Why even fate LFR raids? M+ makes LFR useless

But, again, those folks are also people who will be affected by this.

I am thinking of everyone who may be affected. Not just people who choose to not do it.

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Oh well that’s reassuring. I’m bummed about it being normal+ only, but I still want that slimy friend. I guess I can slam my head against the wall for a few weeks.

I’ve starting g using LFR for some of me Alts. Yes, sometimes my friends and I carry each other’s Alts in low Mythics but I’m learning a few new specs so I go into LFR. Gets me some gear and let’s me practice in the chaos. Lol.

When I started learning to tank with friends they killed everything so quickly that I was having trouble getting a handle on what I was doing.

Leave LFR alone. If some people want to do it, then let them. It doesn’t hurt you in anyway. Many of these people may also have trouble being invited to Mythics because experienced players with gear tend to get picked first. You know, I need to run Mythics to get gear but I need gear to get into Mythics. That kind of thing.

I’ll do fated on normal and heroic but l don’t mind how other people play and get gear.

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I don’t think of everyone cause it would be impossible to please everyone. The game needs to choose a direction, either make content for guild and communities to do. Or make content for solo players to do and not socialize. I hated the garrison, which helped a lot of people who prob had health issues or anxiety issues cause they could just stay there and do almost everything. I loved classic wow re launch (because i got a good server Grob) the community aspect was amazing to me, the time think was so so just because im a adult. So any change that will make guilds want to do runs together is a plus in my book. I know for a fact that if it was in LFR my guild would not do events together and everyone would just do LFR while watching anime and not paying attention or communicating.

Well thats why there are mythic zeros, and +2 so people can do them to get gear so they can do higher mythic.

Oh look another hatred of lfr and those of us who do it post cause there totally isn’t a whole lot of those around.

And I don’t disagree but when we’ve looked for and extra person in a low key, there are LOTS of people.

I will often pick someone lower end or middle when I’m practicing tanking but I suspect most people looking for fast runs pick what seems strongest.

You aren’t wrong. There are lots of options for people, but it isn’t as easy as queue, run and loot. That’s all I’m saying.

Let people play and have fun and get the occasional cool cosmetic.

So people can see the content. You know, the purpose of LFR.

I thought people didn’t care about rewards…?

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Therein lies the conundrum, though, no? They haven’t done that. And it ends up affecting their entire playerbase.

I think, indeed, if they had laid it out, cut and dried, “This is only what we focus on”, in terms of what they set out in the game itself, it would be different. But… they have not done that. :confused:

Yea, i think they are just afraid of upsetting one group over the other. But be nice if they laid out what direction they want to go.

Is almost like Blizzard want people to do m+ and raids :thinking:

Agreed. It would certainly settle some of the hackles being raised.

But… maybe they like the drama? The keruffle? It keeps people talking. It keeps streamers going from one side to another, making ridiculous faces and such.

Well as long as there are wow players, there will be drama with wow lol we will never be satisfied.

Dividing the playerbase in this way is intentional. Having masses of elitist players attacking people who do LFR means nobody’s asking the hard questions about why we don’t have more information about the Dragonflight gameplay loop this late in the development cycle.

I think they’re planning on eliminating LFR. There are still too many of the wrong players playing the game, and they intend to fix that.

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Im pretty sure a mythic 0 drops a 265

I am quoting this, in order to find a place later, to post it in the alpha forum, if you’d like me to.

Eliminating lfr wont achieve what they think it will. It will do the complete opposite and us lfr users will just not bother with raids until we can solo it and blizzard will be right back to the situation that had them create lfr to begin with.
Only less than 1 percent seeing the inside of raids and the resources being wasted on that.

A 0 and +2 drop 262, a +3 drops the 265 which is equal to a fated LFR

Okay try hard elitist, not everyone has the skill or time for that.

The concept in the title has been true for the game since the introduction of M+ for the most part and especially so throughout BFA and SL. M+ completely invalidates raiding for the most part, and with tier being upgradeable from PvP and M+, it’s better to actually grab tier from those sources unless mythic raiding.

It’s unfortunate.

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