we get an update on the datamined TBC mount situation and if y’all will be removing boosts since a lot of the community are not happy with these changes? Please
Thank you for the information.
Can you confirm whether the Greater drums are raid or party wide?
I’m not sure how the greater drums reduce the amount of LW required if they are still party wide, and if it’s a ZA drop then it’s not likely to be tested during the beta.
Most fights your within 8 yeards of your group anyway outside a few fights which require you to spread. But with how good players are it might not even be an issue this time.