Won’t lie, haven’t even bothered personally. I’ve only just returned since shadowlands and there is too many things to focus on to be honest.
It is. You are telling me you have time to post this much on the forums, but can’t log in for 5 minutes to just get the credit?
I am a collector as well. Nearly 600 mounts, 31k achievos. But this IS pointless and IS pointless to get upset if you don’t get it.
Now if we are talking scarab lord, I’d be hella upset. But it’s I logged in for a few minutes and carried a ball
Good news! There are still several more time slots, pacific time. Another one starts in an hour!
I doubt family time is 24/7 and you can’t break away for a few minutes to participate.
September 10, 6 pm | September 11, 3 am |
September 10, 10 pm | September 11, 7 am |
September 11, 2 am | September 11, 11 am |
September 11, 6 am | September 11, 3 pm |
yeah bcuz having fomo achiev availble for less than 24 hr w/o announce it is great design and should keep happning right?
I don’t get what’s great about the mount it looks like all the rest
Nowhere did I create an uproar.
It’s called a phone. Try it some time.
Not for me. I have a life. But thanks for being dismissive and gaslighting.
Today’s Secret Clue takes you into Karazhan …the raid…as I said on another post…I hate Karazhan…I always get lost in there…LOL
Just go left, then right, then left again, then upside down, and then you roll to see if you left or right again, and you’re at the end! Easy!
This won’t work for me…I have tried to use written down instructions…I still get lost…its like I am dyslexia with this place…now if there are pictures then I am fine…just something about Kar that I can’t work in my head…its the only Raid that does this too me.
I’ve been running it for so long I have it memorized. LOL
One of my guildmates is like that …I always try to get them to help me in Kar…but today they were not on…so I did it myself…took me over 3 hrs to figure it out…I am very dyslexia about that place…
Aww I’m sorry. Had I been around, I would have helped!
Incorrect use of fomo.
I never said that, but it’s also silly to get overly upset over missing nothing but a +1 fos with nothing tied to it.
I never said you were.
Have you heard of laptop? It’s great. 10/10 would recommend.
Implying others don’t and still manage to get it done?
And since you decided to imply I don’t have a life, I work a full time job. Managed to fix a broken pipe in my yard, clean the pool, knock out some dishes. Crank out some top tier ramen. Pet my dog.
But ya know, I don’t have a life. Im just a basement gremlin
Also to highlight this lovely bit.
I gave you 8, yes EIGHT, more time slots and the timezone. But you know, thats totally gaslighting.
Also pointing out the fact you have super important family time, but have time to type away on your phone on the wow forums. Make it make sense lol.
What is funny its the only place that does that too me…
Working as intended? At least according to Mediev.
Just tab’d back in to see you’ve been typing away for awhile. Just saying, that family time is getting away from you bud.
I don’t play video games while I’m with friends and family. Sorry. I can pick up my phone once in a while to make a quick message, though. Huge difference.
You do realize some of us have lives where gaming doesn’t occur when we’re outside or with family, right?
Implying my life doesn’t follow their schedule. Let me just call the hospital tomorrow and tell them I won’t be there.
Once again, showing ignorance towards other’s lives that don’t revolve around the game.
You’re just digging that joke deeper. I’m going to allow you to stop digging and just not reply anymore. I’d suggest doing the same.
Pick up phone. Put down phone to play games and talk and socialize like a normal person. Shocking, apparently.
Goodbye. You’re not worth picking up my phone again.
That’s not a quick message.
And if they are good friends and family, they won’t care if you have a laptop.
There isn’t much of a difference between typing away for hours on your phone and playing games on a laptop.
Sounds like a you problem then
If I know Im going to be gone awhile, I’ll take my laptop with me, because you never know.
And no, you don’t have to center your life around gaming, but it never hurts to be prepared.
They gave you a schedule to which you can pick a timeslot and plan around it if need be. Most don’t have to. And again, its 24 hours. You can’t find a single slot in any of those times?
I mean… If your family time is THAT important, I’d rather you not reply at all and spend it with them.
And that is being serious, not sarcastic.
Break out laptop for 5 minutes, check some emails. Log in real quick. Close. Go about your business. Shocking.
See again, it’s hard to take you serious with how passive aggressive you are and absolutely no self realization.
You can’t bring a laptop and open it right before you go to bed? You are stuck with the ‘around your family’ thing and aren’t thinking about literally anything else other than proving that silly point.
Tell the fam I said hi!
no u didnt u gave 4 . just becuz u use two timezones doesnt mean it magic goes from 4 to 8
I am not understanding this, can anyone help answer this?
I haven’t done any of the secrets stuff. It looks like these arcane things just spawn every 4 hours in Valdrakken.
Can I partcipate and get this without having done the other secrets stuff? Anyone know for sure?
September 10, 6 pm | September 11, 3 am |
September 10, 10 pm | September 11, 7 am |
September 11, 2 am | September 11, 11 am |
September 11, 6 am | September 11, 3 pm |
And? All your other arguments fell apart so you switch to a gotcha? Good job.