Why greater drums? just add tinnitus

Where is your statistical evidence of the “majority”? Just because you say something doesn’t make it true. We all pay for the game, the concept was not monetary but in-game micros. People like you will never be satisfied until the game becomes something different other than the original. Drums is a buff just like most classes in TBC give a buff. In WoW classic we have world buffs, I assume according to you that they were unhealthy for progression as well. Some classes give no buffs while others get multiple buffs, “Is that fair for progression”? I am one class that gets “0” buffs, so I guess I should cry to Blizzard and ask for a buff because it is not fair for progression. LW Drums gives my class a chance to offer a buff and contribute to a raid but you are too selfish to care about that. I will join the “cry band” and demand that Blizzard gives my class a buff and change the original TBC.

Blizzard. Your drum changes is bad. You really need to reconsider. You don’t have any idea what the player base wants and that’s obvious by your comments about the drums. People want the best version of TBC as possible and ultimately that version makes leather working drums usable by anyone.

Several classes would still want to be leatheworkers for specific items.


Raid wide would be a balance change too… I know I’m dropping lw if it becomes raid wide as a feral someone else can be responsible for buffing the raid I already do enough utility

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I don’t think a raid wide change is the answer due to player power level changes. Just the same as lifting the LW requirement from the drums.

True, that 1% or less from Engi or JC or Ench (whichever the 3rd place prof is for your class) would literally break the game and make pre-nerf difficulty too easy. Why, guilds might clear SSC or TK the first night.

People are not over yet from Drums?

Come on, by now you should already know that you don’t need Drums to do pre-Sunwell stuff.

Move on, don’t make a fool of yourself saying that drums are mandatory and so on.

When multiplied over the raid, it actually can be impactful.

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Just make drums useable by all.
Drums aren’t the only reason to go LW. There’s other benefits to the profession. Honestly, as a Classic LW going into TBC I’d much rather be making and selling drums for all to buy and use than just everyone making their own.

Making Drums for the group/raid/guild is a satisfying gameplay experience where your profession and work benefits all. It doesn’t matter if you’re the one pushing the button in the end. All that matters is you’re the one providing the benefit and that feels good.


Yeah, 1%. The 5 melee dps you bring having a bit more, the massive amount of ranged which are better DPS all the way to the end, considerably less.

Let’s break this down, since you either are incapable of reading or you just don’t know how to troll properly.

I said vocal majority, of which said evidence is within this thread. There’s Hundreds of unique players on this thread agreeing with the statement that drums are bad for the game, and under 20 saying that drums are good.

And yet, Classic wasn’t “original” and BC isn’t launching “original”. We’re getting END EXPANSION tuning on abilities, spells, talents, ect.

Going back to WoW Vanilla beta, nobody expected World Buffs to be as forced upon the playerbase as they came to be. Bottomline is, yes, it is unhealthy for the game because players use these systems, be it World Buffs or Drums, to be toxic and harass other players for not conforming to the parse culture mentality.

Now you’re trying to change the argument into how classes are designed, which is not the point of this. Every single class has viability and usefulness in BC, yes even rogues. What you’re trying to spin is that “drums” make up for certain classes missing a buff. This is a false narrative that you came up with, everyone will be forced into using drums if they aren’t changed, period end of story, so you’re not bringing anything a different player of a better class is. You always have the choice of what class you’re playing, you’re being forced into picking a specific profession just because of parse culture mentality.

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You have a choice not to worry about parsing as well, if you want to be a min-maxer then go LW and stop complaining. There are a lot of players and guilds that are not min-maxers join them, again a choice. You argue the point of how classes are designed and that this is not relevant; however, drums from original TBC was a built in mechanic to assist classes that have no buffs, mainly rogues as LW benefits the class greatly. TBC is original, you are arguing on patches. This would be a complete waste of Blizzard’s time and players to have them go through all the patches from launch. The last patch of TBC is considered the most balanced just like wow classic. You know this, you just want to TROLL. If you don’t like the mechanics of this game, go play another game. Again, your choice…:slight_smile:

“You have a choice to gimp yourself by ignoring bad unbalanced game design as well”

Even the most casual guilds still pushed for world buffs, not to parse necessarily, but to progress, this will be no different. Unless there is a change this is going to be pushed onto 90% of the raiding player base.

