Why F R E S H is the way to go for BC

TBC economy is ruined if they don’t do a fresh TBC. Allowing classic characters to TBC is the worst way of handling it. Private server players preach ‘‘F R E S H’’ because we’ve been around the block, we know what works, what doesn’t. I understand the whole wanting to continue with your og characters but the negatives out weigh the positives by a landslide if you allow transfers. Fresh is the only logical decision.


If blizzard don’t make servers a complete fresh start the economy in TBC is going to be completely and utterly broken. The game was not designed with our modern play style in mind.
Every man and his dog is going to be on a epic flying mount within minutes of dinging 70.
Imagine this.
You have a raid team prepared for TBC. They all stack their gold on one person,copy it over trade the gold back on classic to another toon. Rinse and repeat 40-80 times.
Gold instantly becomes completely worthless or blows out the price of things to a point where people who didn’t do it can’t buy anything.


No, if we get ‘fresh’, which I do agree with, that most definitely will not be the result. If we get to carry over our characters, many Alliance despite knowing the wpvp situation is not in their favour will stick with it to avoid losing all the gold/gear/60 levels on multiple characters.

Massive amounts of time.

We start fresh, pvp servers are 99-1 Horde, guaranteed. Nobody’s going to look at this, realize Horde racials get even better in arena, realize Horde gank squads will now have flight and be impossible to escape, and realize the entire population is going to be stuffed into the same zones- and even considering going Alliance on a pvp server.

How? Do something they’ve never done and make it so you can’t roll Horde if a server’s imbalanced? End up with millions of players complaining they can’t roll the faction they find ‘aesthetically pleasing’ (at least until WoD when suddenly they all found humans the only aethetically pleasing race in the game)- they won’t do that.

And even if they tried to, it’d just cause players to not play.

Aside from balancing the world, balancing maps like AV and balancing racials there’s nothing that will even make a dent in faction balance, and Blizz isn’t going to make sweeping changes to undo old Horde favouritism.


They’ll most likely force you to fully migrate to TBC if you so choose. Imagine it more like a server change would work, so you’re going to have to choose one or the other.

That isn’t to say the economies won’t be broken- but they’re going to be broken regardless. Our classic economies are already broken, what’s a TBC server going to change?

Frankly, I’d prefer fresh servers myself, but I don’t see it as very likely. However, they’re also not going to force players to go to TBC, the whole ‘classic museum piece’ thing makes no sense if they’re just going to get rid of classic.

So, full server xfers to TBC servers is basically the most likely possibility. It’d be nice if we had a mix of those, and another group of servers that are fresh only that don’t have arena/BG/xfer capabilities with the servers full of geared 60s sitting on thousands of gold.

But we’ve already seen what splitting NA in half does to queues, and that’d split it into three- a classic vanilla group, a TBC continuation group, and a TBC fresh group (or, 6 as the NA split would stay most likely).

Really? Having characters copy over with no gold and only soulbound/class items would ruin the economy? I’m not seeing it. Fresh meme has no place in TBC. Maybe 1% of the playerbase wants to level in classic zones for the 100th time.


Vote for the 58s so we can change our class.
Make it a once off 58!

Leave classic in classic


It actleast gives it a fighting chance without it being busted out the gate. Going into the game even with a few thousand gold literally breaks it.


lol big true. rekt.

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Go ahead and keep crying, but I’m quite confident that the vast majority is looking for a fresh experience.


That group of private server players may be snobbish, but they know what they’re talking about in this case. Fresh realms have a special magic to them.

Nobody is established. Everyone is starting from scratch. The possibilities are endless. There’s a sense of shared experience that you don’t get on old servers.


PVP servers and horde queues are going to be so broken. I don’t even see the point of playing on a pvp server in TBC. You can’t fault anyone for not wanting the short end of the stick. The end result will speak for itself about how “balanced” and “great” TBC is going to be.


I’m fine with either way but if they allow character copy then they need to limit the amount of gold and items that is transferred over otherwise the economy is going to be a nightmare.


You already lose all your work when your epics you spent 12 months acquiring are replaced with quest greens. If they release it again, with no option to stay on classic, naxx will be ignored again by the majority of the playerbase.

Everything else doesn’t matter. Leveling professions isn’t that big of a deal, leveling to max isn’t that big of deal. What else is “work” besides PVP rank, farming gear and your gold stash?

No matter what they do, they need fresh servers. Maybe make level 58 starting servers for the people who want to transfer(or copy, whatever they choose to do), and the level 1 starting servers are fresh only, no transfers for 60 days, or at all. So an new community can be built on that server.

I certainly wouldn’t want to transfer or be forced to move my current character to TBC, but I would definitely roll fresh on TBC.


Not a bad idea, honestly.

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I agree and I never played private. :man_shrugging:


Oh yeah, like it worked out well, the first time.

You can do this anytime.

You can experience this “rush”, in Outlands.

I’m not missing out on anything. There’s still helpful levelers out there.

The Community is still there. They don’t need to be “forced” to do, anything.

I’m not against fresh BC servers. Just not for the reasons you gave. Personally, I’m more in favor of this idea:


Fresh level 1s? Dodge me with that. If the BC client is separate than classic start us at 58, or else you are just playing classic again for 2 weeks.


To be fair, it worked better for the most part than say, current Incendius.

Server balance is the last thing on anyone’s mind, when they’re too busy trying to hit 70, first.

I don’t think that’s a good thing and is exactly why it should have limits to control it.

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