Why "Evoker"?

Just like every other magic class. Any magic class has a power source, and they all evoke that power. I evoke the power of the Twisting Nether all the time lol

I think both would be ok, and I would be fine with both.

In fact, the class could be called “Aspectral”. That would be descriptive and specific enough for a hero class.

The class part is the “doing funny dragon things” part lol

funny thing you guys mention Final Fantasy, if you actually pick the japanese class names, Dragoon is actually Dragonknight.

I was about to go “nobody mentioned final fantasy” when I did a quick search to check and I saw that someone had indeed mentioned final fantasy.

For what it’s worth, I’ve never played any Final Fantasies and I had no idea it had a “Dragoon” class (I still don’t know for sure, I’m deducing it from context here lol)

Honestly I’m less inclined to support the name “Dragoon” now, so I’m changing my preferred term to “Dragonsworn” lol


The idea of evoking was sort of explained in the Evoker intro - to a Dracthyr, they don’t ‘cast spells’… using their power, to them, is as natural as breathing. You can almost think of them as a classless race, with the entire Evoker class as their racial ability. They hone their powers, amplify their powers, specialize their powers through practice (or learning at an academy)… but to my knowledge every Dracthyr is capable and able to invoke to some degree, like every person is capable of breathing.

As to the other “evokers” from the games history, yes, that’s just a fancy term for a mage. Case of same word having different meanings.

Right, because you spontaneously decided to use a completely unrelated concept that most people only learn about in military history courses to describe a fantasy class that does exactly nothing that the historical use of that term would evoke.

Or alternately you played a game owned by SqE that was released a quarter century ago that never got a sequel and it left such a strong impression on you that you remembered it 20 years later while also never playing any of the other games owned by that company that also used the term for their class that, again, does not function in any way in either IP like Evoker.

Do I have your assertion correct?

And this term precludes dracthyr (or anyone else, I’m not going to judge) from swearing off dragons like the Sundered Flames did.

I know the word “Dragoon” from Magma Dragoon, a character from Megaman X4 lol

He is a dragon man robot that does Hadoukens.


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Well, that wouldn’t make any sense at all, since “Aspectral” is an adjective, not a noun. You could say, “The Aspectral Class” or “The Aspectral-powered Class” but that would border on British-level comedic ridiculousness.

Truly,we really don’t know where magic comes from as a mage ,but it doesn’t come from the Titans maybe from Aseroth herself.

Mages use the arcane energies around them, most notably the leylines, leylines are well, lines of arcane energy that exist in everything.

Mages use arcane magic, which is Order magic, and the Titans are the “gods of Order”, so I don’t know if it’s accurate to call it “power from the titans” (Azeroth is a titan though).

Either the Arcane comes from the Titans, or it’s a power that the Titans rule over. So the Arcane is either the power from the Titans, or the power of the Titans lol

We really don’t know if she is a Titan or maybe something we never encountered before.
Besides they rewritten the chronical so much we can’t tell whose truth to relay on.

Had they been goofy looking gymnasts, I woulda rolled one.

I think it’s pretty safe that she is a Titan.


There are plenty of references to her being a Titan in-game (the “Final Titan”, even).

Final could be a ending,besides we were as of now never ordered into being and use of powers were never given at birth ,it was learned,if it were so as an evoker then it is handed down from dragon to evoker from the Titans ,but you will have to ask where did they get it.

They are draconic evokers. I do agree though, something more in-line with the fact all their abilities emulate dragon aspect powers would have been cooler.

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Should have just been dracthry.

They are also kind of a pain to level, I found them to be super squishy.

Fiddles with a Rubick’s cube

I mean yeah, that’s instant bis.

Close but dont have the same ring.