Why greater drums? just add tinnitus

You’re delusional if you think people won’t use drums to try to parse. Whether you like it or not, the drum meta will be forced upon you.


That’s exactly what this is. I forget the guy’s name who said that. I just remember he has a weird face and thin long hair. He’s probably pulling the strings on this to get revenge on us all for making fun of him for that phrase.

I’m not even joking, I think that’s the level of petty we’re seeing here.


Well, lucky for me then cause I know full well that folks use drums. I keep LW on my bear and use drums right now on pserver. We even use some neato weakauras to autowhisper the next guy after my drums fall off.

But hey, I’m a tank. Like I wrote in an earlier post today, it’s gonna be hilarious when a bunch of folks decide to crowd me on Gruul for my drums and then the Shatter mechanic goes out and we all get wrecked at the same time. Not to mention someone getting too close and getting slapped with a Hurtful Strike from him.

That’s just one boss. There are others.

And yea, LW has a cool item on an otherwise super-uncool profession. That’s really what all this fuss is about, right? LW sucks, please don’t make us go LW blizz?! I can’t help myself if you don’t lock up the cookie jar.

I like the LW meta we use in pserver. Its a neat thing that we manage while also being stressed about derping it up. It feels a little like a drug addiction that we can’t stop even though we know its not exactly the healthiest thing around.


the hell does ringing in ears have to do with drums in a game?

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If you want to preserve the drums rotation which you claim to have fond memories of (I have no idea why that sort of gameplay would be fond for you, but each to his own) then keep the 1 form of drums (40yd radius) and simply remove ‘requires Leatherworking’. Bam, 20/25 people will still need to rotate their use, we wont be forced to be leatherworkers, and those that are leatherworkers will probably make some ok gold from it. Just another consumable to take to raids.

Of course I would prefer a party/raid-wide buff/debuff every 2min or so, beacuase I dont feel the drum rotations is interesting gameplay at all, but I guess this isnt close enough to the original raiding style, so cant happen.

The main point everyone is yelling at you, but you just dont seem to get, is: We dont want to be forced into Leatherworking!
Please actually listen to the crowd because most have a better idea than anything we have now seen from you so far


Can we remove that from the ring enchants too please? Easy, i just put my rings in the Do Not Trade window and presto now I have those.

That’s crazy talk. Leatherworkers have never made good gold from this profession, and they never will. Most are lucky if they can even sell a crafted item for the cost of the mats.

And with all the skinning bots we’ll be seeing (and already see) those mats are gonna be rock-bottom prices.


lets be real here, when everyone is lvl 70 in a raid, you will have no idea who boosted and who didnt. you will however know if youdont have enough leatherworkers for drums.


This is top tier meme-ry.

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Can we remove that from the ring enchants too please?

No. Thats not a consumable.

Leatherworkers have never made good gold from this profession

If its a raid consumable that non-leatherworkers can use then maybe they can make some gold, like alchemy does. Im not saying a fortune, and I can accept it might not be any gold at all. This wasnt really the point of my post, just a possible side benefit.
Edit: While not TBC, in the past I was making good gold from the Devilsaur items and Wolfshead Helm (the helm is still making me gold). Also making LW items to disenchant has, from time to time, been very profitable for me, especially if the leather is cheap.

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How about having leather working be valuable to classes/specs that can actually use its crafted goods outside of drums? Why doesn’t LW have sets on the same level as tailoring and blacksmithing? Why is the reason to take LW based on a party buff consumable produced by a gear based profession that is also locked to that profession to use?

You are purposely making LW a subpar profession until phase 4 because patch progression. And then purposely making LW one of the most optimal professions for all classes/specs cause that’s how some peopled raided back in Sunwell? How does any of this even make logical sense?

If you kept the 40yrd range and made them raid wide it keeps the value of LW extremely high for the classes/specs that would naturally have it. You would have at least 4 LWs just based on that natural fit and cover the buffs and remove the wonky gameplay at the same time. There are other just as valid suggestions out there that would seem to satisfy you general intent minus this wacky need to make everyone play the game exactly as you envision it.


How about not being bald faced liars about the direction of drums. Oh right, too late for that.


Removing the requirement of LW to use the drums makes LW a viable spec by itself. This allows people to make money off of LW in the same way that an alch would sell consumes to a raider.


Just make all drums no longer require LW.
This should achieve increased usage of drums from people not interested in 1 permanent profession that doesn’t benefit their class/spec or any themes they have associated with their character.
It would actually boost LW’s value on an economy level unless bots run rampant.
It opens up other profession slots for anyone halfway serious about their progression throughout the entirety of TBC PvE content.
Leave the mat costs as is, reduce the charges on the drums and really please a lot of people from a needed QoL change.
Drums will still be used, if not even more so, essentially leaving their throughput impact intact without relegating a majority of the player base to effectively play with a profession they simply cannot drop.


This is pretty much the easiest solution.

You can keep the drum meta, and people can choose which professions they want to use instead of being forced into LW.

Requires LW to craft, doesn’t require LW to use. Suddenly LWs can make gold for the first time in their history. If everyone is a LW, no LW makes gold because they have no one to sell to.


No LW makes gold anyway. Sad argument but true.

How many times have you spammed your global channel looking for a LW? Maybe twice in all of classic? Maybe none, depending on what you play. How about retail?

Also did you know that they have 50 charges? Its not like you’re gonna constantly need a stack of them (and they don’t stack btw.)

Dudes if you want LW then be a LW. If you don’t (and I get it, you don’t) then don’t.

Pretty much this.

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10 char

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As did Engineering and world buffs in vanilla, but no where as much on the current scale.

Do you really want to be forced to be a leatherworker so you can raid?
Because if no changes happen then you will be, 70%+ of competitive guilds are going to require it.


“We designed sunwell around drums, so if we got rid of drums we would have to redesign sunwell, so we won’t”

Your argument is basically " We dont want to do any extra work, so we’re keeping the original drums"

Like, at this point its obvious you’re just going to release another bad game. I’m actually so mad right now that this is your response to what people want, just doing the do nothing attitude just like your do nothing attitude towards botters, gold buyers, exploiters, etc.

so frustrating, like actually.


Spitting facts right here. Game is filled with all these toxic behaviors that weren’t authentic to Vanilla or BC. Blizzard saying they want to keep the game “Authentic” but not doing anything about the absolutely massive inflation of gold in the economy, people buying gold, bots, doing nothing regarding parse culture, nothing related to toxic and borderline harassing attitudes that MANY players have in Classic. They just don’t care about the community anymore and it shows. My anger is on your level at this point, I was so excited for BC and when they said “some changes” I was even more excited…now that I see they’re doubling down on terrible design choices, I’m debating if I even want to play BC anymore.