Why greater drums? just add tinnitus

Now that Blizzard has spoken that Drums will not be nerfed like the meta-slaves wants…
I’ll finally rest, and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills.

:drum: go brrrrr

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Except that seal of blood is an imbalance that exists mostly in the imaginations of the player base and has little tangible effect on actual group performance. Drums stacking is a demonstrable increase across the board for raid performance. Blizzard would know the difference between the two if they didn’t have Holiday Inn Express game designers on this project.

These Devs contradict themselves so much

I think we should take the “authentic feel” of the TBC game a step further and allow input broadcasting software for multiboxing use again.

I was so very much looking forward to 5 boxing my hunters and clearing TBC dungeons.

Why do you always bring up the ring enchant? Does the enchant go away if you drop enchanting? No. You can simply do the enchant drop the profession and go back to whatever else you want. Drums requires you to be a LW DURING raids.

And why do you think LWs wouldn’t be able to make gold on the most sought after on-use item in the game? I understand nothing else from LW may be useful to anyone else, but the profit chance on drums seems very high to me. I want your opinion on why it wouldn’t be if drums were non-LW bound.

Its sad that people cant tell the difference between trying to fix a social based phenomenon and trying to fix a numbers based phenomenon.

Its even more sad that they cant even tell that there even is a difference.

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a) Nothing else from LW is profitable, and hasn’t been for almost 17 yrs now (aside from devilsaur set for the first 3 weeks of classic.)

b) Drums have 50 charges. So at best, a raider might want 1 of them per week. We’d have to change a lot, starting with removing the charges altogether, and also they aren’t stackable. So they’d have to be made stackable.

And even then, with the skinning bots and whatnot that are out there now (and will continue to be) they will be 0 profit.

I bring up enchanting only as an example. We could use engineering, or the BOP blacksmith items that are super-bis. LW has none of that. Yes, it has patterns that might be good for 3 weeks, but pretty much all of that stuff is replaced in t4 alone, much less the later tiers.

If you make the drums not require LW, then you literally gut the profession 100%. It’s why the drums were added in the first place, then buffed in patch 2.3. Its a truly garbage profession without it.

Thank you for following your (correct) instincts on this and not caving into the demands of people who want to see TBC turned into something that it’s not. This is the correct mindset for the classic project.

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If you make it not require leatherworking then leatherworkers will make mad bank since it is a required consume that most people dont want to level the profession to provide.

Its not like alchemy where people will level it on an alt or for transmutes anyway.

Holding onto the #NoChanges mentality for drums smacks of either hypocrisy or incompetence when you’ve already opened pandora’s box with a paid boost. If you’re serious about “authenticity” then don’t provide a boost. If you’re serious about “looking forward” then change drums in a way that prevents leatherworking from being the default choice for performance.


It’s like you read the entire thread, realized you were wrong, and then doubled down out of spite or embarrassment.

No one is saying you have to remove drums, they are simply asking for the entire raid to not have to spec leatherworking.

If you want to keep the raid authentic and still have drums and leatherworking valuable, just allow non leatherworkers to use them. Literally does everything you want except force 20 people in a raid into a certain profession. The fact you can’t understand this is mind blowing. Just remove “Requires leatherworking” from the code and the community might stop hating your archaic stance on this.


And what are you personally doing to try and fix this perceived problem? Come on the forums and call the community toxic and then go back to raid logging? You can say that society is bad but when you participate in and do nothing to try and change society, you are actually part of the problem.

This would be a net buff to player/raider power, by giving them access to the benefits of Leatherworking and whatever ever profession they got instead (since they wouldnt need LW for drums). This in turn makes the raids easier. They don’t want to balance raids.

Kaivax’s post makes perfect sense.

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So enchanters should be the only ones who can use their enchants.

And alchemists should be the only ones who can consume their potions.

Makes perfect sense, really.

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No, because enchanting worked that way in the actual release of the game. Leaving that alone doesn’t buff or nerf player power, relative to actual TBC. NEXT.

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It might for guilds who are okay with wiping and struggling a bit more. But any guild who wants to take things seriously will have everyone go leatherworking just like now they have to spend time getting world buffs now. They’ll all have drums anyways just like he said “everyone needed them in sunwell”. It just requires more grinding time or money spent to level a profession where they’ll only use one item.

Here comes the “You don’t have to go leatherworking” That’s true. Just like you don’t have to get world buffs or buy consumables for naxx. How many people in guilds that don’t do that are still raiding? Or more importantly how many people have burned out because they feel forced into something.

“Top guilds need engineering now” True, but 1 sapper or dynamite isn’t a 1% raid dps buff. Only 2 pulls in naxx that fewer than 50 guilds even attempt and requires petri flasks make engineering “required”. Otherwise the raid damage increase from a single sapper or dynamite usage isn’t on the same level as drums usage. Also engineering has many many other uses and the items created by it are useful to everyone.

“I just won’t get leatherworking, I’m a rebel” That just means you don’t care about your raid team, it makes you a selfish raider and hurts the other 4 people in your group. And if your guild starts to struggle, you’ll be easy to replace with a leatherworker because the advantage is worth it, and they probably want team players.

Drums is a 1% dps gain to the raid per use for the duration in a dps group. People arguing that enchanting or JC are required for an extra 8 strength or whatever to a single character is equivalent is an idiot.

“LOL you all went drums to help the raid, I didn’t because I don’t feel like it, sucks to be you” - that’ll go over real well and not stir animosity at all.


I really hope drums are fixed somehow. I couldn’t stand having the groups shifted around during a boss fight as a healer. Got to the point where I asked raid lead to announce who and when is being shifted so I could prepare. Still not fun.

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Hey thanks for the personal attacks :slight_smile:

I’m just one guy; not much i can do on my own when toxic people like you just insult me after all i was doing was trying to point out the problem. Do you want me to rise up like some sort of messianic figure and lead the WoW community to the promised land?

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Glad to see a return to the actual game’s design. #somechanges is a huge mistake.


Dude the leg enchants make so much bank in TBC.