Why few girls pick Horde

So now if you’re white knighting a girl you are comparable to a pedo? Awesome logic there!

" Though your beauty is unconventional tis unmatched in my eyes fair lady. Let me don overalls and fetch some hay, we shall live a life of pastoral bliss in your pasture touches brim of hat :cowboy_hat_face: "

Points for style. I haven’t laughed so hard in a while.


This was first suggested by a woman? Please scroll up and read first?
Thank you very much.

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And by continuing the assumption you agree. Logic is rough, I know.

I don’t know logic. Please teach me.

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Idk, I might be compared to a pedo for no reason… think i’ll play it safe.

So scary to see all the Jeffery Episton wannabes be out in force. Hide your self.

you literally play the most boring, unoriginal and ugly race

That’s a pretty funny statement right there.

A hairless male gnome ran past me in SW the other day and I’m not gonna lie, I was pretty creeped out. :flushed:

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K. Wonder what it’s like to be an Epstien closet fanboy like yourself? Plz, tell us.

He was such a cutie. To bad I am too old for his tastes. He liked them young and only with 16 teeth.

Guess you might fit the later part.

Imagine being attracted to a pedo and then calling everyone you can a pedo :woman_shrugging:t2: Have fun on your vacation!

Lol you crazy boi. If you get offended that easy. Maybe you should back off and grow a pair.

Stop attacking people to make yourself feel better. Also pedos are easy to spot. Glad you called yourself out. Hope you enjoy a vacation. I will throw a party whenever you get back.

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Now you’re calling ME a pedo lmao. That’s 3 people now and none of em had anything to so with any form of anything sexual much less minors. Good luck on the ban tho. And GL filing false reports too while you’re getting flagged for sexual harrasment.

The only thing I have in common with him is that I didn’t kill myself.

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Are you serious?

I hope he is.

It’s unfortunate that all kiddie diddlers don’t share the same fate. :woman_shrugging:t4:

The crazy is out tonight. Clearly stop calling people names. Told you I was not a pedo but that’s where you went. Then you start harassing me. You sure need to grow up.