Why even fate LFR raids? M+ makes LFR useless

Can’t do LFR for mount

LFR only drops 265 when fated

You know what else drops 265? A +3 dungeon. And a M+3 is going to be faster, meaning you can do more of them. And they are available all the time. AND if you do one, you can get a 278 guaranteed on Tuesday in your vault.

If you want to do normal mode for the mount, M+ will be your best gearing path. a +5 drops a 272 and gives a 281 in the vault. Anything +2 to +5 is very easy, and you can likely find high geared players in the queue for a free carry as they like to get valor.

No wonder the queue times for LFR is insanely long, there’s no reason to waste your time in it anymore. It doesn’t offer rewards and you can get gear at a much higher rate from M+


No achievement for it either, so they probably don’t expect anyone to do it.

Because people complain if they have to look for a group without the option for a random queue.


Easy is relative.
Yes 2-5 is easy if your sitting in 265+ ilvl.

M+ has no queue. It should, at least for low difficulty levels. Queues help with social anxiety. Many LFR Raiders do not run Mythic+ at any level.


Uh, what? You can do +5’s with the 226 gear sold in ZM.

I don’t raid at all, but am I right in understanding that if you join in a pug group you are locked into that group?

As a general statement, M+ has always made LFR useless.


yet people wont be able to gear because the only play style they choose to do is LFR and world quest.


You dont get the dinar currency doing mplus though.

Blizz: “bUt MUH eSpOrTs!!” :rofl:

What if it’s not just choosing, but more along the lines of that is something they physically can only do? I’m thinking along the lines of health issues here, but could also be time issues due to work/life/caretaking/etc.

Limiting players to something that was going to be a giveaway anyways, AND that they edited info about later, is… well…


You can do a plus 5 in 180ilvl gear. I dont get your point

Blizz always been sus and causing emotional damage with the questionable story arcs and villans. But if someone has physical or health restrictions im not talking about them. Im talking about the people who willingly choose to just do WQ over m+ and then complain about gear.

If RL is in the way, then focus on RL, i dont want to sound mean but WoW is def not for everyone. Everyone can play it but not everyone can do everything on it, hell I can’t im just a filthy casual now and i love it. No stress no raid schedules no promises to keep. Just log in do M+ maybe apply to a pug raid see how it goes.

You could afk half the dungeon in a +2 and still time at 252 ilvl.


As someone already stated, many people don’t do Mythic+ at all. Their end game is LFR. Not everyone has to play like you do, Avabella rofl

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you realize the exact same argument could be made for normal and heroic raiding, right?

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But, they are included in that subset as well, no, for being unable to get the mount?

If we are talking about folks with health problems, well, that’s not entirely true, is it?

Reference this:

not necessarily people with health problems, more like people with a family that don’t have time to play or their jobs take them away from being able to play, that type. Realistically anyone can play wow and achieve almost anything in WoW if they put the time and research into it.

The only difficulty that locks you out of other groups is mythic. Normal and Heroic you can join as many groups as you want and join on any boss.

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