Why greater drums? just add tinnitus

Pointing out the logical fallacy of being part of the problem but screaming about a problem is not a personal attack.

Saying things that you have no idea about and are entirely untrue in order to elicit an emotional response is a clear-cut case of attacking me personally.

Yes, this is a community driven problem. A problem that only Blizzard can fix.

The world buff meta is also a community driven problem. Botting is a community driven problem. Gold selling/buying is a community driven problem.

All of these problems are problems on our end, but all of them can and should be fixed by Blizzard to make the overall appeal of the game better.

Part of Blizzards job is to save people from themselves. That is why we have 7 day raid lockouts, that why you can only do heroics once a day. All of these things are put in to prevent players from going too far too fast. That is exactly what drums are too.

I don’t see why people fight against this requested change. Do you like there being tons of LW’ers around? I can see not caring one way or the other, but to take a stance of “Drums must stay at the same levels of degeneracy!” is very odd to me.


“You think you do, but you don’t.”

To me, the most disappointing thing about Classic so far isn’t the difficulty, or the metagame, or even all the farming/botting (they aren’t going to stop it in TBC Classic, any more than they could in TBC for the simple fact doing so is like doing the Heigen dance on a 500ms connection; by the time they see what’s happening it’s already happened), but the fact that it’s basically retail for people who don’t like retail. Instead of putting it out there and saying “See what you can do with it” they’ve got everyone on the same hamster wheel of patch/phase cycles and expansions. These guys clear a 15 year old raid three minutes faster than last week so they can move on to a 14 year old raid, and these other guys clear a dungeon where everything scales by a fixed percentage so they can do the same dungeon all over again, but with slightly higher numbers.


Put the debuff on the drums…please don’t screw this up Blizzard…

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I hope drums are not raid wide. Why buff the raid even more when players are already better? making raids easier is NOT what we want. Tinnitus is the better option.


I’m excited to go out in the world skinning. $$$🤑$$$

The best solution (as we all know) would be to just add the 2 min debuff. It’s not a revolutionary idea. It happens in Wrath anyway.

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So in the interview with Brian Birmigham during blizzconline which for context:

“Brian Birmingham thinks it is very likely that they will be making adjustments to the drums of war by leatherworkers. The drums should remain an important advantage for leather workers, but the job shouldn’t be a duty for every raid enthusiast. https://www.wowhead.com/blizzcon/leatherworking-drums-benefits-likely-changed-in-burning-crusade-classic-321063

This is something you all changed your mind on? Because I believe the uproar that’s being seen right now is because of this information. Had nothing been stated, fine. But with changes to seal of blood creating the mind set that if you are a big raider you now have some more variety in the choices you can make and still be a top performer, this goes against that general idea.

Seems like over-explaining/justifying a bad idea while being not open to modifying it.


Naxx showed me that players are actually worse. Much worse. World buffs? Consumes? Walk through guide? And players still folded like lawn chairs.

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There’s almost 15,000 guilds with a Naxx clear despite the playerbase being smaller than it was in Vanilla.

I know you don’t play Classic and have straight up said you don’t like TBC, but if you’re going to pay Blizzard money solely to post on the forums, you could at least post something remotely factual once in awhile.

Yet how many guilds fell apart 3 weeks in. People complaining left and right. People not willing to change from the “meta”. They were not adapting. For the first time they were actually “playing” for a small portion, the game.

Anyone can be an instruction following robot. But, not everyone adapts. That’s what makes a good players. Sorry, but clearing Naxx means 0. But the amount of crying that went on about Naxx 3 WEEKS in, was sad. That was the most telling part. The flow chart was a bit off, and people didn’t know what to do.

We call them scrubs in the fighting game world. Players these days are scrubby as heck.

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Not changing drums to “preserve authenticity” is just very strange reasoning.
Did you also want to preserve authenticity when you changed seal of blood and reckoning? or added a 58 cash shop boost? or phasing? or adding draenei and blood elves a whole patch earlier than the original? or adding a new mount into the game via collector’s edition? or quadrupled server size? or even just adding a new drums recipe? Hopefully drums do get changed because we are well past the point of “authentic” already.


Didn’t you know? The “Authentic” argument is only used when they can’t profit off a change.

Pretty poor decision making here hope you guys change your mind.

I don’t want to play another classic with a toxic meta. Everyone has seen what things like world buffs and the r14 grind did to people and guilds. I’m comfortable with modern devs working on simple solutions and tweaks to make tbc more balanced in terms of player choice.

There are a lot of easy to implement ideas in this thread, but ultimately any solution that forces the majority of a raid into sacrificing a profession slot is going to create a toxic meta.

I appreciate the communication around the thought process for drum changes and I hope to see some collaborative iteration in this space so we can make a better experience for everyone.


If there is going to be a change it needs to be tinnitus. Removing the LW req or making them raid wide just buffs players by allowing us to simultaneously get the benefit of full LW but also having another profession benefit too (JC gems, ring enchants). Tinnitus adds a bit more strategy to their use. You actually have to think about when the best time to use the drums is in terms of cooldowns and what phase the boss is in instead of just spamming them the whole time.

Agreed, some people underplay drum’s importance, but classic has proved that a powerful buff will define the meta, even to the detriment of players. Tons of people hate the world buff grind and raidlogging to preserve buffs, but that’s still the meta, that’s still what most guilds will require you to do. Drums will be the same story all over again if left unchanged.


BFA Beta testers: Azerite is crap, please fix
Bliz: No its good, trust us
Bliz later changes Azerite

Shadowlands Beta testers: Covenants currently are gonna force people to pick whatever the meta is
Bliz: Nah its fine theyll pick whatever
Players go with meta choices for covenant

TBC Classic beta testers: Hey this drum fix doesn’t actually accomplish what you said you wanted to do; here’s some changes we speculated on that would work
Bliz: Nah this is fine! Trust us!
I wonder what the end result will be…