Why greater drums? just add tinnitus

  • Either remove drums altogether
  • Add a debuff that prevents a player from getting the buff for 5-10 minutes
  • Make drums raid wide effect, essentially only needing 4 LW’s in the raid
  • Leave it as it was

This change is a bad idea. Players will just improvise around it and have groups stack for the drums buff.

Please rethink this.

EXACTLY. Just like world buffs weren’t an “integral” part of Vanilla either but was totally corrupted and made meta because everyone knew about them from the start so gamed it.

Hard pass on this idea blizzard.


All? Are you kidding? I cleared AQ in vanilla, 1/2 of naxx, and up to T5 in TBC before I rerolled and I hadn’t heard about drums till Classic. Blizzard staff that fondly remembers everyone having a drums rotation must have been into some pretty sweaty f’ing pserver trip bro.

There is obviously a disconnect between what the perceived issue is vs. the issue that the player base understands. Perfect example of why people started #nochanges in the first place. You’re actually making the original problem worse by doing this…

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Horrible decision. I will say that when it first came out in tbc it was forgivable due to not knowing how the players would react. But knowing after years that it would be required to be a leatherworker if left in you guys fell flat on fixing the issue.

Because in 2007 parse culture wasn’t a thing(nor speedclearing), neither was the level of toxicity that the community shows.

I don’t think it has to do with individual players obsessing honestly, it’s the community that bash players for not doing something a specific way, we’ve seen it with world buffs in Classic, we saw it in Legion where you were bashed for using a nonmeta legendary, we see it now in Shadowlands where you’re bashed for not using the meta covenant. It’s the community that’s the problem, not individual perceptions/obsessions. Blizzard needs to fix the problem with the community with changes to drums and things like that, to slowly remove the cancer that’s seeped into the game slowly over the last decade.


Someone HAS to to add some extras and turn this into a TBC meme :rofl:!!!

The amount of time blizzard spends coming up with terrible ideas is astounding.


Yeah the showdown with Horde vs Alliance would be awesome.

The community has always been toxic. It was just a different meta of toxicity back in the day.

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Still a choice, if you or others want to be world first on boss kills then stop complaining and roll LW. I bet you will continue to complain to Blizzard about how unfair it is and your world will be destroyed by LW. Honestly, this is so funny to watch unfold over a game.

World first kill was around 15 years ago

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Your name says it all.

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Agreed, but it wasn’t publicly bashing players or entire guilds for something like “not not having a full raid of LWers”.

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Yeah it’s clearly the issue about trickle down community perception. It’s what lead to Mythic+ in retail being a mess with people forcing MDI comps and requirements that people used to push a 23 key for a 6 key… blacklisting specs and classes etc. It doesn’t matter how “casual” you are, things always trickle down from top level play and will effect you at some point. With the downsizing of raids from 40 to 25, you better believe if you want a spot over other people that someone being a LW with drums gives them a leg up over someone of the same class/spec who isn’t. It’s naïve to write off people’s anger for this non-change as just some top end sweaty people complaining about something they don’t have to do.


Right. Because you WILL feel you have to do it, or else be shunned/called a scrub/etc. Same garbage in retail (albeit worse)

Way to completely miss the mark blizz


Problem is, almost every guild under the sun wants to be the next Salad Bakers lol. So yeah, almost everyone is speed running or pretending to be speed running.


Not how I look at it. Drum rotations were a glaring design flaw that existed for exactly one expansion. Then it was never seen again. Correcting that would be better than releasing it live. Just like giving paladins both new seals is correcting a glaring design flaw, because that’s what that was, too.


You’re the biggest troll on this forum right now. NO ONE agrees with you.

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