Why Flynn?

Just because she sang cutsie songs doesn’t mean she always acts like a scared child.

And obviously, she’s not Nisha. I never meant to imply she was.

I must’ve blocked that part out of my mind. I don’t even remember that lmao. I do remember him getting stuck in that barrel though. That always makes me giggle lmao.

After the barrel part when the boat shipwrecks and you find him enthralled by a siren and then you have to escort him TO freehold while he’s stumbling around, running circles, complaining that you’re not keeping up, etc.

The Horde may as well not exist anymore.

Y’all lost every war against us.

It’s time to give up and let us process out the Forsaken and Sin’dorei. Then the rest of the Horde may join a winning faction for once.

Is there even a valid reason for the Sin’dorei to be, well, Sin’dorei?

They have their sunwell back and surely Silvermoon should have been repaired by now, it’s been years.

WTF are they still complaining about?

Feel the same way about the Nightborne, too. I mean, we kicked their queen’s sorry little butt, got rid of the demon threat, and now their city is nice and safe.

I probably wasn’t clear. I not mean to imply you were mistaken. I was just trying to make the point of her being scared of the dark not being a stretch. It would have been more out of place had it been Nisha, but doesn’t strain my belief for Meerah.

I think they just overdid it a little with her, is all. /shrug


The real reason was stated in interviews. They want opportunities to get us to care about more side characters, both old and new.

We still don’t have a Trader Joe’s

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That’s like asking why we team up with Lilian Voss or Gazlowe in other quests later.

Trader Joe’s…?

You mean that “new” traveller token thing?

Pretty sure Exodar doesn’t have it either.

They aren’t allowed to be Quel’dorei anymore due to their Fel taint and nuking a bunch of Quel’dorei at Theramore.

*Shrug. *

Yeah. I feel that. I think Blizzard, and most Vulpera players, lean too hard into the uwu Vulpera. In-game lore they are pretty hardcore, folks just hyper-focus on the silly. Or maybe it just stands out more. I dunno.


My vulpera are basically Nisha, lol. I have a fury warrior and an enhance shaman.

I have a rogue too, but I’ve not played her as much. She’s not so much as silly as “you get a knife in the back that you never saw coming” type thing.

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you literally said that

you saidyou need a good reason to help them.
you are displaying a callous attitude towards an npc who is in dire need of your help. And your first question is “who the heck is this guy and why do I care?”
maybe the fact that he is bleeding to death, is poisoned, in the middle of enemy territory, and trying to flag you down for help.

What more do you need to know? That’s how you meet new people sometimes. You find them in the wild.
Go touch grass and you would know that. Stop contradicting yourself from one line to the next. You are just trolling.

There is no actual way anybody can be so dense as to be unable to read the quest or assess the situation and go “oh, they clearly need help or they will die”.
Why does this need explained to you?

you get exactly what my point is about, don’t be disingenuous about it. Nobody knows every quest giver. Did you need a reason to help any of them? Some of them were opposite faction and you had no idea who they were and still helped out.

So why is this any different? Why does thsi need explaind?

again, google is free.
And this is what happens when you join a game series 20 years later or missed out on several years. you should expect to be a bit lost and need to do a small bit of work to do some minor research to fill the gaps.
YOU took the risk of being lost, and you just can’t be honest about it.

IF I suddenly picked up the most recent expansion of FF14, I would be just as lost and wouldn’t come to the forums and cry about how I can’t be bothered to read or explore or research the game I paid to play…
It’s a very un-gamerlike attitude you both seem to have.

I was there and I still don’t remember Flynn. Forgettable characters are forgettable, who knew? But you also don’t see me getting enraged at being slightly lost.
I just opened up google and looked up flynn and what he had been up to and what I forgot or just never saw. It’s not going to kill me, clearly.

again, expect to be lost when you start a book series at the most recent entry…Books don’t explain like that because they expect you to have been there.
There is only so much hand-holding blizzard can do to get the story into your eyeballs.
You have to be willing to take the extra step.

But by the comments of both of you, you would rather have blizzard keep holding your hands and spoon feeding you every bit of information you want, even if it’s not really that big in the grand scheme…

you both come off as lazy, unmotivated, uneducated and unwilling to listen to logic or reason of any kind. I have nothing more to add.

You can choose to keep being lazy and not do some minor 15 seconds of searching…or you can get out there and actually play the game you paid for…or keep coming here and wasting everybody’s time.

I think it was done to specifically contrast with the Forsaken lad for some light-hearted ha ha humour lmao. I wouldn’t look too deep into it, it was probably just a one-off thing to poke fun at the character.


If you started FF14 brand new today, the game would teach you everything you need to know, and show you the entire storyline front to back.

Unless, of course, you bought a skip.

Fact is, researching the game ahead of time would do yourself a huge disservice in the form of spoilers. FF14 is a game best went into completely and utterly blind as possible as some of the plot twists are crazy good.


I know for a fact that isn’t true. They don’t really show you the story unless you seek it out. everything else is just the basic quests to level up. Played FF14 up until about a year ago.

and if i went in blind, I would expect to be blindsided.
Glad to see we can agree.


You did not play FF14 is that’s what you think.

You have to do THE ENTIRE MSQ FRONT TO BACK to unlock anything.

Unless you bought a skip like I said.

The only reason to NOT know the story is to skip cutscenes or not pay attention/not read the dialogue.

There are some minor side-stories that will add a little extra context to some minor events in the game’s main story, but these can safely be skipped and you’ll still have a clear understanding of what’s going on.


I can also tell you that is blatantly not true. Did you just…skip all the MSQ cutscenes? You would’ve had to go through the MSQ from scratch when starting out new. It is a requirement to get to the other expansions outside of buying a skip. What are you talking about?