Why even fate LFR raids? M+ makes LFR useless

a +3 takes you 30 minutes. And trust me, they so easy that everyone who can do a dungeon can do a +3. Even if you don’t care about the timer.

Please tell me you’re kidding. I’m begging, please tell me you’re kidding.

In the rare, off shot you’re not, doing a +3 would be a total joke in comparison to actually doing LFR.

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It’s not just about social anxiety. It may be for some people, but I’d say for most it’s about commitment. Joining premades has some commitment attached, like feeling you need to see the group through or go at other peoples’ paces. Joining LFR means you can just zone in or leave at any time. If you have a busy life or things that can pull you away from your computer, it’s hard to commit to something knowing you may end up needing to go and let people down.

Plus, the convenience of a queue and waiting for your time to zone in while doing other things in the background makes it way easier for people with busy lives. I, personally, will work in the background while waiting on queues to pop. Really helps me manage my time and I know that the time I do devote to WoW is actually playing it and not searching/chatting to find activities.


And LFR is, much, much, much more forgiving on players making mistakes, far more than M+.

Doesn’t seem too wild to me. Just because it’s technically a raid doesn’t mean it’s necessarily more demanding of the individual player, which M+ is, even on lower keys.

Ever been subjected to a DoS +5 with two people who have no idea how the portals work? Doesn’t matter how overgeared everyone else is. In LFR though… you can have 5 dps who are straight up killed in the first 10 seconds and still win (for most, not all fights).

May try the Fated raids. May not. These last two expansions just not feeling.

Hoping with the Fated Raids, some Mucinex drops.

The sad thing is, this isn’t even a made up response to such a thing.

I don’t think you’ll be able to do that in S4. A +5 drops a 272 from the final boss, which means for people to accept you into PuGs you’d need a 262 or higher item level. Any lower, especially a tank or healer, and you have the very real possibility of not timing it or the group falling apart and wasting 30+ minutes of everyone’s time.

Get key in Oribos, start your own groups.

Trust me, you’ll find 270+ players want you key +5 or below.

Or run all the raids on a M0 for 262’s then jump into M+, honestly gearing has never been easier or faster.

I don’t have any problem with getting into groups. I’ve a 271 item level Resto Druid that I run. I’m saying, my rule for PuGs are no more than 10 item levels below what drops at the end of the dungeon. If it’s guildies or someone I know has a regular character that does higher keys, then I’ll make an exception.

This is both always and never true.

personal not happy about change not include fated lfr in to ahive i feel like it’s slap to face keep doing every xpack now… Ie Ahead of curve ahive and mythic raid only mount drops.
People think easy start a group and have stick together whole thing… that is 1% that happening way people act now of days…
Or people buying raid runs… makes people weaker now of handling one wipe.

The same reason people who can’t sing can join a choir but not a boy band.

The Sanctum of Domination raid sets for cloth, leather and plate have the best looking colors in LFR (in my opinion), so if queues are shorter than currently, it will be great for transmog collecting

No Cosmic Crusader title either :rofl: Since cosmic flux, flush whatever it’s called is the only thing that a boss, or trash mob is guaranteed to drop. And why no cypher currency drops in raid mode Gizzard?