Why Even Have PTR

What did they triage?

There are bugs that literally break the game for communication in an MMO, which was reported on PTR, and they’ve had PLENTY of time to write less than 30 lines of code to make it work in the prepatch…that isn’t triage…that’s just them ignoring fixing bugs.


That’s one specific bug that wasn’t fixed yes, and its listed as a high priority fix on known issues. If its a 30 lines of code fix that takes 5 minutes, they could have fixed it in the time that it took someone to write a known issues list.

If it wasn’t fixed immediately and they knew it was an important thing to fix, clearly its more than a quick fix.

This suggests to me that they have not had the time or the resources they needed to launch in a better state, which is a project management issue.

Or the players.

In theory beta peeps work for the common good. Here is something off blizzard, fix it maybe.

In reality,…

People find bugs. If beneficial they tell no One. That little gem is the ace up the sleeve for official release day. Easy gold, easy level, easy kills in pvp. Lots of reasons to stay silent for some.

Or they run what they care about. I did not test worgen quest. I know from retail I don’t like them. NOr goblins. If issues are. there I’d not know. I didn’t touch the stuff.

You really are simping hard for the company that’s currently giving all players a giant middle finger in Classic.

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Simping hard for the company that I have criticised multiple times in my replies to you? Lol. Sure buddy.

If I am simping for anybody its for the devs, the humans doing the work. I don’t think Cataclysm should have launched with bugs, I’ve been clear about that. But I think its a management issue and not an issue with the skill of the devs.


The same devs that ignore players and simp for streamers? Because they sure post a lot on Twitter to be working hard on the game

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He’s right though. I’ve been on pservers that run much better than this. This kind of release is unacceptable. I can’t even level my worgen because my level 3 immolate quest is bugged. I trained immolate and its not in my spellbook. So now I can’t progress any further. Why is it acceptable to release a game in a state that is literally unplayable?


because blizzards slogan “blizzard quality” went out the window years ago.

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It’s not acceptable, I specifically said I don’t think it should have released like this. My issue was the attack on the devs when the rush release is more likely to be based on management/financials. The person fixing your immolate quest will have no say in the release date.

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not to downplay the issue, but you can write a /cast Immolate macro in order to get past the issue until it’s fixed

Because you are saying things you have no way of proving. I don’t care who is at fault. It needs to be fixed asap. Now they are saying they are resetting the servers tomorrow. Why not tonight!? So now we have to wait a full day to play the game.

Probably because the game is at least in a mostly playable state and they don’t want to take it down for the people who are playing while they work on writing the code fixes in the background?

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Hi Williamferal,

I totally get where you’re coming from with the frustration on the bug issues in Cataclysm Classic. It’s really disappointing when the game doesn’t seem to live up to what we know it can be, especially when we see hobby servers seemingly outperforming the official ones.

That said, I think it’s important to consider a few points about the development process at a large company like Blizzard compared to smaller, private servers. Firstly, the scale and complexity of official servers are way beyond that of most private servers, which can naturally lead to unexpected bugs that are less common in smaller setups.

Another big factor is the corporate environment. Developers often have to adhere to strict deadlines set by higher-ups, which can sometimes result in a product being pushed out before all bugs are thoroughly ironed out. This isn’t ideal, but it’s a reality in many large-scale operations where timing and market demands heavily influence release schedules.

PTRs are meant to mitigate these issues by allowing us, the players, to help identify these bugs before the full release. They’re a crucial step in the development cycle meant to improve the game’s stability and playability. Sure, it might seem at times like they’re not as effective as they should be, but they do play a significant role in shaping the final product.

It’s frustrating, but the developers are often doing what they can within the constraints they’re given. As fellow players, the best thing we can do is continue to report bugs and provide constructive feedback, hoping it leads to better iterations in the future.

Hang in there, and let’s keep pushing for a better Cata experience!

ChatGPT 4


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Anyone watch Game Grumps? At the end of their Sonic Boom playthrough they poked fun at the “quality assurance” team. Then someone from that team contacted them and made a very good point: “actually, we did our jobs, and were either ignored or promptly told to shut up.”

Let’s at least blame the right people here. Software developers don’t call the shots. That’s on the supervisors and managers. A trend that’s been running through the industry for years, and Acti-Blizz in particular.


Don’t be mad a AI generated response provided sound logic.

Software developers do indeed call the shots on workflow for bug fixes…

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Directors and coordinators, sure. But the people combing code, nah. Probably not.

Your workplace sounds pretty good then. Where do I sign?

No…that’s not how that works. Software devs do this. They get together, list bugs, list prio, then assign the code monkeys to specific tasks from that list. DEVELOPER is literally in their title…

It isn’t anyone on the business side that deals with bug fixes…it’s the people who, you know, are actually hired to find and fix bugs…the software devs.