Why few girls pick Horde

Sounds like you don’t know many girls on wow then, lmao

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Hmm… yeah maybe! My sister plays a male orc rogue and played male orc rogue before classic

Many women choose male avatars just to avoid harassment. Others may simply not care if men find their avatars attractive.

i wont play horde until i can be a blood elf. the rest are disgusting

Solid bait thread. 8/10.

What a cringe thread… :grimacing: :grimacing:

Who are you calling ugly, runt?

Female-bodied player here. I have twice as many tauren as human, and only one ugly male human.

If any race has it bad when it comes to there being absolutely zero faces to choose from that don’t look better hidden in a helm, it’s male dwarf. (What is up with them all having red or orange eyes, btw?)

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How is it that most of the gals I knew in Vanilla played Horde and very few played alliance?

Why is my experience so very different?

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Girls recognize his type and don’t out themselves to him.

g.i.r.l.s, on the other hand …

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Ah, he’s the guy always trying to get with the WoW girls… What an idiot…

Is some boring smelly male meme human trying to say that only troll girls are cute on the horde??

I’m dead sexy you dolt


I’m a girl and I don’t roll horde because I am a nice person. I also like to wear shoes and don’t want to live in a pile of mud and stand around scratching myself because I have fleas. Horde are gross and they like dead people and cow poop.


Why many guys play female gnomes with pink hair

[quote=“Vol-skeram, post:2, topic:385847, full:true”]
It’s just like real vanilla before BC came out, girls play Female Undead (Priests)
Lol… This is true for me.

Girl, you are drop dead gorgeous

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Orcses and Trollses doesn’t likes nasty cow poop and mud, and they doesn’t likes smelly undeads, not likes em at all, does they precious?

No, they doesn’t likes them at all.

Can i have your stuff?

You do know that the fore fathers were worse than any Epstien did right?

Yes, and? If I listed every man in history who’s ever been a pedo I’d be here all week. Epstein is a current event and therefore more relevant and got the point across.

I guess I should have focused on you generalizing all males as pedos.