Why gank lowbies?

Then you aren’t paying attention, it’s called baiting out max levels.

Then you don’t play alliance enough.
Because before flying there would be massive horde raids sitting at alliance bases in zandi or camping the tortollon quest turn in in stormsong.
That’s just this xpac.

On top of I will come up on a wq and there will be just one horde low geared I leave them alone, then if any horde jump me you better believe that guy will jump too

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Because its Fun and if you enjoy the 10% bonus then leave it on and this has been discuss more than anything but three words can solve the problem. Turn It Off. Pvp Happened and you felt the need to write a Essay about it…

ewwwwwww this line stood out for me lolol dont want to sound like the worlds greatest detective but…

trololololol lol. someone who remembers the battles of old but cant wrap his head around why people gank.

NATURALLY id assume that if you were part of the"battles of old" you would know by now why people do the things they do

cause they can.

can we get some real honest trolls up in here please. This is probably some turd who ganked for a whole 30 mins last night and was wondering why he didnt get the reaction he was looking for. So he designed this thread.


This isn’t the game called Level in Peace with War Mode On it’s called World of Warcraft. That’s why they allow it to happen.

Take your ganking like a man and move on.


Yes :smiley: It was great fun! Then they beefed the stupid turtles up. >< Again, flying ruined war mode. #Itoadaso


You must think shooting fish in a barrel is fun too


you mean to tell me you didnt have fun sitting at an FP master in a 40 man raid killing people who probably werent even at their PC as their character flies down? :thinking: :thinking:

Loads of fun, just like the mice who they shove tubes in their brains connected to the pleasure centers they can activate with a button

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This is your mistake. The 10% is only there to make up for the time wasted getting ganked. If you think you level faster in war mode, you’re there for the wrong reason and should turn it off.


I’ll put money on every WPVP complainer’s name being Karen irl.


I just can’t wrap my head around people complaining about something they can literally fix by pushing a button.


Why not?..


If u want to find more alliance do that button thing people have been mentioning. They sit with wm off majority of the time while there brothers get slaughtered daily until a zerg guild throws something together in one zone for them. Lag it down and claim they win :man_shrugging:

I’m mean I guess take it where u can get it. Honesty u need to look and ask your side why horde dominates. We don’t really have more people. We just have people that keep wm on more.


But they do though. Yes a lot of alliance have WM off, but the majority of the max level players are horde.

Go turn off warmode in horde areas and they are still as crowded as warmode on


theres a button for that?


To be honest, I wish there were more incentive to engage in war and fight back on lowbies - but they have such little chance there’s not much reason to do anything but turn off War Mode for a while - or go elsewhere.

I think something to give lowbies at least a fighting chance versus max levels would lead to more PvP. At the very least, they’d have more time to cry for help before being hit for 200x their maximum HP.

Buuuut unfortunately, War Mode is only really for Max Level PvP, save for the very occasional skirmish you’ll get as a lowbie. I wish there were more incentive to PvP at all levels - the world feels very small when the only places you can get a proper battle going are max level zones. (World Defense being gone doesn’t help this either).

… All that said? I think the best fix would be to make it so the power gap between levelers and max-level players isn’t so completely insane. They could do this with a squish, but they won’t.

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So when im lvl 73 on my alt and im rolling like lvl players thats max lvl pvp? neato learn something new everyday…

ur free to turn off world pvp if you don’t like pvp, if you want to go against players your own level just use the BG, horde has way more pvp players anyways so i imagine leveling as alliance would be even worse (i play horde)

the occasional death isnt even a big deal, just go someplace else if someone is staying in that area killing people

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You make a good argument. But it really is the players choice whether to activate War Mode or not. Is the small bonus worth it?

Blizzard has no incentive to change anything. They canceled PVP Servers, and to be honest most were dead anyway. War Mode took it’s place and has been great fun. Blizzard wants you to get frustrated and boost, and again the choice is yours.

Good Luck.

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