That is an oxymoron.

This is 100% gaslighting troll behaviour, go back to your #nochanges crevice, cretins like you are the reason why classic took so long to see changes on significant issues that hurt the game.

Not an oxymoron…rofl Gaslighting? You are just a troll, go back to retail…

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You don’t have that choice, if you’re not being optimal you get harassed and blacklisted from pugs, gdkp, ect. That removes the ability of it being a “choice” and swaps it over to being required. You can’t pretend to be so ignorant.

There is no official source on this statement, however there is an official source stating that Sunwell was tuned around entire raid teams having drums. Keep living in a fantasy world if you actually think this is true.

Classic BC, day one, will not be original or authentic. That’s a fact. We will not have the class tuning or item tunings that were around day one of BC, that makes it so that it’s not original or authentic until Sunwell releases. This is a fact, the same fact that happened with Classic Vanilla with how people cleared MC week one and BWL in mere hours of release.

Except we’re getting the last patch as a “progression” style system. If we had Sunwell day one, sure whatever, but we don’t they’re breaking it up into phases, they’re breaking up PvP seasons, it’s not an authentic or original experience, you can’t claim it both ways, that’s not how it works, you can’t say you want an authentic experience and be ok with it coming out with massive changes from what the actual BC experience was. It doesn’t work that way.

I’ve not trolled once, you on the other hand have done nothing but troll. The majority of the people on this thread have been saying the exact same things that I’ve been saying. You on the other hand are trolling with information that isn’t even accurate.


So in the end drums will be mandatory regardless of the lead developer stating that they thought the idea was absurd?


Peer pressure will make people roll LW.

However, it’s only till Sunwell that is a soft requirement to raid. I think we will do fine without many LW.

I do agree that casual raids exist. However, they are the minority. Now in Naxx I see none raid doing without buffs on Fairbanks Alli

If Blizzard cared about ‘authentic’ for TBC Classic there would be no level boost offered at all.

Yet, here we are. So somehow you manage to both offer a level boost, while still including the LW Drums without simply adding Tinnitus which, (ironically? is this irony?) oddly enough, was included in TBC patch 2.4.3 when released.

So, congratulations, you’ve managed to not only not be authentic (level boost) but also choose to implement a drum system which can and would be fixed by simply using the solution provided in 2.4.3 to begin with.

Edit: Update. It appears they listened! Hooray. Let’s hope the Tinnitus makes it into TBC classic when it launches as they have done in Beta. It appears they are going to do so. As they decided #Changes for TBC Classic they may as well do so. And it seems they will.


Will you PLEASE explain WHY this change won’t work instead of doing this pathetic circle dance around the issue? You have done everything possible to hide behind this guise of the “authentic” experience and frankly it seems barely anyone’s pleased with it.

I ask once more, directly. Why can drums not be used by the WHOLE raid? Pease explain how this detracts from their use?

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I love the recent changes to enchanting and jewel crafting but it begs the question… How do these changes fit in with the Leather working change?

Already starting to see it play out on various class discords. Take the warlock discord for example. It has basically been boiled down to two options.

  1. enchanting / Tailor until ZA, then drop enchanting for leather working

  2. leather working / tailor from the start

Granted warlocks have one of the least complex rotations. If your not willing to press one more button to improve raid dps as a warlock… I wouldn’t even know what to say to that

Drums require LW.
Drums are not powerful to become mandatory until Sunwell.

It is a good DPS improvement, but you are not required to do so in order to be successful.

Let’s just be clear:

If you wanna play for parses, on top/edge guild (lmao but ok), then yeah, you will need drums. So likely you go LW.

If you are playing the game for fun, with your friends, casual guilds, then no, you don’t need it.

LW change is to make it less desirable prior to ZA.
Enchanting / JC changes are to prevent people from getting the profession, leveling till they get the enchant/gem they need, enchant/gem the gear, then drop again.