Why greater drums? just add tinnitus

We don’t want to have 20 leather workers per raid group. It’s that simple. The fix here is a no brainer and there are several easy options.

  1. Make it so that drums are a consumable that can be bought from leather workers and used by all.

  2. Add the tinnitus debuff.

  3. Just make the drum effect raid wide

  4. Remove/reduce the cooldown so that fewer leather workers are needed.

The whole point of people wanting drums changed is that we don’t want 20 out of every 25 players to be LW. We want to take other professions and actually play game instead of minaxxing over a consumable.


In old school TBC initially leather working was not very desirable. So a change was made to improve the buff given. The original intent was to make leather working more attractive and bring it in line with the other professions. Unfortunately Leather working went from being under used to being the best profession for nearly everyone. This was obviously a mistake and not the original intention of the change. Recreating this mistake is also a mistake.

Blizzard has shown with the Jewel crafting and enchanting changes that they are willing to make changes to the original game that align with original intent. I’m just asking they do the same with Leather working.

Please change Leather working. If this means rebalancing Sunwell, please rebalance Sunwell.


Please Blizz, we don’t all want to be LWs, and we don’t want drum rotations for 100% buff uptime.

Please add the tinnitus debuff.


I don’t mind being LW, let’s all be LW friends together!

I wouldn’t mind being Leather working on a class that actually wears leather / mail.

I like most of the drums fix suggestions in this thread. But I’m also ok with something a little more extreme.

Maybe remove drums and add / improve the gear (bop) on the three leather working specializations so mail and leather wearing classes have a reason to choose a leather working specialization to fit their specific class / spec.


I agree, but Leather working is the one profession that was/is broken.

Big difference between a professions being the best for some classes and a profession being the best for everyone.

Yes, but the fix missed the mark and leather working became too powerful. Why not take the opportunity to better balance leather working?

When it comes to leather working authenticity goes against the spirit of and intent of the burning crusade’s original game design. Improved balance when it comes to classes, specs, and professions that allow players to choose what to play is what i think of when it comes to TBC. Leather working is one obvious place where this balance is broken.

Whats the “authentic” feel you’re going for? People don’t play the game the same way they did in original tbc. The authentic feel is what I’m after as well.

What I don’t want is the newer private server drums meta. Your current version of drums keeps this meta intact. Recreating the feel of original tbc (Breaking the private server meta) requires a leather working change.

Having a choice feels good
Choosing professions that work for my class / spec feels good

20/25 leather workers feels bad
leveling a profession just to use a single item feels bad

And then a month later. . .

I have to say it is pretty cool seeing Blizzard take an idea from a player’s thread and implement it. Great job Mynta and awesome on you Blizz team.


Bumping this because this is still very stupid

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