Why Even Have PTR

If you refuse to even fix bugs?

Your developers perform worse than unpaid people running hobby private servers :skull:


Why the need to insult the devs?

PTR helps them identify the bugs, I doubt there are many bugs being talking about that they don’t know of already. At the end of the day this is likely to be a financial/management issue rather than a dev issue. Devs don’t like launching broken products.


They insult themselves by releasing unfinished content in a rerelease of a game.


Feel sorry for the devs, it is clear the release window is being forced on them.


It’s a rerelease on a different game client, so work is still required to relaunch this. Its not like they can just copy and paste the old code lol.

Regardless of that, blizzard as a company insults themselves perhaps but the devs do great work.

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why didnt they fix them then loool


“The release window”

The one they’ve had the entirety of WotLK to work on? :skull:

It’s literally a hobby pserver recreation of Cata, but somehow manages to perform worse with billions of dollars.


Simple answer is not enough devs or not enough time.


Simple answer is they want people to move on from Classic and are doing as little as possible to support it.

They were not even sure of cata happening until midway through wotlk.

But during that time they have to work on releasing the wrath patches as they come, on top of multiple phases of SOD content, on top of Hardcore release, on top of hardcore ssf.


This may be true of the company, but not the devs, the devs are passionate about it.


Yes, as soon as WOTLK launched the stopped doing maintenance for WOTLK and classic era, halted SOD development and moved on to Cata Classic development fulltime.

That’s a lie. They announced it then, that’s not when they started working on it. And halfway through WotLK is still a year of time to release a hobby pserver version of Cata :skull:

Thats not the devs decision, thats a management decision. They don’t want people to anything other than spend money, they will do whatever they think is going to be profitable.

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It’s truth until proven a lie, which you cannot do.

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They are paid over six figures to make a hobby pserver recreation of Cata work and they couldn’t even do that :skull:

Management made the call to release Cata. The devs made the call to not fix ANY of the bugs reported in PTR lol

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You don’t know how development works, thats very clear to me lol

My graduate degree is in Computer Science and I work as a programmer, cope more

In that case your responses are even more baffling. Surely you know what triage is.

At least they fixed some of the bugs. Imagine if it had launched in the state it was when the PTR first went up…hoo boy that would’ve been a sight

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