Why Flynn?

Voss on the other hand is bound by adventurer-questgiver privilege and would never tell the horde anything she found out about alliance players.

If I remember correctly, the next expac is supposed to focus on the elven races coming together or some such. There was no way Tyrande would have ever allowed this with the Sin’dorei or the Shal’dorei. She has too much hate in her. She’s also had over ten thousand years to bear and cure that hate.

It should still be hard on the Horde elven races as well. Tyrande was not the only Alliance named character that pissed in their cereals, either. Jaina imprisoned Blood Elf mages after the Bell was stolen from Dalaran during Mists of Pandaria, along with the two camps facing of against each other in the Isle of Thunder.

So it could take until the half way point, or until the end of the patch cycle. There’s a lot to unpack and see what can be worked upon. Jaina might have to retire from the Kirin Tor. Well. What’s left of them. Tyrande might have to agree to never lead the Night Elves again. There’s not much that the Horde Elves would need to do in exchange.

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that or they just ignore any possible grievances that could halt their story, they do that a lot

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Tyrande did calm down a bit after the whole Night Warrior thing. Though I haven’t done the follow up quests so I don’t know if that stuck. Though given all that’s happened I could see her passing the torch to Shandris.

I thought she already did. She threw a tantrum at the start of legion and left Khadgar to lead the Kirin Tor. I assumed that counted as her resignation.

She just tried from their council or leadership, I thought. Then again, I don’t think Blizzard ever truly clarified her position. Probably still a member. I think they’ll ask that’s she’s removed entirely.

As for Tyrande she hasn’t lost her anger. You can still hear it in all of her voice lines during Dragonblight. At least to my ears.

Now then why Flyn? Because he’s a bumbling drunkard that’s good enough to get in, get info, but botch the job just enough so that the player character has to help him finish the job. At least in my opinion along with some others, I’d think.

Looks like it.

The mods really need to stop doing that.

Yes, he was. However the Alliance didn’t really do much in the way of questing when it came to Ratchet.

From vanilla to cataclysm, Ratchet, while technically a neutral Goblin town, was more aligned with the Horde, and most of the quests there couldn’t be done if you were Alliance. Almost all the guides you could find that helped players level never sent Alliance players to Ratchet.

There were still reasons why you’d go there, but you had next to no reason to interact with Gazlowe.

I had quests leading me there on both factions. idk what to tell ya,.

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I didn’t say there were no quests for Alliance that took you to Ratchet.

But I’m telling you that almost all Alliance levelling guides didn’t send you to Ratchet to do quests, and that 90% of the quests in Ratchet were only available to the Horde, which includes the majority of the quests involving Gazlowe.

So sure, we’ve ‘interacted with him’ as Alliance, in the same way we’ve interacted with Lilian Voss as Alliance, but they’re not really memorable to Alliance players, and why would they be? When the majority of their interactions with players are only available if you’re a Horde character.

I moved this myself. Too many terrible people and trolls on GD.

My entire point was that Flynn Fairwind being there, shows how egregious the Alliance bias was.

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You don’t have a point. Trying to claim that the presence of a random alliance NPC in an area full of random alliance and horde NPCs is evidence of “Alliance Bias” is absurd.


Logically it should have been Lillian Voss. She turns up in the next series of quests anyway and her exchange with The Weaver at the end was interesting.

Having rescued her instead of Fynn would have made her involvement less random.

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You ignore the Alliance bias throughout the expansion and the fact that Horde players never even met Flynn, so he’s more egregious. You main Alliance.


gee, if only this was because of Blizzard killing off horde characters and studiously refusing to build new ones up, which makes things like

and devs gushing about him in interviews and how they “had” to do him justice even more irritating when you look at how they’ve treated core horde characters. They certainly never cared about doing Baine/Vol’jin/Cairne’s character ‘justice’.

(they could write anyone to be involved for any reason they wanted to. They just didn’t want to)

People write what they like, and a lot of the present team seems to be Alliance players. The issue I think is the Horde has been used so poorly since… well… the game began… that few people they hire are passionate about it on a story level anymore. Most the interviewers wearing horde shirts tend to be systems and game play team members, not the quest writing and narrative teams.

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Gee, if Horde Players didn’t insist on their characters being “dark and edgy” then maybe they wouldn’t do evil crap that gets them killed off, ne?

“It’s the Horde Playerbase’s fault Golden/Danuser/Copeland have spent their tenure doing nothing but giving the Alliance love” is such a silly argument. You’re silly.


Hope you are all enjoying the faction neutral storyline the playerbase overwhelmingly asked for :grin:

So the Horde Players have the power to make the writers listen but not really because the characters die anyway?

I think it was more of a snarky comment about what people consider Horde Enough. Some what Thralls Horde, others want what is basically the WC 2 horde, got forsaken fans who love the Mad Scientist/Scourge aesthetic, others who just want to be good undead, etc.

I could also be wrong too. :dracthyr_nod: