Why greater drums? just add tinnitus

If you’re concerned about raid tuning then keep the two versions. Make the first back to 40 yards and raid wide but at a much lower haste value and then the greater being back up to the original value for the later tiers. There’s probably a million other solutions so please don’t just ignore them and do nothing.

The drums change is really bad. This actually only punishes guilds that can’t stack within 8 yards as partie

And as The Burning Crusade heavily features party wide buffs already you will be in parties of other melee, healers, tanks or randed dps. So stacking will be made easier.

This change only makes it harder on more casual guilds who will need the 40 yard range to get full power from the drums.

If you add a tinnitus or sated debuff you will still need leather workers to craft these items. Hell if you remove the requirement for the later drums to even require leatherworking then more people will have drums since they become a normal consumable.

Personally I think the two biggest issues people have with the drums are.

  1. It locks you into a crafting profession when you only have 2 slots and as you already said before other classes are already locked into some so you now have 0 choice of professions.

  2. It the consumable is so powerful that it will be massively expensive locking people out of getting it.

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It is an interesting perspective to bring with the confirmation of drums. I would love to see additional #somechanges to coincide with it to make other professions more compelling to keep by providing a pattern for the other professions that can offer a similar buff, like Jewelcrafting gets a phoenix gem, tailoring gets a raid banner, blacksmiths get a war horn. That way LW get to keep drums while other classes get to keep their respective crafts as well, and you still get to have the “fond memories” of having a boost rotation for your teamwork in the later encounters. Thoughts? Considerations? Pros/Cons?

The argument against making drums work better is that it would basically buff the raid. The entire raid gets permanent drums AND more profession buffs? That makes the raids stronger, to keep the intended difficulty now they need to retune the bosses to be harder, which they don’t want to do for obvious reasons.

So, at the start of TBC drums kinda suck, just like they did in vanilla tbc. Then in a later phase drums get buffed, again like vanilla TBC. Honestly, this seems like a #nochanges move more than anything.

I think they should just bite the bullet and make the greater drums normal, and the lesser drums useable by non leather workers.

Or alternatively make the drums raid wide so you only need 4-5 leather workers for the whole raid.

Isn’t tinnitus just a debuff similiar to exhaustion? That would be a straight up nerf, which is a bigger change than my suggested change.

P.S. Not saying a nerf isn’t needed, considering how quickly people blew through Classic.

Agree it would be a major nerf. When they added tinnitus to drums in Wrath they also buffed the haste significantly on them, but that’s a fundamental change to how they function. Think people just need to bite the bullet like I have and accept it is what it is. It’s still going to be an accurate representation of how the game was in 2007-2009. Whether people are “required” to have LW or not is up to the community of players you play with, and if you don’t like it just find another group.

Yea, my concern is that the change they are making is just going to make drums more annoying to use, but not really worse in any way. So they are still going to run into the problem of everyone being asked to go LW for one of their professions.

Giving up when the discussion has only been happening for a week is absurd. The whole point of threads, especially when they’re nearing 1k comments, is to provide the feedback that the majority of the players are not happy with this change.

I think the drums discussion has been semi-reasonable (?)… there are some genuine alternate ideas out there that would be more palatable whilst retaining the original intent of TBC.

All the “put glaives in the game store” posts, however, are what I find absurd and distracting, and not constructive at all for #somechanges we want.

So ignore those comments and keep the relevant discussion going otherwise Blizzard will just shut down with radio silence and think that this is an acceptable decision for BC moving forward.

Please, just remove the LWing requirement. Players won’t feel forced to go into Leather Working, Players can actively use drums in the raiding environment, and it doesn’t actually degrade the value of leather working because you would just buy them off the AH.

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At first i thought raidwide drums would be a good solution. Then i ran some numbers, while drums of restoration would require 8 lw’s to maintain it would provide another 200 mp5 and 200 hp5 to the raid which you can stack with the haste buff. If drums ever do go raidwide i think you’d have to limit things to 1 drum buff.

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yeah definitely shouldnt be able to stack different types of drums

I agree if raidwide have to limit to 1.

Creating a new item that did not exist in original TBC is far more work than literally any other option they could have gone with.

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arguably about the same amount of work, but either way, yes they’re terrible.

My opinion is not in the minority. You are just among a group of raging nerds who want to get something for free. /cry… Enjoy not having drums or having to roll LW for drums.

Your opinion is in the minority otherwise more people would be agreeing with you and they’re not. Almost nobody is asking for “something for free” I’m not sure where you got that concept from lmao, we all pay for this game and the vocal majority have stated that drums are unhealthy for progression.

Can we give Blizzard an award for missing the point completely with their fix? Making the meta option less fun to use means everyone loses. The people going with the meta will have less fun and those not going with it will still be disadvantaged.