Why greater drums? just add tinnitus

False, even middle-low tier guilds try to replicate success, this is shown with guilds that can’t even clear naxx requiring full world buff on classic right now. It’s also shown with low .io players on retail refusing to take any class that isn’t deemed OP or meta for M+.

Once again, false. Sunwell had some of the strongest BoP crafting patterns in the game. The JC necks were BiS for EVERY DPS class. The Engineering Goggles were also top tier for Sunwell progression for most classes, they were on par to Cursed Vision for melee and second BiS for anyone who didn’t use Cursed Vision, as the Sunwell Helms dropped off KJ.


Everyone: Just make the Drums Raid wide and give a debuff so the different drums cannot be spammed.
Blizzard: OK SO we are going to invent these new drums and it is going to make it so that everyone still has to roll LW. But get this… we will make them cost MORE!!
Everyone: …


Battle chickens are bad and you should feel bad about bringing them up. Even more so considering how few melee will be brought to raids, and the chicken only affects melee, if it even bothers to squawk at all.

I feel like this is an indirect way to say the same things I’m trying to get at. Yes, they will try to replicate success. But in this particular case (constantly learning and dropping professions) is a very particular line of sweaty for a very marginal increase.

How long will a middle-tier player keep that up? I don’t honestly know, which I why I had that post you quoted.

Yes, agreed, except that two weeks after Sunwell opens those things will have been crafted now for those that want those items, which leads me to:

Sappers, Goggles, Tank stam trinkets, Battle Chickens

Look, Blizzard, here is the reality of how drums will play out.

If Leatherworking will still be a requirement to use drums, most people that are somewhat serious about raiding will go LW + another profession in order to be able to use them in raids. There is no question about it. The small personal benefits that other professions bring simple do not outweigh the effect of drums for 5 people in your party. Players WILL go for the maximum possible buffs, which will include sacrificing one profession slot to LW.

Here is how you need to change drums:

  1. Remove LW requirement to use (but leave LW requirement to craft).
  2. Add a LONG sated-type debuff so that the buff can’t be up 100% of the time.
  3. Leave the range requirement intact.

This will accomplish:

  1. Most players will pick the 2 professions that they LIKE and WANT to have.
  2. Some players will pick LW + another profession, and those will be making drums for the guild.
  3. Players won’t feel AS forced to use drums 100% of the time. If CD is 5min, and the fight is 5min, a player in every group uses them once and focuses the remaining 99% of their attention on the boss mechanics and other important skills/items.

How much you weigh?

This couldn’t be more true. Abject laziness is rampant in blizzard culture, it’s evident in SL and all of Classic

bump the most hypocritical decision in WoW history! changes! no changes! who cares? its all about $$$$$$ and putting in the absolute least amount of effort into making the game good to get it.


Blizz will not change “drums” to what you want. Seriously, get over it and move on. This subject is so old and annoying.

And yet your opinion is in the minority, maybe you should accept that fact and take your own advice and “move on”.

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Even easier. just get rid of drums completely.

The drums of war thunder once again. The drums of war thunder. The drums of war. The drums. Drums. Drums. Drums. Drums. Drums. Drums. Drums. Drums. Drums.

Seriously, you identify a major design flaw of TBC and acknowledge it, then back track and make the same stupid mistakes that were made in classic. Just change the god damn drums, no one wants to be pigeon holed into 1 profession and the ones screaming no changes are just meme loving fools that have no damn clue or are just keen to exploit crap design for their parses they have been honing on private servers for years.


I’ve come to terms with how it’s going to be and at least my Shaman can utilize leather working for more than just drums. Think the biggest annoyance was the poor communication from Blizz and false promises of better game design.

Seriously? Of all the things you could’ve done to drums to improve the drum meta you managed to pick the one thing that’d make the meta even worse. Better off leaving them as they are than doing this. You’re still forcing the exact same number of people to be LW, only now a larger number of them will be buying gold to do so.

If you want to improve drums, make them raid wide with a CD. Let 5 people in the raid, who will likely naturally be LW already perform the teamwork of a drums rotation. Don’t force 20+ people in the raid into a single profession to be relevant in raid.

Just gonna put my 2 copper out there

Changing LW so the range isn’t as big doesn’t make them not as good. It just makes them harder to use. All you are going to get is people stacking up for LW drums. I don’t understand why you can’t just make the effect raid-wide, that way you only need 4 LW per raid instead of the entire raid needing LW.

This is a change that nerfs LW (as a profession although it technically buffs Drums of Battle) but it is for the overall health of the game.

Buffing drums in any way buffs player power. If you make them raid wide or not require LW that frees up additional profession slots across the raid. That is a buff to raid wide DPS. A very small buff, but a buff nonetheless. Buffing raid wide DPS is equivalent to nerfing a boss’s health. No nerfs.

Tinnitus is the way. LW still feel valued and important, player power isn’t increased, and a new strategic element of using drums when most optimal is introduced.

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I don’t see how this actually addresses the problem of the drums in the first place. Implemented in this way, it is still going to incentivize players to stack leatherworkers in the raid to have maximum uptime on the drums buff. Making it more annoying to use isn’t going to be enough to shift the meta.

You know what is actually dumb? Pretending that the playerbase at large isn’t forced into sweaty metas in the pursuit of power. Certainly you can be a Maldraxian feral kitty, it was never about what blizzard allows.

Consider world buffs, or even better on retail look at covenants. Players WILL in large numbers take an otherwise unattractive profession (ahem night fae) if it is better than alternatives due both to peer pressure to “perform” and to an intrinsic desire to being the best they can be.

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@blizzard, where is my BETA invite?! 100k hks is not enough for u?