Why greater drums? just add tinnitus

Maybe momma didn’t told ya, but you can’t have it both ways.

Did you just compare World buffs with Drums? Thanks for making my point for me.

If you compare World Buffs and Drums, you don’t know what you are talking about.

I don’t entirely disagree, but I think it’s also a perfectly viable solution (and much easier to implement) for people to self-select communities that better match their playstyle.

Whoever was in charge of balancing drums has missed the point ENTIRELY. This change would have no impact. Raiding guilds would still have 25 Leatherworkers ideally, the only difference is that for the first 3 phases they’d be slightly more cumbersome to use, requiring groups to stack together for brief periods of time.
The obvious solution is one that you already came up with when you gave Shamans bloodlust/heroism: a debuff preventing players from benefiting from this buff for a period.

This was a change even most proponents of #nochanges wanted to see implemented as well.

The fact that they said they were listening when it came to the Drums meta and that they would change it and then introducing the change as actually no change at all is definitely disheartening to say the least.

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I hope you are listening, Blizzard. Forums, Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, everywhere. We don’t like this change (that is really a non-change). Please, for the sake of the Classic TBC community, fix this!

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Yeah, the fact that even the #nochanges crowd are on board with getting rid of drums entirely is… well, ringing alarm bells that Blizzard thinks the playerbase likes the drums meta.

It’s not even just that LW is required, which is also awful, it’s that it’s an unfun maintenance buff that will almost certainly be annoying to hear going off. It’s been so long I’ve forgotten.

My guild has no intention of making LW for drums compulsory but I know there are some players in the guild (especially melee players) who feel obligated to re-roll LW just to get that little bit more competitive edge (they are already sad melee aren’t the kings anymore lol). Of course that’s entirely on them.

The server I play on, however, has always been a sucker for the meta so any raids outside of guild (PuGs, GDKPs) will almost certainly favor selecting raiders with some version of drums. It sucks, but sometimes you don’t get to self-select your community.

There are enough people on this thread to make their own guild and not require anyone to use drums.

But why does it have to be nerfed? Because they don’t want to be looked down upon by the chad drummers.

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The easiest fix is remove LW requirement from drums so the casuals can stay casual and the min/maxers can still min max raids while not being forced into giving up a profession for the entire expansion.

That’s fine, as a melee i would be happy with the uncommon drums and my own professions. real LWers can have the blues.

Your server is your community, and you very specifically select it. I didn’t like my first server in classic so I moved to one I like better. Pretty easy really, especially with how easy leveling is going to be in tbc/prepatch.

I think to me the most bizarre thing is that they must not have read anything at all on any community site whatsoever.

How many posts were upset that they were going to break the drums meta? 1%? 2%? I can’t even recall any at all. I just can’t comprehend this, it has to mean that they decided against their #somechanges stance they purported to have a mere month ago, right?

Destroying the drum meta was so positively received and they went back on that commitment. There’s no way they introduce other changes now.

A cursory search on the forums with the term “drums” shows a total of one thread that was not positively received, asking for Blizzard to leave drums as they were. Dozens of threads reacting positively to the news that the drum meta would be no more.

Exactly. Just make drums a regular consumable, rather than a LW consumable. I can’t imagine it’s difficult to remove “Requires 350/375 LW”.

Extreme cringe.

I get the overall intention but why not do this instead?

Keep the iteration you currently have (range requirements, cast time, party wide from base drums). While it’s still probably a buff to keep a rotation going, the downsides and annoyances of this will probably keep the entire raid from going leather working during the first three phases of TBC Classic. I doubt people will feel obliged to picking LWing during this time unless they want LW for the actual crafted gear you can make.

For your planned ZA recipe drop in phase 4 (keep in mind BT is phase 3, and Sunwell is phase 5), why not just make those from the new proposed drums raid wide. I realize this is a nerf to the amount of people who would feel obliged to pick up LW and it would be way easier to maintain, but I think that would be a positive change for the game. You move from having a potential 20 people with a profession they might not want, to a maximum of 4 per raid (which is pretty reasonable, and you would probably have that many naturally in your raid anyway).

Players do this to themselves and I realize a lot of guilds never forced anything, but the pressure to move towards engineering in classic was fairly annoying. It offered such a huge advantage in PvP and depending on how many you had in your raid, you could trivialize entire bosses or trash packs with well timed ones.

I haven’t read through the entire thread but I think my change is probably the best one. It preserves the intention of keeping drums muted in the first three phases like they were in TBC, while giving a far more powerful version when Zul’Aman releases in P4. I realize it’s both easier to organize and the luster of having 5 groups with 4 people rotating drums is gone, but I think the overall positive experience of not locking people behind a profession they don’t want is worth it.

On a final note I realize some people might be up in arms about having to farm a potential RNG recipe from Zul’Aman and I sort of agree, but also don’t really care. Zul’Aman is between major tiers so people having an advantage when BT has already been out for a few months, and Sunwell is a few months out shouldn’t really ruffle anyone’s feathers. That’s even assuming the drop rate is low, which it probably won’t be. Regardless, just flat out buffing drums to work how I highlighted when P4 launches would be fine too.

Zirene talked about tedious professions and how things feel forced on a pogcast


it means your main is going to be leatherworking engineering

get over it

Are you going LW/Engineering?


I personally don’t see any difference of blizzard saying something like this:

We know world buffs are annoying and that you don’t like having to get them, so we made you need to put in twice of the work to get them.

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The difference is… they are allowing you the first phase to not have to meta the LW engineering… you can focus on self progression example… building your tailoring gear… etc