Why fomo achiev with secrest?

Ah… so I have to hope that when I’m done with Monday’s schedule of appointments, it’s still not finished being built to get the achievement?

Check the Wowhead link they provided. It has the remaining times the event will trigger. The last one is 6:00a PDT tomorrow.

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It’s a Feat of Strength achievement that some do care about. If you don’t care about those, fine. Others do. :dracthyr_shrug:


Depends how early you wake up! The next event times are tonight at 6pm PDT and 10pm PDT, then tomorrow morning at 2am DPT and 6am PDT.

Oof. Not sure that’s gonna happen. LOL Oh well.

What is DPT?..if you meant PDT you need to fix that.

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Probably a typo of PDT.

Did you do Kaz yet Sendryn?

What did Ryan do this time, that rascal!!?

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Quit with the damn buzzword spam when you have no idea what the word even means

i meant PDT, it was a typo but now i’m leaving it because i don’t like being told what i need to do :cowboy_hat_face:


Since I don’t know what that means, probably not! I’ve only got one part so far. Busy weekend.

I stopped trying to explain the difference between a psychological phenomenon and a limited time event a while ago. It doesn’t much sink in.

What does sunday have to do with it? It was a valid statement.
Or perhaps it’s a sunday, therefore we must qq about a feat of strength where nothing is lost or gained by earning it?

I understand, but you still don’t miss out on anything. Just the achievement worth 0 points.

"The Feat of Strength is SEPARATE from the Mimiron’s Jumpjets mount - Once the Empowered Forge is permanently active, you can craft the mount by following the previous steps of the secret at any time, but the Feat of Strength will no longer be obtainable by then.

You do not need to have done any steps on the Secrets of Azeroth event to obtain this FoS."

Wut wut?? Did I do something wrong? You’ve been super helpful. :slightly_frowning_face:

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I miss out on a Feat of Strength achievement. So yes, I am missing out on something.


haha no just joking with Moused :slight_smile:

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What exactly? There is no title or mount lose. No points earned or gained. It’s literally ‘I WAS THERE!’

I’d understand if you did lose out on a mount color or something, but it’s literally a throw away achievement.

… a Feat of Strength achievement. Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend? Are you purposely acting obtuse?


I am trying to understand the uproar over a worthless achievement.
Is it being mad at something just to be mad?

The mounts not going away. Secrets of azeroth aren’t going away. There is no title or any kind of lose by missing out.

So yes. I don’t understand.

As someone who farmed out the insane title, has 4 ksm mounts and all current aotc mounts… I do not understand the logic of being upset over an actual pointless achievement and a misplaced use of “fomo”.

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  1. It’s not uproar.
  2. It’s not worthless to those of us who enjoy having achievements because we were there.

I’ve been around since Vanilla. I have a bunch of FoS I enjoy having just because I was there. I’d like to have more. But clearly I won’t get this one. It is what it is. But it’s something I wish I could be there for and have in my log.