Why gank lowbies?

So I’ve been taking advantage of the exp buff and levelling up alts, as one does.

I’ve noticed however, there’s an aggressively large amount of players (Alliance in particular, from what I’ve noticed) that seem to enjoy camping low level areas and ganking people while they level. Obviously found it frustrating, as I enjoy having WPvP on so I can get the 10% extra exp, and so I can pvp against players in my level range.

What is the purpose of camping low level areas and ganking lowbies?
From what I’ve seen in the forums so far, the only somewhat valid reason is RP, where people want to fight the opposing faction every chance they get. I can understand that to an extent, however camping and repeatedly killing the same low level players crosses a line between RP and being a garbage person, at least IMO.
Most people don’t even seem to give this kind of reason, defending their actions with the usual “If you don’t like it, turn off WM”. I feel like this is an incredibly problematic thing - WPvP has the potential to be a fantastic tool, and I love doing it at max level against other max levels, but ganking lowbies gives you literally no benefit - no honour, no experience, no honourable kills, etc.
To clarify, I fully understand the occasional kill - coming across a lowbie and killing them for kicks. I mean, it’s still kind of a dick move, but it’s far more reasonable than camping and repeatedly killing them.

Doing this I feel like just pushes people away from WM in general - the people that enjoy it, often learning classes at lower level and learning to pvp these new classes against people their level, have a good potential of maintaining that when they get to max level. Repeatedly ganking lowbies will just push players out of WM - many of which probably won’t return. That’s unfortunate, because I long for the days of old when there were actually big World pvp battles and raids.

The other thing I don’t understand, is why Blizz allows it, I’d love to know reasoning behind it. I can see the theory of it encouraging more World PvP via lowbies switching to high level toons (if they have them), or by asking for help from guildies or nearby players. I might be in the minority here, but my experiences haven’t matched up with this - almost every time has been a rogue or druid that immediately goes stealth and hides every time I show up with my main, only to pop out and gank my lowbie when i eventually swap back.

My anecdotes aside, what are reasons people lowbie gank?

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Don’t seem to be able to edit my post, but want to add in:

I don’t intend for this to turn in to trolling, and if this has already been posted I’d love a link so I can read over it!

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Paging Dr. Iilah… Please report to the forums…

edit: oh, you’re definitely going to get trolled. Hope you put your big boy pants on.


Yes? You rang?

Edit: sorry I’m busy.

In Ashenvale. Killin ur alts.


While lilah is in Ashenvale killing your alts ten times the number of horde are in duskwood and Redridge killing ours.


Sucks for them I guess.


Maybe. To me its fun. I play alliance for the target rich environment the zerg…err horde provide.


If you’re dumb enough as alliance to level up in duskwood with warmode on you get what you deserve, honestly.


I always level in duskwood and hellfire. Bring it on I say. If you don’t like fighting dont use warmode.


Side rant: how the hell did agent smith get cast as an elf in lord of the rings? Dude is nowhere near hot enough to be an elf.

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You’d totally smash… Don’t front…

I dont know he is a handsome dude.

Side tip: when my lowbies get ganged I just play out the scene from predator where Arnold’s like “go on kill me. Do eeet do eeet now.” Makes it fun and badass.


I’d smash Theoden before I’d smash Elrond, hands down.

What about bolg? He liked to gank in the woods too. Would be a beautiful pairing.

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I’d take on the entire army of the dead before I’d smash that.

Well hes an orc I think he smashes you.

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Plus I dont think you’d get much from the army of the dead. They are known for leaving people hanging.

I don’t know man, I’ve always seen Alliance being the one to zerg.

Just last night we were at Caverns of Time fighting Alliance, us 5 vs 6. We won, they brought 10, we wiped them again and we decided to make it a bit more even so we had 8 total, they brought 16, it eventually escalated to them bringing 23 vs our 8 lol.

Very ridiculous.


Isn’t the faction split like 70% horde now to 30% alliance? When i go to duskwood its usually me and a couple others vs 10+. Redridge is worse.


I always had a thing for the lady of the woods. Of course I hear she’s into dwarfs. :man_shrugging: